Ted Cruz Succeeds In Blocking “For The People” Act
BY Herschel Smith
WASHINGTON, D.C., USA — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) blocked Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s (D-New York) 3 a.m. attempt (CST) to pass Democrats’ voting rights legislation.
Schumer attempted to pass the voting rights legislation via unanimous consent immediately after the Senate passed a $3.5 trillion budget resolution following 15 hours of amendment votes.
“This bill would constitute a federal government takeover of elections. It would constitute a massive power grab by Democrats,” Cruz said.
The roughly 15-minute back-and-forth between Cruz and Schumer effectively killed a weeks-long effort by Texas Democrats to force a vote on the “For the People Act.” The measure would touch virtually every aspect of the electoral process, curbing the influence of big money in politics, limiting the partisan considerations in the drawing of congressional districts and expanding options for casting a ballot, according to The Associated Press.
Every day that goes by further exonerates my choice for vote during the primaries and further shows Trump to have been a weak ineffective, confused, befuddled, and rudderless leader.
On August 17, 2021 at 11:29 pm, Archer said:
Cruz was my #1 pick in the primaries, too. Trump wasn’t even on my list.
A lot of folks in my circle back then were excited by Trump. I told them all the same thing: Trump is not a moral man. I can’t support him in good conscience when there are moral and godly alternatives.
I voted for Trump in the general election, but only because the alternative was even worse. A more correct description is that I didn’t vote “for Trump” so much as I voted “against Hillary.”
On August 18, 2021 at 7:37 am, Fred said:
US elections were already nationalized by use of voting machines. Please tell me that the right isn’t pretending that voting still matters. Thanks to Cruz the commies will have to continue to rig the machines state by state and somehow that will save us.
VOAT Harder!!! Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha.
On August 18, 2021 at 8:46 am, Herschel Smith said:
“US elections were already nationalized by use of voting machines.”
Eh, not completely. Enough to matter in the hand-selected states, but that can be undone. That’s exactly what this is about. The attempt to prevent undoing it by the bill, and Cruz’s block of that attempt.
“Please tell me that the right isn’t pretending that voting still matters. Thanks to Cruz the commies will have to continue to rig the machines state by state and somehow that will save us.”
I don’t know what “the right” pretends or thinks, and so I wouldn’t presume to tell you anything about that.
I suppose that Jeremiah could have complained to God when He told him to preach DESPITE the fact that no one would listen. God has His reasons (presumably for purposes of hardening of hearts, piling up judgment, faithfulness of His preachers whether they saw the results or not, etc., etc., etc.).
Voting people into office isn’t a good analogy except to say that casting a vote for men who will abide by Biblical principles is a good thing, and voting for men who will enact the chaos of satan is a bad thing.
As for the issue of “epistemic certainty,” or “epistemic rest,” those are more complicated issues the discussion of which would take us far afield.
I have certainty that exp(-0.693) = 0.5, and that ln(2) = 0.693. I think I will always be able to trust this is the case because the laws of mathematics are a function of God’s thinking which is immutable.
I have no certainty in the actions of man. As for salvation (‘save us’) that is only a function of the sacrifice of the Son of God to appease the wrath of the Father. So I’m not sure I see a connection with voting, but if you do you could elucidate.
I have noticed several sorts of people. There is the sort that relies on politics to ‘save’ mankind, not acknowledging that men needn’t be saved if there is no God to whom we answer. Yet, this position is usually held by men who are atheists. Pointing out their self-referential incoherence usually redounds to confused looks and retorts.
There is a group who believes that politics will them safe. This group doesn’t understand the sovereignty of God and how He uses trials in the life of His people. So they are theologically confused. I am well-trained; I am not in this group.
There is the group who believes that the world belongs to the prince of darkness, and that God will snatch His people out before any real trial comes their way. This comes from Darby, and is focused on keeping American Christians dumb, fat and happy. The fact that the Christian church in Mesopotamia was slaughtered by the millions after the fall of Iraq doesn’t register on their scale of stuff that should concern them, because for some oddball reason, Americans are different and more loved by God than the rest of the world. This group is composed of premillennial dispensationalists. I am not in that group.
Then there is the group that sees voting and politics like it sees farming or engineering or medicine or finance like it sees everyday work in all other areas and fields. It is all to be done to the glory of God, and the Almighty is responsible for the affects of those actions, not me. It is my responsibility to do good because I am loved by the Father, not in order to be saved. This group is comprised by Christian reconstructionists (and I suppose a few others). I am in this group.
Then finally there is the group who sits back on the sidelines and lets others do good while they point out the fruitlessness of said actions. This group is in danger of being the stumbling block discussed by Jesus and Paul. More vividly, I liken this group to the zoo monkeys flinging their feces at passersby.
Thanks for the interesting conversation on epistemic warrant and causation this morning. I have to work now.
On August 18, 2021 at 9:17 am, Fred said:
I love your premil/dis description. Heh.
On August 18, 2021 at 10:30 am, Longbow said:
Ted Cruz was a dual Canadian/US citizen when he ran for President last time. He claimed he didn’t know it.
Dual citizenship should not count for “Natural Born”.
On August 18, 2021 at 10:45 am, Herschel Smith said:
I’m glad you enjoyed the reign of Trump, Barr, Comey, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Wray, and McCabe.
On August 18, 2021 at 11:28 am, IA Brooks said:
Trump was at best a dilettante. I will hope that he was just that, but there are darker theories. I didn’t vote for him in 2016, but I did in 2020, because the alternative was just ridiculous (and show himself more ridiculous as he goes on).
On August 18, 2021 at 12:41 pm, George 1 said:
I applaud what Cruz and only a very few other Congress critters are trying to do. It is certainly a great shame that there are only a few trying to stop the totalitarians.
If Cruz had been nominated and won in 2016, I believe the cabal would have set upon him as well. I do think he would have picked better Supreme Court Justices. He couldn’t have done any worse.