Religious Exemption To Mandatory Covid Vaccination

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 7 months ago

I authored this paper for an individual who wishes that the name be removed.  The name has been redacted from the copy provided here.

In order to assist the reader with a framework for understanding this paper, it should first be emphasized that it is written from a very specific theological perspective.  The necessary presuppositions are outlined at the beginning.

It could of course be objected that there may be other (what I am calling “committed Christians”) who do not hold one or more of the views expressed here.  The intent is not to engage a theological debate.  I could very well do that, but it is best left to another occasion.

Presuppositions are axiomatic irreducibles.  They are the necessary starting points for discourse, not the subject of proof.  For more on that, see Alvin Plantinga, Gordon Clark, Greg Bahnsen, John Frame and others, or any basic course in logic.  As I’ve explained in the paper, if one holds different presuppositions, he will [necessarily] come to different conclusions.

That doesn’t mean that presuppositions are arbitrary.  Some are properly basic and foundational, and they are always subject to interrogation for whether they can be successfully used to build a coherent world and life view, whether they can be shown to be logically compatible, and whether they are existentially pleasing and answer man’s basic questions about life.  None of that occurs in this paper.  That’s not its design.  That’s best left to another occasion for readers interested enough to return.

The conclusions in this paper might find a welcome home with, say, Doug Wilson’s church in Moscow, ID, or Apologia in Mesa, AZ, or John MacAuthur’s church in Sun Valley, California.  On the other hand, they might evoke laughter in the National Cathedral.  I am as settled with the potential willing acceptance as I am the laughter of Hyenas.  It doesn’t matter to me any more than the price of eggs in Siberia.

This paper will be meaningless to some readers.  It might assist others.  That’s up the reader.

Warning up front: I am attaching at PDF of the paper here (Religious_Exemption_Modified).  It has the full list of footnotes and references (36 in all).  I’ve included footnotes by copy/paste below, but I regret the way WordPress incorporates them.  If you wish to read what I consider to be a “cleaner” document, download the PDF.

Thus the paper begins.

Religious Exemption from Forced Vaccination

[name redacted]

Basis and Preliminaries

The presuppositions behind this position statement follow: [a] The Holy Scriptures are inerrant in the Autographa (αὐτόγραφος), and protected in transmission by God’s wise providence, [b] The Holy Scriptures has many authors but one singular author, God Himself, as the authors were inspired by the Holy Spirit, [c] The Holy Scriptures are internally coherent and logical in all of its parts, and does not contradict itself, [d] God has given mankind all we need to make ethical judgments that comport with His will for our lives,[1] and [e] The Holy Scriptures are perspicuous and clear enough to make ethical judgments.  We cannot issue a Linux ‘grep’ command to interrogate God’s knowledge on a particular subject, for such a script would never end in our lifetimes and God has not subjected Himself to His creatures in such a manner.  God has not given us comprehensive knowledge of Himself or the world, nevertheless, everything necessary for obedience has been properly cataloged for us,[2] or by “good and necessary consequence” may be deduced from the Holy Scriptures.[3]  Finally, it is sinful and abhorrent to God to dishonor lawful oaths and vows.[4]  Differences in presuppositions will lead to different conclusions than outlined herein.  My presuppositions are my own, and I am entitled to them and in fact theologically bound by them.

The Biblical View of Abortion

The testimony of the Holy Scriptures is uniformly that life begins at conception.  In Psalm 139:13-18, David speaks of himself using first person, present tense pronouns.  As an example of the legal protections afforded the unborn, we may cite Exodus 21:22-25.  Psalm 51:5 and Jeremiah 1:5 assign a moral status to the unborn child, something that can only obtain upon the presupposition of ontological unity of body and soul.  Luke 1:15, 41 and 44 notes that John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit in utero.

This pattern is seen throughout Scripture where those in the womb are commonly referred to by the same language used of persons already born.[5]  These citations are sufficient to explain the fact that, Biblically considered, life begins at conception, but this list is not all-inclusive and these aren’t the only passages or references that could be produced.[6]

The Testimony of the Church on Abortion

The only historically consistent position against abortion has come from classical Christianity.  Various writings of the early church contain references to abortion, always in a tone of condemnation.  The Didache, Epistle of Barnabas, Apocalypse of Peter, the Council of Elvira, The Council of Chalcedon, and the Council of Ancyra condemn abortion and infanticide as murder.  Additionally, condemnation of abortion is seen in the writings of various theologians and church fathers, including Clement of Alexandria, Athenagoras, Tertullian, Minucius Felix, Hippolytus, Cyprian, Methodius of Olympus, Ambrose, Jerome, Crysostom and Augustine.[7]

In contrast, the NIH has attempted to address the issue of the ethical considerations of taking the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, but in language reminiscent of John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism rather than the Holy Scriptures.[8]  The NIH hasn’t even come close to developing a full-orbed discussion of ethics necessary for the committed Christian (and wisely didn’t attempt such a project, leaving their analysis vacuous, based on secular views and utterly void of religious considerations).

The Sources of the SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines

This data is based on multiple references, some of which will be supplied herein. [[9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22], [23]]

  1. Pfizer and BioNTech – The Pfizer Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  2. Moderna – The Moderna Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is cited by the vaccine researchers Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Darin K. Edwards, and Sarah R. Leist.
  3. Johnson & Johnson – The J&J Vaccine has publicly admitted to using a cell line called PER.C6. This is published on the Janssen website. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute.
  4. Sputnik V – The Sputnik V Vaccine cites their manufacturers as using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293.
  5. AstraZeneca – AstraZeneca was developed using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is also contained in documents permitting its emergency use in the United Kingdom.
  6. Vaxart – Vaxart was produced with the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  7. Altimmune – The Altimmune vaccine was produced and developed with the abortion-derived cell line PER.C6. This information is recorded by Altimmune’s own Clinical Trial Protocol. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute.
  8. COVAXX and United Biomedical – COVAXX was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  9. Medicago – The Medicago Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  10. Novavax – The Novavax Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by researchers at ScienceMag.
  11. University of Pittsburgh “PittCoVacc” – PittCoVacc was produced with the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by EBioMedicine at the Lancet.
  12. Walter Reed Army Institute – The Walter Reed Vaccine was produced with the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  13. Sanofi Pasteur and Translate Bio – The Sanofi Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the vaccine researchers at NPJ Vaccines.
  14. Inovio Pharmeceuticals – The Inovio Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by researchers at ScienceMag.
  15. Arcturus Therapeutics – The Arcturus Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  16. Imperial College London – The Imperial College Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  17. Providence Therapeutics – The Providence Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  18. CoronaVac – CoronoVac was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by researchers at ScienceMag.
  19. CanSino Biologics – The CanSino Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by researches at BioSpace.
  20. ImmunityBio and NantKwest – The ImmunityBio Vaccine was developed, produced, and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
  21. Institut Pasteur and Themis and Merck – The Institut Pasteur Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
  22. Rega Institute, KU Leuven – The Rega Vaccine protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Global Virus Network.
  23. Anhui Zhifei – The Anhui Zhifei Vaccine was developed and protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cell Press Journal.
  24. Clover Biopharmeceuticals – The Clover Vaccine was protein tested using the abortion-derived cell line HEK-293. This information is enumerated by the Lozier Institute. This information is recorded by the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

Various writers have attempted to address this ethical issue for the committed Christian by pointing out that it is highly unlikely that the cells from aborted babies end up in the vaccines themselves, that it was the “immortalized cell lines” that were used in the development of the vaccines. [[24], [25]]

The church has for more than 2000 years held that life begins at conception.  This isn’t the first time we’ve faced issues with euthanasia.  Abortifacients (chemical agents) were in use during the days of the Greek empire, as well as the Roman empire at the time of Christ.

A simple denial that the cells from aborted babies were used to develop the vaccine isn’t sufficient, and the suggestion that it would be so is virtually insulting to committed Christians.  What they are calling the “immortalized cell lines” wouldn’t exist if not for the original cell lines from the aborted baby.

These considerations are determinative, insurmountable and final for the committed Christian.  Religious commitment does, after all, still exist in America, as the CEO of Houston’s largest hospital system recently learned when he fired 150 nurses for refusal to take the SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, incorrectly expecting that he could quickly find more.  Doubtless, some of these nurses refused because of religious reasons.  To his dismay, his hospital is now so burdened that it cannot properly function.[26]

To the committed Christian, her religious views are not an “add-on” or an iPhone “App” for additional information.  They are a world and life view.

Oaths, Vows and Informed Consent

Christian theologian and philosopher R. J. Rushdoony has stated “For Christians, healing, i.e., medical practice, is a religious practice and salvific activity. This means that medicine is a priestly vocation and calling. For this reason, historically the church has fought for the sanctity of the confessional. What is confessed to a pastor . . . (holds true) of all communications between a patient and a doctor; it is a form of confession for the purpose of healing. The doctor is God’s agent in process, and the communication is privileged.”[27]  Continuing this line of thought, he observes,

“Salvation in the Bible means literally health, health of life in relation to God, and also health of body, since the body is God’s creation. The biblical fruits of medical practice are in the Levitical ministry. The relation between patient and Pastor or Dr. is immune from man’s controls and intervention, because it is a facet of God’s ministry to man’s total life.”[28]

“Primum non nocere” isn’t a punch line or catch phrase to be taught in school.  To the committed Christian, it is a religious commitment, an expectation of the Almighty.

The knowing and intentional administration of unnecessary or potentially harmful medicines, vaccines or treatments isn’t just an error or an incident to be considered in morbidity and mortality conferences.

It is a sin.

Even the NIH has gone on record stating that there is a risk of ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) from administration of the SARS-CoV-2 vaccines.[29]  If this URL becomes “disappeared” from the web, there is an archived version.[30]

And yet, on how many occasions have doctors, the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies explained this risk to patients?  Even the NIH, who sponsored the study on “Informed Consent,” has ignored its own counsel on the subject.  But there is indication that ADE may indeed be a problem with variants of the virus, [[31], [32]] and epidemiologists have now begun to admit that no one knows the long term effects of the vaccines.[33]  No one knows the long term effects for a very simply reason – there is no such thing as long term for vaccines that have been available for a year.  Monte Carlo and Las Vegas are inappropriate models for patient care, especially in the absence of proper informed consent.

With such risks being explained, this is more than merely something for medical professionals to consider as it relates to their own behavior.  It is something to consider for the individual who is considering the vaccine, as well as for corporations who attempt to force the vaccine on their workers.

In short, this is more than a medical issue.  This is a religious issue for reasons of lawful oaths and vows (WCF XXII), the practice of medicine seen as a ministry, and personal consideration for taking the vaccine.  For the committed Christian, self-immolation and self-harm is a sin.  For the committed Christian, enticing others to sin by offering the vaccine without “informed consent” is to create a stumbling block for others (Lev 19:14, 1 Cor 10:32-33), and is thus sinful and abhorrent to God (who doesn’t grade “on a [Gaussian] curve”).

Finally, even the flu vaccine has non-trivial risks associated with reproduction,[34] and mankind was instructed by the Almighty to “be fruitful and multiply,” and children are considered in the Holy Scriptures to be a blessing from God.

Unexplored Ethical Considerations

There are unexplored ethical considerations for the committed Christian.  There has been speculation and even hints that DNA can actually be modified from mRNA vaccines.[35]  As a matter of fact, a recent study conducted by MIT and Harvard suggests that segments of the vaccine are indeed ending up in the DNA genomic coding.[36]

If true, this opens an entirely new line of effort where committed Christians need the help of Christian theologians and philosophers and Christian medical ethicists.  Thus far, sadly and tellingly, they have been absent in this conversation.  Does God approve of man modifying the genomic coding designed by Him?  We must assume not since He is the creator.

This is not all-inclusive, but just one more line of inquiry for the committed Christian to consider.


The single pertinent piece of information the committed Christian needs for consideration of the vaccine is found in its origins.  Yet, there are other pressing religious issues that would be problematic in the total absence of consideration of the origins of the vaccine(s).

The committed Christian must resist the temptation to acquiesce to pressure from secular corporatists for the purpose of employment when the Almighty has made His precepts known to all men everywhere.

[1] 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

[2] Deuteronomy 29:29.

[3] Westminster Confession of Faith, 1.II.

[4] Westminster Confession of Faith, XXII.

[5] Gen 25:22, Job 3:3, Is 44:2, Is 49:5, Hos 12:3.

[6] It should also be pointed out that this position is unaffected by whether one takes a “creationist” or “traducianist” view of the origin of the soul.

[7] Michael J. Gorman, “Abortion and the Early Church,” Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, Illinois, 1982.

[8], accessed 8/21/2021.



















[27] Rushdoony, R.J., Chalcedon Medical Report No11: 11: 11: 11: 11: The Church and Medical Ethics. Vallecita, CA: Chalcedon, 1985.

[28] R. J. Rushdoony, Roots of Reconstruction (Vallecito, CA: Ross House Books, 1991), 493.








[36], and


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  1. On August 25, 2021 at 10:22 pm, George1 said:

    Thanks for this. Excellent material.

  2. On August 26, 2021 at 3:17 am, Bman said:

    Thank you for your work on this. God Bless!

  3. On August 26, 2021 at 10:23 am, Sisu said:

    Thank you for sharing your excellent efforts (and the pdf; much better presentation). I have read once and will read again several times. Separately I have been accumulating other relevant suggested materials to build a personalized response. The footnotes in your piece are invaluable. … G-d Bless America and forgive those who have been misled by false theologians, government leaders, scientists and physicians.

  4. On August 26, 2021 at 10:30 am, Fred said:

    Being compelled of God for the purposes that He sees fit, understanding the context of this paper to be medical, none the less, a more complete definition of saved is offered. The context of salvation in the Scriptures is often, but not only that of physical healing. Salvation in Christ Jesus means to be made whole. God is the creator and author of life. Salvation is so thorough, so total, that one who is saved is made a new creation, begotten again not by the womb but by the Holy Spirit of God Almighty. Being saved by Jesus Christ is so utterly total and complete that at the very moment of this second conception we who are truly born again enter into eternal life.

    You can know God through His Son Jesus Christ.

    The life a Christian is not one of compromise or “balance.” Romans 10:11 applies. When the Christ of God says follow me He means all the way even to the death of your body knowing that in Him we have eternal life. Someone who says they are a follower of Jesus and doesn’t mean that they will follow Him to the very torture and death of the coss that He suffered isn’t a serious and committed Christian if they are saved at all. You must be in Christ.

    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

    If you’re not sure that you feel compelled of God into a manner of life that rejects evil as defined by His word then know this: you can be delivered from the power of darkness, translated into the kingdom of His dear Son thereby born again into the kingdom of God through the power of the blood of Christ on the cross. No more trying to be good enough on your own. No more half blind confusion as to right and wrong. No more moral quandaries.

    The problem is indeed sin. You too are a sinner. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. You have an appointment with death, set by God, after which you will stand in judgement for your sin.

    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgement.

    Being born a sinner and unable to stop sinning under your own best efforts you are condemned already, to be found guilty by God, and you are.

    For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

    That’s why Jesus was crucified. He was offered by God to take your place. All of the wrath and death and hell that you deserve was poured out on Him. But he didn’t stay dead. He rose again from the grave third day just as the Scriptures said He would. Plenty of people have been crucified but Jesus rose from the dead proving that in Him is the power of life and the power to offer life eternal. You too can have salvation, not just from maladies of the body but the saving of your eternal soul from hell.

    God’s word was written that you might have eternal life and this life is in His Son Jesus. God loves you. He doesn’t want you to die and go to hell. He has made a way for you to be reconciled, to be redeemed, to be ransomed and this way is through His Son. You can be found not guilty. There is no sin that Jesus didn’t die for. There is no guilt or shame that cannot be forgiven.

    The thrice holy resurrected Christ of the eternal living God declares to all that would hear: I am he that liveth and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.

    Jesus is the judge and the only one whose mercy, grace, and love can forgive you, bringing you into eternal life. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

  5. On August 29, 2021 at 2:32 pm, Lame-R said:

    It is good to receive such encouragement from fellow believers!

  6. On September 5, 2021 at 2:54 pm, Greg Wilson said:

    Thank you, Herschel! This is an invaluable article that I have attempted to share with as many folks as possible and used much in two recent sermons! Your friend & brother, Greg Wilson

  7. On September 8, 2021 at 3:44 pm, Russn8r said:

    Big problem: Subversive, ignorant, stupid & cowardly preachers take Romans 13, 1 Peter ii & other verses out of context, spreading the false dogma of Unlimited Subservience to Power that has programmed too many Christians to OBEY false authority & tyranny. It was soundly discredited by preachers before the Dutch Revolt, the English Civil War, and the American Revolution, but it now prevails again in most Christian churches.

    See Jonathan Mayhew’s 1749 sermon that paved the way for the American Revolution (starts on P41 of a downloadable pdf):

    John Adams said “everyone” in the colonies read Mayhew’s compelling case that mindless obedience is treasonous:

    “as great treason as ever man uttered. ‘Tis treason, not against one single man, but the state — against the whole body politic; ’tis treason against mankind, ’tis treason against common sense, ’tis treason against God. And this impious principle lays the foundation for justifying all the tyranny and oppression that ever any prince was guilty of.”

    It will be impossible for Christians to resist tyranny until sermons like this are rediscovered. We need to pressure our preachers to read it and preach the truth, or “adiós, Padre”. Stop supporting commies and useful idiots. Dump subversive churches, find loyal ones, or worship at home.

  8. On September 14, 2021 at 6:59 am, Freewheeler said:

    Another interesting study would how many other vaccines, theraputics, and biologics are formulated using fetal tissue. A push could be made to label, in plain language, every medicine that uses human tissue.
    Would a muslim or a Jew knowingly take a drug formulated using pig tissue? You could bet and win that there would be such a ruckus that the msm would pound on it for days.

  9. On September 14, 2021 at 1:19 pm, Pat H. Bowman said:

    Thanks for sharing this, Herschel. Several of us are meeting at church tonight to craft a letter for a sister who is being told to submit or be fired. The hospital in question has said they will consider a religious exemption; I’ve been collecting them for a few weeks, and this strikes me as one of the best. I’ll be passing this along to the team as we work this out.

  10. On September 15, 2021 at 6:53 am, Freewheeler said:

    It has been a few days since reading the religious exemption form, aftervmuch thought, I am convinced that using aborted fetal tissue to manufacture this ” vaccine” will make one unclean in the eyes of God.
    The bible tells us that God flooded the earth to rid it of the “unclean” evil that had permeated it.
    Unclean being those whose blood was mixed with the Nephilim (fallen/giants). Noah was of a clean linage.

    Therefore it is my belief that this Covid “vaccine” will make a Christian unclean much like pork makes a Jew or Muslim unclean.

  11. On September 19, 2021 at 9:40 pm, Nurse said:

    Simply stated it is against my religion to take medical treatment that has more risk of harming me than benefit.
    Vaxxing another hundred million will lead to at least seven thousand more jab proximal deaths. More permanent injured from vax. A vax that can’t prevent transmission or infection.
    There are alternatives that reduce risk similarly to the 1%ARR reduction.

    Abortion logic is not wrong but will be problematic. The real reason we don’t want this is that it is unsafe. We have right to determine this. Go for the throat. Attack the biggest lies,” safe and effective.”

  12. On September 19, 2021 at 9:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    I have done that elsewhere. That’s not what this post is about.

    And it’s been quite effective thus far for those who have used it.

    It cannot help but be effective for those who are committed Christians. It runs against morality, the constitution and the history of America to force someone to violate their religious beliefs.

  13. On October 26, 2021 at 11:29 am, Ned said:

    I’ve been sharing this since it appeared on TCJ. A number of people I know have benefited greatly from this post.

    Thank you for this effort, Herschel.

  14. On November 19, 2021 at 4:55 pm, gospace said:

    And from what I hear from AD and reserve personnel- the military is approving exactly 0.0% of religious exemption requests.

  15. On December 14, 2021 at 10:51 pm, WeldsPro said:

    Exemption submitted and approved. Thanks be to God for His faithfulness, seeing things through, and for people’s me like you

  16. On December 14, 2021 at 10:52 pm, WeldsPro said:

    Exemption submitted and approved. Thanks be to God for His faithfulness, for seeing things through, and for people like you!

  17. On February 28, 2022 at 10:56 am, Beaneater said:

    Great research and discussion. Thanks for hosting this.

    I am one of those “committed Christians” that you mention, and as far as I can tell I agree with all of your presuppositions. (The only reason I hedge on that is because I remember some years back that the word “inerrant” had taken on slightly different meanings for different speakers.)

    I read elsewhere that the scientist who created the HEK-293 cell line did not know or could not remember whether the fetal cells used came from a miscarried or a knowingly aborted fetus. Perhaps it would make some moral difference if we knew that the cell line did not originate from an abortion but rather from a miscarriage. But let’s assume the worst (from my point of view, and yours too, I think) and say for the sake of argument that the HEK-293 definitely arose from (non-spontaneously) aborted fetal cells. This seems likely, from what I can tell.

    I have two questions (as someone with a fairly good theological background but not much study of Christian ethics per se):

    1) Let’s assume for the sake of argument that the COVID vaccines are an unalloyed medical good (a position that I am far from being convinced of). In that case, it seems to that the vaccines might be in the same category as, say, a heart transplanted from a murder victim into a needy receptor. The murder is a moral evil. The chance to use the results of that moral evil to save a life, however, does not seem to me to be obviously immoral. The murder has already taken place. Our needy receptor did not hire a hitman to kill someone so that a heart would be available. Is it unethical to take advantage of the murder to save another life? And how analogous is this to the use of HEK-293 (or other fetus-derived) cells in creating the vaccines?

    2) Is there a point at which the moral stain “wears off”, so to speak? I think we can think of cases where we are personally benefitting from the sins of previous generations. I’m an American. I do believe that the European colonizers of America committed sins against the inhabitants they found here (and vice-versa, but that’s not really the point). For instance, I do not think we would tolerate a stronger and more advanced people taking over our land just because they were able to and wanted to. That seems pretty clearly sinful to me. The benefits of life in America stem to some degree from those sins committed by generations past. Is there ever a point at which living in the USA becomes “clean” for me?

    If you don’t like that example, it’s not hard to imagine others. What if I know that my great-great-grandfather produced and sold moonshine during Prohibition, thus breaking the law of the government instituted by God? Some (unknowable?) portion of my family inheritance is due to that crime. Can that heritage ever become clean?

    I know I’m very late to this party, but even if no one responds, it’s been a good exercise for me to reflect on what it means to be morally pure in our fallen world in a way that honors God’s will as revealed in the Scriptures. Thanks for the opportunity.


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