American Hostages In Afghanistan
BY Herschel Smith
I told Michael by text message that none of this is surprising and I still believe there is more than meets the eye. I do not believe any of this is due to incompetence or accident. This is all intentional. Every bit of it.
The Taliban are begging for U.S. diplomats to return to Kabul. In fact, they’re not begging for it, they’re demanding it. You see, they want to be recognized.
As I told Michael, they want their very own SpecOps (right, did you see their presence on the runway at the airport with pant legs rolled up, dressed differently from each other, unkempt hair, irregular weapons, etc.). It’ll be a long time before there is anything special about their SpecOps.
They want to rule, they want money. Yes, they want aid. And they want gas pipelines to run through Afghanistan from Turkmenistan to Pakistan (something they’ve wanted for a long time), and they want mining of the precious metals and gems, and they want a cut of all of that money. They want to live in big homes like rich people, and they want to sit in front of cameras and look important.
And guess what – they’ll get it. Leaving Americans in Afghanistan is the perfect pretext for the State Department to return so that “diplomatic solutions to our problems can be worked out.” The State Department wants to recognize the Taliban. They’re another Muslim people to court, and the State Department has never seen an America-hating Muslim people they don’t love.
Here is the news.
The Taliban is preventing multiple flights from taking off from the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif, CBS News reports.
An NGO in Afghanistan said two planes have been ready to evacuate 600 to 1,200 people, including 19 American citizens and two permanent residents, for the past six days while the U.S. government and Taliban continue to talk.
They won’t behead the Americans unless there is no cooperation and payment. They’ll behead those who worked with the Americans. They’ll use Americans as hostages.
You heard it here first – before it happens in real time.
On September 5, 2021 at 10:43 pm, Chris said:
I have come to the conclusion…
The State Dept needs to be CLEANSED.DELETED
A emormous Bleaching
They Are Traitors
We need them like we need there friends the Jihadis
On September 6, 2021 at 8:28 am, JoeFour said:
Here’s the latest — State Dept. appears to be the primary bad actor preventing the flights out.
On September 6, 2021 at 9:51 am, bob sykes said:
The Taliban don’t need the US for pipelines or mines or investments of any kind. All that will be provided by China, Russia, Iran, Pakistan and India.
They do want diplomatic recognition from us/US, and they do want their bank deposits released. That’s what the hostages are for.
So far, the Taliban 2.0 have behaved better than expected, but one suspects the veneer will wear off sometime.
On September 6, 2021 at 11:48 am, Bill Buppert said:
Herschel: “As I told Michael, they want their very own SpecOps (right, did you see their presence on the runway at the airport with pant legs rolled up, dressed differently from each other, unkempt hair, irregular weapons, etc.). It’ll be a long time before there is anything special about their SpecOps.”
They will never have a mature SOF capability.
Having trained ANA “special operations” forces [5th and 10th Kandaks] in Mazar-i-Sharif, the desire of any third world country to have SOF is a pipe dream.
SOF is a luxury enjoyed by affluent first world nations.
The only use put to SOF in shithole countries is “palace guard” and “praetorian” activities to crush internal dissent.
Arab & Islamic nations can’t field effective CONVENTIONAL forces much less SOF, they are culturally incapable. For a bulletproof cases for why, read Kenneth Pollack’s “Armies of Sand”. NOTE: Arab fighters excel at guerrilla activities against invading forces.
US Army Special Forces was destroyed as an effective unit during the wars in Iraq, AFG, Libya and Horn of Africa by doing Direct Action mission easily undertaken by properly trained leg infantry, Rangers and USMC 0311 forces. SF are totally incapable of performing any of the myriad functions of successful unconventional warfare.
The Pentagram and USSOCOM are 100% responsible for this state of disrepair and strategic deficit disorder.
On September 6, 2021 at 4:09 pm, Sisu said:
The State Dept. is a Branch of the UK Government; it does not report to the President (and has not since (1930s ????). Increasingly I am seeing open mention of “Five ‘I’s'”, i.e., the coordination led by Britain among Canada, Australia, New Zealand and US. (As well recall Presidents since WWII have spoken of “our special relationship with England”.) …
We need to deport all Brits, Scots, Irish, Indians, etc., as well as all Muslims from Our Country who continue to hold dual (or more) citizenship / passports and void the US citizenship of all. It is inconceivable that the US Government does not know who each and everyone of the individuals who meet such criteria are. …
Then let’s see who remains in the employ of the State Department.