Montana Grizzly Bear Attack
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 6 months ago
Early Tuesday morning (July 6), a bear attacked and killed a woman while she was camping in western Montana. Local authorities are still searching for the animal.
The attack took place near Ovando, about 70 miles (112 kilometers) northwest of the state capital Helena, according to KGVO News. A statement from Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (FWP) noted that, prior to the attack, a video camera at a local business caught footage of the animal, which appeared to be a grizzly bear. Grizzlies are common to Ovando and the surrounding Blackfoot Valley, according to the statement.
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The bear initially passed by their campsite about a half-hour earlier, waking the campers and prompting them to secure their food before going back to bed.
“The bear basically came back into the campsite. It wandered into a campsite a couple different times,” Powell County Sheriff Gavin Roselles told The Associated Press.
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It’s not clear why the bear sought out the campsite or attacked Lokan, but Tuesday’s attack does not represent “normal bear behavior,” Lemon said. “Usually, human and bear conflicts stem from bears protecting food, female bears protecting cubs or surprise encounters that result in the bear feeling threatened and attacking the person. … Going into a campground and attacking a person is not a natural instinct.”
I think he needs to update his psychological profile of bear behavior. This video was a juvenile bear attack in California.
On July 12, 2021 at 9:04 am, Fred said:
So a predator cased a location then came back and killed a lady and “officials” are baffled? Um, well, uh, oh.
Also bears don’t wake people up when they walk by. In fact, if a bear doesn’t want you to know it’s there in broad daylight with everyone awake, you won’t. Seems like a pretty cleaver animal to me, waking them to test their readiness, oh sorry, I mean “wandering.”
On July 12, 2021 at 9:10 am, Fred said:
Also I should have mentioned, for research purposes of course, that NO caliber of weapon was used. Eh, it’s probably nothing.