Charleston, S.C., Shows Their Dislike Of Open Carry
BY Herschel Smith
You all know that S.C. recently passed permitted open carry, soon to take effect in S.C. Well, that’s just not good enough for the controllers in Charleston.
CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCBD) – The City of Charleston is making some changes to a few city ordinances regarding firearms as South Carolina’s new Open Carry with Training Act goes into effect on August 15th.
Monday, the Public Safety Committee voted to restrict open carry at all city permitted events. That includes, but is not limited to, parades, concerts, fairs, festivals, and, demonstrations. The act gives local municipalities the authority to implement such restrictions while staying within legal boundaries.
“We wanted to apply it across the board,” said Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg.
The restrictions are all in the name of public safety, according to City Councilman Peter Shahid.
“Those who come to watch a parade, we want this to be a very safe operation and for those who are participating in a parade, we want them to be safe,” said Shahid.
Charleston Police Chief Luther Reynolds stated that he’s in support of the restrictions.
“I think it’s the right thing for all the right reasons,” said Chief Reynolds.
But of course you do. Public safety. Forget that those same guns could be carried concealed, and forget that you wouldn’t know the difference, or that the carriers may not be permitted.
But … but … for the children! Public safety.
On July 21, 2021 at 6:11 am, Matt said:
I also guarantee you that these same idiotic tyrants want us to believe that any enforcer that would violently uphold said prohibitions is one of the good guys, too.
On July 21, 2021 at 8:35 am, Fred said:
“the Public Safety Committee”
I see your problem. Joseph Stalin lives on in the hearts of commies everywhere.