Trouble For The Unvaccinated Military, But Really, Trouble For All The Unvaccinated
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 4 months ago
My purpose here is not to argue about the merits or dangers of the “treatment”—my own position is that I have seen enough credible evidence of serious risks to make me realize I am not qualified to give my informed consent to receive the shot(s), however many those turn out to be. But that’s not what I want to talk about. We’re here to look at threats to our right to keep and bear arms, and Austin’s mandate creates a huge one.
By now I presume most AmmoLand readers have seen attorney and author Evan Nappen’s analysis of how not being “vaccinated” could land someone on the “No Fly” list, and how Democrats (and some idiot Republicans) have been pushing for “No Fly/No Buy” for years.
Leave it to gun-grabbers to figure out a way to exploit the health hysteria to advance citizen disarmament. That, along with Sec. Austin’s total order raises a serious question.
“If they are tried and convicted in the appeals court, the case reaches the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces. If a service member is convicted in this court, they would likely receive a dishonorable discharge, a bad-conduct discharge, or, in the case of an officer, a dismissal.”
Yes, that had occurred to me, but I thought the specific question on Form 4473 had to do with “other than honorable discharge.” Either way, that box would have to be checked, and no sales transaction would take place. For the rest of their lives.
This is a serious situation for Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines. But the trouble doesn’t stop there.
- 1) HR 4980 has been filed in the Congress to put all unvaccinated persons on the No Fly List.
- 2) The No Fly, No Buy, Gun Control law has been bouncing around since 2018 and has Bipartisan support.
Simple. Force unvaccinated individuals on the no-fly list, and then they are entered into the NICS database.
The fun never stops does it?
On August 27, 2021 at 1:50 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Hershel Smith
Re: “Simple. Force unvaccinated individuals on the no-fly list, and then they are entered into the NICS database.”
Gee, it is almost enough to give you the idea that our elected representatives don’t really work for us or something!? (sarc/off)
On August 27, 2021 at 1:20 pm, ExpatNJ said:
from the bill [abridged]:
“To direct Secretary of Homeland Security ensure any individual traveling on flight that departs from or arrives to airport inside US or territory is fully vaccinated against COVID–19, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES [EMPHASIS by ExpatNJ].
WHAT “other purposes”?
On August 27, 2021 at 1:42 pm, ExpatNJ said:
from the bill [abridged]:
(b) Exception. The Secretary shall ensure there is exception to requirement for an individual who is ineligible or medically unable to be fully vaccinated against COVID”
“Ineligible”? What does that mean?
Medically unable”:
Can the solution be as simple as finding a medical provider who will attest your your ‘exception’?
On August 27, 2021 at 3:43 pm, Henry said:
Not being able to buy guns at retail anymore will inconvenience me but slightly (certainly no more than Jamaal down the block), and will certainly make me feel no more of an outlaw than I already do.
On August 27, 2021 at 9:10 pm, penses said:
Lexington and Concord happened because, by that point, they knew they had nothing to lose. “Give me liberty, or give me death.” If you have never read Patrick Henry’s speech now would be a good time.
On August 28, 2021 at 7:33 am, Fred said:
Lexington and Concord happened because they came for the guns and powder.