“We Only Need The Airport”
BY Herschel Smith
@washingtonpost reports that Taliban offered to stay out of Kabul and let US forces secure the city. We told them we only needed the airport. We could have controlled the airport and Kabul and evacuated everyone but chose not to. The incompetence is stunning. pic.twitter.com/5MbW6K81n3
— Marc Thiessen (@marcthiessen) August 29, 2021
This is the WaPo article to which he refers.
It’s as if this was a calculated attempt to demoralize U.S. forces and make the U.S. military look weak.
On August 30, 2021 at 10:08 am, George 1 said:
Good grief! If it was for the purpose of making the U.S. Military look weak, then to what end? Is fraudulent Joe really controlled that completely by China? The Chinese are the ones who would seem to benefit most by the U.S. Military looking weak.
On August 30, 2021 at 10:28 am, Done. said:
Just put your mask back on and stop causing trouble.
On August 30, 2021 at 11:18 am, Fred said:
That the muzzles would not have honored that agreement is besides the point. But that readers here not be confused as to who this enemy is, I merely point it out.
On August 30, 2021 at 11:20 am, Fred said:
George1, the inability to win may be important to funding levels. Just a thought.
On August 30, 2021 at 12:17 pm, George 1 said:
@Fred: Good point.
On August 30, 2021 at 8:40 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ George 1
Re: “Good grief! If it was for the purpose of making the U.S. Military look weak, then to what end? Is fraudulent Joe really controlled that completely by China? The Chinese are the ones who would seem to benefit most by the U.S. Military looking weak.”
From the Chinese perspective, anything that makes the U.S. – including the U.S. military and its command structure – look weak, incompetent or cowardly (or any combination thereof) is a desirable end in-and-of-itself. Remember, Sun Tzu – the ancient military philosopher and author of the “Art of War,” which every serious student of warfare should read – was Chinese, and the PLAN can be expected to fight using his precepts. One of which is the imperative of weakening and even defeating your opponent before the battle even takes place.
“Is Fraudulent Joe that controlled by China??” Gee, boss, I’ve been wrong before, but sure looks like it to me!
Phrased differently, if he was openly collaborating with Beijing and working for them, how would his actions then differ from those taken now?
Like a lot of people who follow national security affairs, for years I have been aware of sellouts to the Chi-Coms within our country, and also of the many sleepers and moles they’ve planted in the U.S. But when this whole thing started going sideways 18 months or so ago, and the extent of their involvement started to become truly evident, the extent of it was stunning. And I am not easily shocked at my stage of life….
On August 31, 2021 at 1:45 pm, scott s. said:
If you follow CTH at all, he is of the opinion we are seeing a battle between Dept of State/CIA vs White House/DOD being played out in the media.