Biden Checks His Watch During Transfer Ceremony At Dover Air Force Base
BY Herschel Smith
Biden appears to check his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony at Dover Air Force Base.
— Benny (@bennyjohnson) August 29, 2021
What happened, Mr. Creepy? Did you miss your nap today?
On August 29, 2021 at 9:18 pm, Chris said:
Worthless POS.
I hope it’s brain cancer and lets add Pancreatic in there to be sure.
Hopefully its in the Helix of the rest of them.
On August 30, 2021 at 4:29 am, Roger J said:
It is evident that TPTB want this superannuated and senile parody of a President in the White House. The TPTB that have the most to benefit from this situation are China, Russia, Iran and N. Korea. The first two on this list have succeeded in corrupting our voting system, and a significant number of our political class. This makes me question whether there will be any relief for our country in 2022 or 2024. Dementia Joe may just be the first in a succession of Presidents whose true loyalty lies elsewhere. But I don’t know how long it will be until our enemies have succeeded and there is no America left to “protect, preserve and defend.”
On August 30, 2021 at 5:12 am, Wes said:
I watched this event while waiting for a glue project. Frankly, I think it looks more like just a muscle memory gesture, part of repositioning the arms and you can see he’s not sure where the arms should be (hands together in front? do I put my hands behind me?). For someone who markes their day based on meals & who visits this is completely expected.
I was more impressed by the Marines who bore their fellow Marine off the ramp and RIGHT AT the entourage so they could then turn and march in very close proximity (like a couple feet in a few cases) on the way to the vehicle. The message is clear:
“THIS is what you did – look at it.”
On August 30, 2021 at 11:56 am, dad29 said:
Did you miss your nap today?
Nah. He was checking how long he had before he soils his diaper.
On August 31, 2021 at 6:29 pm, Red Man said:
The whole operation was amateurish at best. Are we to believe that our whole chain of command is this stupid? It appears so. But wait, we had a patriot Marine Lt. Col. ask for accountability. So they shitcanned him. As Roger J says, is this the plan the TPTB set up? I can only think so. Just who are TPTB? It’s not the doddering old man that walks up to the microphone, It’s not the posers with stars on their shoulders. The Republic is lost. Is former Lt. Col. Scheller THE ONE??