As If You Needed Any More Indication That The U.S. Military Is Utterly Broken
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 5 months ago
Via Michael Yon, Stars and Stripes.
WASHINGTON — The Navy could include service photos in promotion packages again after data suggested minorities are less likely to be selected blindly in some situations by promotion review boards, the service’s chief of personnel said Tuesday.
Diversity among leadership dropped after photos were removed last year from Navy promotion packages, Vice Adm. John Nowell said during a panel discussion on diversity and inclusion at the Navy League’s Sea-Air-Space conference.
“I think we should consider reinstating photos in selection boards,” he said. “We look at, for instance, the one-star board over the last five years, and we can show you where, as you look at diversity, it went down with photos removed.”
Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper directed all services in July 2020 to eliminate photos from promotion and selection boards to support diversity in the ranks. But Nowell said adding them back could do more to build a more diverse leadership force.
“It’s a meritocracy, we’re only going to pick the best of the best, but we’re very clear with our language to boards that we want them to consider diversity across all areas,” he said. “Therefore … I think having a clear picture just makes it easier.”
This guy is a professional liar. Anyone who can say a proposition in the first clause of a sentence, and then deny it in the second clause without so much as a flinch or hint of embarrassment, is good at his job, which is lying.
I’ve said it months or even years ago. If there are any patriots left in the U.S. military, get out. Actually, it may be too late now. If you don’t want to deal with this, or don’t choose to take an untested jab for a disease that isn’t all that deadly, or don’t wish to waste your life on an unnecessary war designed to benefit only the corporations and bankers, you may have to settle for a general discharge now. I’m sorry. That will haunt you the rest of your life.
I told you long ago to get out.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world laughs.
On August 9, 2021 at 12:46 am, scott s. said:
Back in my day, they went to full-length photos so they could weed out the fat boys. Maybe now fat is a diverse quality. There was also a “precept” to the selection board from SecNav with respect to career paths of female and minority officers.
On August 9, 2021 at 3:39 am, Show Me said:
“you may have to settle for a general discharge now. I’m sorry. That will haunt you the rest of your life.”
That’s been the case in the past, for sure, but it’s likely to be decreasingly so from this point forward. Just as a college degree is becoming decreasingly valuable; as an awkward parallel.
People are likely to look more closely at the circumstances, knowing the political environment (and general societal degradation) it occurred in.
On August 9, 2021 at 9:48 am, The Old Freedom Fighter said:
Don’t worry about the general discharge. It’s not going to mean a damn thing after the entire system collapses. For many, it’s now the FUSA, any way. Just get out & prepare for the inevitable. Keep in mind your life belongs to you & you alone. The elite want you dead by any means, the jab, war, famine, etc. Fight back & survive!
On August 9, 2021 at 11:02 am, I R A Darth Aggie said:
Let me see if I have this right: they pulled photos from the promotion packets and allowed the candidates to be viewed solely on the basis of their record, and it was found that minorities weren’t as likely to be promoted?
That suggests they were already over-promoted. Getting out now would be a very good suggestion, as the rot has set in very deeply.
On August 10, 2021 at 9:57 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Vis-a-vis joining or remaining in the armed forces, do as your morals, conscience and intellect guide you to do, but bear the following in mind….
Forcing traditional Americans out of the military may be – probably is – part of the long-term strategy of the communists for flipping the armed forces from being one of the most-traditional and conservative institutions in America into the “red” column.
Economists speak of “the bad money driving out the good,” and the same effect applies to people and institutions: The bad people drive out the good. We’ve certainly seen this over the last thirty years or so dating back to the Clinton-era purges of Navy-Marine Corps aviation following the Vegas “Tail-hook” fiasco.
In the wake of that incident, de facto star-chamber proceedings ended the careers of some of the finest naval aviators (all USN & USMC pilots are by custom “naval aviators” since the sea service handles aviation training for the Corps) in the armed forces, men with years of irreplaceable operational and combat experience.
And why? Because a party got out of hand and some women’s feelings were hurt. What did these females expect to find in the armed forces – milquetoast soy-boys afraid of their own shadows? Guys who drink tea with their little fingers extended delicately and who shyly say “please” and “thank-you” all the time?
The kind of men who win wars tend to be rough around the edges and then some… in fact, any smart commanding officer knows that if his guys don’t bust up a bar or cause some mayhem once in a while, there’s probably a morale or other problem in his unit. Elite fighting men use rough language, and they do rough things. They “break things and kill people…” It’s just the way it is. If the snowflakes can’t handle it, what on earth are they doing there in the first place?
Legendary Marine Lt. General Lewis B. “Chesty” Puller was famous for any number of statements he made over his long and storied career, but one of the most-memorable was his quip when inspecting a unit of Marine grunts, “Take me to the brig, I want to see the real Marines!”
At the individual level, it is perfectly understandable that traditional upstanding and moral Americans who have been in the armed forces, or are considering being in them – would be repelled by the march of Cultural Marxism now taking place. But viewed from a wider perspective, no one ever won a battle, cultural or military or otherwise, by retreating.
By leaving the field in such numbers so quickly, all that is being done is nailing the coffin door shut on whatever admittedly slim chances remain of saving the institution for the traditional American cause.
That’s not good news, since once the military is full-blown communist, they’ll do the bidding of their communist overlords and masters – and that’s when things will really get ugly.
Traditional Americans who persist in believing that “our military would never betray us,” need to pull their heads out of the sand and get real. The best-case scenario at this point is that some portion of the armed forces – yet to be determined – would remain loyal to their oaths and the republic of the founders. Those in denial had best get their heads on straight pronto, because the rest will do as they are ordered to do, come what may.
The bad news doesn’t end there -not yet – because if events should accelerate out-of-control, and the armed forces split along partisan or other lines, then it becomes possible, even probable, that the communists will request international help – which means communist Chinese and/or U.N. forces (or both) on our soil as “peacekeepers” or some such.