GOA On Surreptitious Gun Control Efforts
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 5 months ago
Appropriations contained within H.R. 4502 and H.R. 4505 are at odds with the Bill of Rights. The House of Representatives has no business appropriating funds for programs that directly infringe on the right to keep and bear arms. Gun licensing, so-called “red flag” gun confiscation orders (GCOs), and gun buybacks have nothing to do with “State and Local Justice Assistance” and have everything to do with undermining the Bill of Rights. Further, it appears this legislation goes out of its way to stigmatize mental illness. H.R. 4505 appropriates $100,000,000 to bribe states to upgrade “mental health records” in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) using the gun control laws known as the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 and the Fix NICS Act of 2018. In conjunction with the unabashed inclusion of the Schumer Amendment—which prohibits ATF from removing records from NICS even if individuals are adjudicated “not […] likely to act in a manner dangerous to public safety”—this effort will certainly lead to more innocent Americans losing their gun rights.
The controllers never sleep. Ecclesiastes 9:3, Jeremiah 17:9.
On July 31, 2021 at 7:41 am, Fred said:
I’ve been digging Ecclesiastes lately. Chapters 8 and up are incredible scripture. 8:11 in context.
On August 1, 2021 at 6:39 pm, JB said:
The comminists will never stop. For all effective purposes communists cant be retrained, reeducated, neutered, or defanged. The only way to stop the forword momentum of communism is to kill them all and keep killing them. Destroy their factories, publishers, books, idols, manuals, and them – everything. Yes I know this flies in the face of much of what was written by our nations founders, but I am quite sure if the authors of the constitution returned to life today they would as why we took so long to destroy communism to ashes.