MARADMIN On Mandatory Vaccinations In The Marine Corps
BY Herschel Smith
The provisions contained within paragraph 3.a of this MARADMIN constitute a lawful general order and any violation of these provisions is punishable as a violation of Article 92 of ref (i). Marines shall take action to fully immunize themselves against COVID-19 per ref (j). Paragraph 3.a is punitive and applies without further implementation. Commanders, commanding officers, and officers in charge shall issue appropriate orders to ensure that their Marines and Sailors are fully vaccinated. In accordance with Rule for Court Martial 306 of ref (n), initial disposition authority for cases arising from COVID-19 vaccine refusals is withheld to the general court-martial convening authority level except that administrative counseling pursuant to paragraph 6105 of ref (k) may be issued at the special court martial convening authority level.
There are no permanent exemptions, not even medical exemption unless contraindicated. Further, they recognize no such thing as a religious exemption. This is a standing order under the threat of court martial, regardless of proximity to date of discharge.
They make an awful lot of bold claims in this MARADMIN, such as the shot being “extremely safe and effective,” something we won’t know without long term data. But let’s leave behind the medicine for a moment.
What they’re saying is that regardless of your religious beliefs, you must take the shot. Recall that we’ve discussed this at length, and every shot out there was developed on the backs of cell lines from aborted babies.
Regardless of what you think about that, there are some who believe they should not take the shot for that reason alone.
So the USMC is now superseding religious views.
This is not your father’s or grandfather’s Marine Corps. Not only did my son serve in the Marines, but most of my uncles served in WWII and the Korean war in the USMC. I could never join the military because of RA.
Nonetheless, I repudiate them. They are dead to me.
On September 1, 2021 at 10:10 pm, Michael Gilson said:
Especially since we now know you could actually protect Marines from ChiGov virus with a Tetanus booster.
On September 1, 2021 at 10:16 pm, George 1 said:
They have no respect for religious rights, at least those of Christians. Notice too the vindictiveness of the order. They gain nothing by court marshals for these young people. The decent thing to do, even if they believed in the vax, would be to just discharge the ones who do not wish the shot honorably.
On September 1, 2021 at 10:28 pm, Chris said:
Ya gota admitt,
They seem to have all the right people in place.
To be pulling this ALL this stuff off.
Seemingly Unchallenged, for the most part.
This IS a Play. PART of..
A Complex Attack. (To use gubment terminology.)
USMC Command.
Bet ya never thought you’d see that.
Take Note friends.
Playing Out right before our eyes.
On September 1, 2021 at 11:44 pm, larry g haffner said:
This order is completely contrary to the US Constitution and vilolates all HIPPA laws. Our military should stand down in mass over this issue. This is an experimental drug and proven to be highly destructive to the human immune system. A very small percentage die within two weeks, another small percentage will have permanent neurological and brain damage. 20-30% will die of other causes within 2-3 years. A very high percentage will be sterile for the rest of their lives. This is worse than any risk of the covid, should you get it. Many doctors, including an officer that resigned from Pfizer, make these claims and risk their careers. This is cruel and unusual punishment for instant depopulation control. We are succumbing to a “Hitler Syndrome” all over again. Wake up people!!! This non vaccine develops spike protein’s in the body and they never leave.
On September 2, 2021 at 3:20 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
But the military are on our side! Just like the police! I have been repeatedly assured of this by every pundit on the Right for decades. Decades!
On September 2, 2021 at 6:43 am, Bert said:
The irony that folks think evil people will wage war on them in a civilized manner.
If you are reading this, and not getting $$ from slo joe or his veep hoe, you are the resistance and they want you and yours gone. Gone, as is a rotting corpse lying in a slit trench waiting for the bulldozer to cover the mass grave up.
I hope this gives you pause to think how that hair you brushed off her ear with your hand will look matted together caked in her brain tissue being eaten by flies laying their eggs to hatch into maggots to consume her rotting flesh.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Hug her tightly tonight.
On September 2, 2021 at 8:46 am, Drake said:
It’s not my Marine Corps anymore.
On September 2, 2021 at 8:49 am, Fred said:
I disagree with Yon about staying in or joining if you’re a patriot. I remember an oldish backwoods type of rumor that a great many Appalachians would send their young sons into the army for 4 years only to get free training from the enemy while learning it’s tactics. But even that is no longer sufficient reason.
On September 2, 2021 at 5:19 pm, MntnMole said:
Don’t forget that if you are DIShonorably discharged it is illegal for you to purchase or own a gun. That seems to be another big goal from my perspective.
On September 2, 2021 at 8:26 pm, Jefferson Marchand said:
3.b. COVID-19 vaccines that have received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) licensure are mandated for all DoD service members by ref (b). FDA Licensed vaccine(s) are the only vaccine(s) that can be mandated for DoD personnel at this time. However, service members who voluntarily receive a complete initial series of an FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID-19 vaccine, or a vaccine included in the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use Listing, will meet the requirements of refs (b) and (c) and this MARADMIN. Service members are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after completing the second dose of a two-dose COVID-19 vaccine or two weeks after receiving a single dose of a one-dose COVID-19 vaccine.
” However, service members who voluntarily receive a complete initial series of an FDA Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID-19 vaccine, or a vaccine included in the World Health Organization (WHO) Emergency Use Listing, will meet the requirements of refs (b) and (c) and this MARADMIN.
On September 2, 2021 at 9:21 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Fred
Re: ” I remember an oldish backwoods type of rumor that a great many Appalachians would send their young sons into the army for 4 years only to get free training from the enemy while learning it’s tactics.”
The gang-bangers (street gangs) and narcotics cartels have been using that ploy for years, you know. Heck, even MS-13 are in the military… and those guys are so crazy and violent that even other hardcore violent criminals give them a wide berth. And you can bet that the jihadists are doing it and have been for years…. that’s been well-documented by various investigators.
On September 3, 2021 at 12:01 pm, Fred said:
Yeah, I didn’t think about how that might scale to other groups. The war sure will fun. /Sarc