Like I Said, That Horse Has Already Left The Barn
BY Herschel Smith
Via Ken’s place, USPS rejects mandatory Vax.
Various media outlets have reported that the White House is considering mandatory COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of employment for federal employees. Maintaining the health and safety of our members is of paramount importance. While the APWU leadership continues to encourage postal workers to voluntarily get vaccinated, it is not the role of the federal government to mandate vaccinations for the employees we represent.
Issues related to vaccinations and testing for COVID-19 in the workplace must be negotiated with the APWU. At this time the APWU opposes the mandating of COVID-19 vaccinations in relation to U.S. postal workers.
Ha! That’s nothing. The USPS?
Just wait until they try to make it mandatory for nurses and health care providers. Folks, I have to tell you. Nurses everywhere reject it. They don’t want it. They’re willing to walk out over it.
You want to see all the hospitals shut down because there’s no one there to care for you?
That horse already left the barn a long time ago. They’re panicking now. This was a done deal months and months ago.
I know.
Most people who are willing to take the #ClotShot have already taken it. It’s over.
On August 3, 2021 at 12:01 am, Don said:
Nobody talks about the fact that it next to impossible to fire a government employee. What’s going to happen when one refuses the clotshot? Send him home with pay?
On August 3, 2021 at 2:49 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “Just wait until they try to make it mandatory for nurses and health care providers. Folks, I have to tell you. Nurses everywhere reject it. They don’t want it. They’re willing to walk out over it.”
“You want to see all the hospitals shut down because there’s no one there to care for you?”
It is germane to note that crippling a nation’s healthcare system is preparation of the physical and mental battlespace for subsequent rounds in this war communist China refuses to declare. If stage two, three, etc. are waiting in the wings, i.e. more and more-lethal pathogens and “plandemics,” and if the medical-scientific machinery which usually copes with epidemics and pandemics has already been crippled, who’s going to care for all of those sick people now that the doctors, nurses, paramedics, epidemiologists, pathologists, etc. are now on the sidelines?
On August 3, 2021 at 2:50 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Part II
In other words, why does this feel like a carefully-constructed trap?
On August 3, 2021 at 6:37 am, Wes said:
@ GAboy61 Yep, as in “roll that beautiful bean foo… er, roll that archived overflowing ICU footage.”
On August 3, 2021 at 8:34 am, ragman said:
Doctors, nurses, and PAs have been essentially worthless by not treating the scamdemic. Try getting a prescription for Ivermectin or the Hydroxy cocktail. Almost impossible! So I order mine on the ‘net and it arrived from India in about 3 weeks. It’s all about the money and control. Now our elites have a big problem. Upwards of 150 million Americans are saying “no thanks” to the Zombie Juice. We’re in the beginning of the coercion phase. No jab=no movies, sportsball, travel, restaurants, &TC. When this fails, as it inevitably will, the next phase could very well be violence. Coming to your house and physically removing you to a “medical facility” for the jab. It’s going to get very interesting, sports fans!
On August 3, 2021 at 8:57 am, Frank Clarke said:
When I wrote “Tipping Point” (, it was centered around ‘gun confiscation’. It seems I suffered a catastrophic failure of the imagination…
On August 3, 2021 at 11:44 am, BAP45 said:
Places are getting around making it mandatory by saying you don’t have to get it but then have to submit to constant nose swabs. So they can’t get sued for forcing their employees/students but are making it so unpleasant not to get it that most just give in.
On August 3, 2021 at 3:56 pm, dad29 said:
The two largest hospital chains in Michigan declared “Vax or out!!” two weeks ago. The three largest chains in Wisconsin did the same in the last 7 days. We think the 4th will fall this week.
There will be a lot of “help wanted” ads, but no one will apply.
There will also be a march on the Capitol building in Madison very soon.
This will be fun to watch, because it is NOT just RN’s and other staffers. It’s the MD’s, too.
On August 4, 2021 at 8:36 am, penses said:
Things change fast in a totalitarian system. A year ago they were heroes on the front line; being allowed to go to grocery stores while the general public had to wait in line; receiving “combat pay” and bonuses for violating the Constitutional rights of 300 million people. While basking in the “glory” of a fake war on a fake pandemic they lost sight of the #1 rule of medicine: do no harm. Now they are expendable zeros because the doctors didn’t care about the pandemic patients in the first place and that lack of humanity has been extended to their employees. The same doctors that along with Big Pharma constructed an opioid epidemic killing thousands and destroying the lives of millions. Merely a practice run on what is happening today only on a global scale.
On August 4, 2021 at 9:39 am, penses said:
You can get it locally. The Joan of Arc of cattle futures explains the necessary “procedures” to remain below the radar.
On August 5, 2021 at 12:14 pm, GI-had Joe said:
Kaiser Permanente just mandated all employees must be vaccinated by Oct. 1. Good thing I don’t work for those commie pricks any longer.