Sounds Like A Suicide Cult, Yes?
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 5 months ago
In recent decades it has often been said that we are living at the “hinge of history”, an unprecedented period during which a catastrophic event such as rapid climate change, nuclear war or the release of a synthesised pathogen may bring an end to human and perhaps all sentient life on the planet.
Most people think that such extinction would be bad, in fact one of the worst things that could happen. It’s plausible that the process leading to various forms of extinction, and extinction itself, would be bad for many of us, given that our lives are, overall, good for us and that, all else being equal, the longer they are the better. But it’s also plausible that extinction would be good for some individuals – those in the final stages of an agonising terminal illness, for example, whose pain can no longer be controlled by drugs. This means one key factor in judging the overall value of non-extinction will involve weighing these disparate interests against each other.
With the current Covidians ruling the roost, the willing followership of the lemmings, and this sort of claptrap, does anyone get the feeling we’re in Jonestown awaiting a mass suicide?
I won’t go along with it, but it seems that Western society is sick unto death.
Via David Codrea.
On August 13, 2021 at 7:09 am, Longbow said:
The common residents of Jonestown were unarmed. They surrendered to hopelessness. Hopelessness leads to suicide. Suicide is murder.
I will henceforth use the term Covidiots.
On August 13, 2021 at 7:58 am, Fred said:
When Jesus rose from the dead He proved that in Him is the power of life and life eternal. God is life. There is no life outside of Holy God. All cults have at least 2 things in common, they deny the deity of Christ and therefore they accept the spirit of antichrist which is death.
All cults are death cults.
On August 13, 2021 at 8:41 am, Frank Clarke said:
Well, doesn’t it really depend on what FLAVOR the Kool-Aid is? ;-)
On August 13, 2021 at 9:49 am, Sisu said:
Herschel, You may have missed the best part –
“Ultimately, I [Roger Crisp, Author] am not claiming that extinction would be good; only that, since it might be, we should devote a lot more attention to thinking about the value of extinction than we have to date.”
The rub (HT The Bard): the author has several titles that signify his superior brain including “professor of moral philosophy at the University of Oxford”.
Me thinks he should get a “real job”, maybe a “love interest” (assuming he’s a “he” preferably a woman with whom he can develop an understanding of ‘la la différence’; might help him with his existential angst), or lead by example “self-extinguish” and get back to the living with his thoughts when he is able.
On August 13, 2021 at 1:45 pm, I R A Darth Aggie said:
Avoid the almond flavored kool-aide?
On August 13, 2021 at 5:31 pm, another Jim said:
Extinction is hard.
A 99,9% kill would have 7 million survivors.
As all the easy oil, iron ore, copper, and tin have been mined, it would be a challenge to maintain an iron or bronze based society. scavenging materials from the dead cities would be the primary source of iron and copper.
Practice your flint knapping.
On August 13, 2021 at 6:29 pm, Ohio Guy said:
Death (the physical body) is the natural cycle of life. Why fear that? We all know that our minds (spirit) is pure energy which can neither be created or destroyed. It just is. So what, if this world line ends in some horrible way. At this point in the game, It’s pretty much out of our hands, individually. And we,ve pretty much shown how we affect any change collectively. Let’s all just live the best life we can in the here and now, help who needs helpin’ and kill who needs a killin’.