Comment Of The Week
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 4 months ago
Limited war is NOT war … You can’t fight a war of defense only and win.
Whoever (the UN?) came up with the doctrine of limited warfare needs to be taken out back and shot, bulldozed into an open grave, burned, the earth salted, and the history books to all point out how totally retarded that notion is.
On September 9, 2021 at 6:26 am, Wes said:
Fire up the bulldozer. Start with the cabal of LBJ/McNamara, whose goal wasn’t victory at all, but only to be seen as resolute and to literally “not lose” in a humiliating fashion. Ulterior motive was not to alarm Congress & the peasants and thus focus on getting the Great Society domestic agenda passed. Method, with the acquiescence of gutless .MIL service chiefs, was to use America’s sons as the equivalent of a “strongly-worded letter” to Hanoi, with about as much result as Lindsey Graham sending one to the DoJ.