Sportsman’s Warehouse Is Plagiarizing My Work
BY Herschel Smith
That’s not cool at all. I’ll help him call out the perps.
I recall an instance where one of the talking head generals on the national news wrote a commentary about the campaign in Afghanistan (or maybe it was Iraq) where he had lifted two entire paragraphs out of one of my posts, word for word, and put his name on the article without attribution for his source.
As I said, not cool. It’s theft, whether held to account or not.
On September 10, 2021 at 8:21 pm, Factions Speak Louder Than Herds said:
Plato had a comment about as long as your ideas are out there but a direct rip off with not even a hat tip or page link is different.
“Better to starve free than be a fat slave.”
On September 11, 2021 at 9:00 am, PeanutButter said:
I have to tip my hat to you, good sir. If you words are _that_ powerful as to be used verbatim by one of those in the national news, than you have a very strong message.
They should be polite to give attribution, of course, but if your unadulterated message is being broadcast at that august level, you are doing something right.
A lot of people in the media and p.r. food-chain–including myself–would love for our copy to be used in that way. Winning the war is what matters; individual battles can ebb and flow.
On September 11, 2021 at 10:30 am, Jsf said:
Our Core Values
We’re committed to being good stewards of the outdoors and wildlife habitats. Sportsman’s Warehouse supports the communities we serve by donating to local causes and partnering with wildlife and conservation groups like the Mule Deer Foundation, NRA, National Wild Turkey Federation, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Ducks Unlimited, among several others. Many of our employees are also contributing, active members of such groups, volunteering their own money and time for the causes we collectively cherish and believe i…yada, yada, yada.”
Ever noticed any statement(s) about their morals or ethics in business? Neither did I. Don’t know about anyone else, (talk is cheap) so I vote with my money and they will never see a penny from me.
On September 11, 2021 at 12:10 pm, Fred said:
They are NRA donors. They are the enemy.
On September 11, 2021 at 2:21 pm, --jim said:
Someone may have noticed…
On September 11, 2021 at 2:47 pm, =TW= said:
Fred- Many (most?) organizations contribute to the NRA, which represents a voter bloc that cannot be ignored. Perhaps more important is the amount they contribute to other interests.
Instead of squandering their considerable resources, I’d like to see the NRA focus on core values: supporting shooters, and waging effective legislative battles.
This would make the NRA respected and feared by commies and gun-grabbers.
On September 12, 2021 at 2:55 pm, Done. said:
@ =TW=
What, exactly has the NRA done to preserve our 2nd Amendment rights? Ever?
And compromises with gun grabbers don’t count.
On September 12, 2021 at 10:28 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Theft is theft is theft, whether words, or ideas, or intellectual property. That’s why laws on patent exist.
If they stole his work, they owe him money for it. He invested his time in it. Time = money.
1 Tim 5:18.
Always bring Biblical law to the issue.