“We’re Not Going To Investigate Something That’s Not A Crime”
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 5 months ago
News and views from South Carolina.
“For the law-abiding Concealed Weapon Permit owner, today is a very significant day because they can decide whether they want to carry open or concealed,” said Kershaw County Sheriff Lee Boan.
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As valid CWP owners choose to open carry, Sheriff Boan is making sure his officers and dispatch personnel are trained to respond.
“When you get that call that somebody’s walking down the road or parking lot or something openly carrying a firearm, that’s not a crime. That’s not a crime,” said Boan. “We’re not going to investigate something that’s not a crime.”
Has he been reading TCJ? Because that sounds like something I’ve said many times before. Yes, I’m sure of it. Many times.
Good on him. Instruct your 911 operators to ask the right questions: “Is he brandishing a weapon or is it holstered?” “Is he threatening anyone with a weapon?” “No, we won’t send a patrol to respond. He isn’t breaking any laws. Open carry is legal in South Carolina. Good bye.”
This is the best way to save time and avoid wasteful encounters.
On August 17, 2021 at 3:42 pm, snuffy said:
Yeah, saying it now and (not) doing it later are two different things. If you’ve ever watched any of those 1st amendment audits on y–tube, almost every time, the cops show up when they get a call about someone taking video from a public sidewalk. And the money quote is, “we got a call and we had to come check it out, do you have ID”? 90% of the cops don’t know the law, don’t know where the property lines are, and 50% of them are itching to arrest you for something, and 25% of them would like to shoot you. For example, ..https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M0eqw6eaqhM
On August 17, 2021 at 3:55 pm, Pat Hines said:
The only time I wanted to open carry was when I was carrying in the summer and my T-shirt was the only thing between my skin and the rather substandard inside waistband holster I used back then. I now have much better holsters (from AlienGear) so no problem these days.
Otherwise, I don’t carry openly, unless I have my rifle.
On August 18, 2021 at 6:30 am, Wes said:
An example of an astute dispatch operator, having said before that they are critical in mitigating issues & educating the public about open-carry. There was a call last night that local PD went on. Homeowner had potential burgler actually “treed” on his roof, pistol in one hand, phone in the other. Officer heading there trying to get a picture of who was doing what asked, “so the victim is on the roof of the house?”
The dispatcher (of same county crew well-versed in open-carry issues) said:
“No, the SUSPECT (emphasis theirs) is on the roof, victim reporting party is on the ground in front of THEIR HOME with their firearm, which they’ll set down when you arrive.”
Home owner safe, no one shot. Disoriented roof climber, a walk-off from VA, referred back over to Human Services for help. Everyone survives & they can go back to taking reports about gas drive-offs.
Words matter.