Just Doing My Job
BY Herschel Smith
In the land down under, there is a lot going on, mostly led by the hard core workers. Truck drivers started this, and I want to know if they’ve hit the roads again and if so, why? Why aren’t truckers refusing to drive to deliver logistics to the tyrants? John Guandolo observes:
In 1996, Australia passed significant laws which severely restricted an Australian’s ability to purchase and keep effective firearms.
Now, Stalinesque police and military personnel in Australia – some of whom openly say they disagree with the lockdowns, but are “just doing their job” reminiscent of nazi gate guards – are the oppressors ushering in an the era of slavery in Australia.
Who is behind all this?
It is worth noting the significant Chinese business ventures in Australia, and the Chinese population in Australia – almost 8% of the overall population in a nation of only 25.8 million people.
With the proximity of China, it is not a hard stretch to see Australia may be in China’s sites.
For citizens, the answer in Australia is the same it is in Europe and the United States.
Citizens must resist tyranny and defend liberty at all costs.
Yes, citizens must resist at all costs. And yes, the Chinese control over Australia is one big reason I am opposed to sharing nuclear and defense technology with them. But let’s get to that big point he made about the cops.
… some of whom openly say they disagree with the lockdowns, but are “just doing their job.”
That’s like saying I am an engineer and professionally opposed to designing building and bridges that will fall and kill people, and violating rules of ethics, but I’m just doing my job when management tells me to cut corners.
No, and a thousand times no. No, no, no, no, no. I will not listen to that, and I wish I could be there when a cop said something like that – or has ever said “I’m opposed to gun confiscations in America, but if the order comes, I’ll just do my job.”
Go ahead. You’ve made your choice, and the decision is to do something immoral for money. You’re no different from a whore. If you’re a cop, listen to me. If you would violate the second amendment for your job or retirement, you’re a whore, and a relatively cheap one at that.
It shows that not only does the person have no scruples, but the lack of scruples shows that the person does not honor the Lordship of Christ, and thus doesn’t have the savior.
As it will be with all American cops who violate their oaths, it will be for Australian cops who forcibly kidnap people or their children to be sent off to camps or forcibly jabbed. You do not have authority over a man and woman’s child. God has given that to the family, not the state.
You will pay for your 30 pieces of silver with your soul. You will be in eternal torment for your choice.
On September 22, 2021 at 3:46 am, Hudson H Luce said:
full report on events in Melbourne – https://www.rebelnews.com/cfmeu_accuses_its_own_members_of_being_far_right_nazis
On September 22, 2021 at 6:33 am, Wes said:
Bring back the old concept of “outlaw” as a condition applied to a person. “You are hereby declared ‘outlaw’ – this Court is adjourned.”
That is, when a person is declared outlaw the umbrella is gone. They are now without the protections & recourse accorded someone under any justice system of the government. They are then free to go into the wild. Which means that there is nothing to protect them from those they have wronged and no remedy to be sought when they are, even if that harm should be random.
On September 22, 2021 at 6:35 am, Wes said:
Sorry, re 6:33, intended to mean as regards when someone rests their case on “just following orders.”
On September 22, 2021 at 8:04 am, Longbow said:
They don’t care.
Many of them, I did NOT say all of them, become cops because wielding power is its own reward. This is Narcissism..
Go back and read 1984 again. The character O’brien explains to Winston Smith the purpose of the Party and State, namely to wield power. Then, how does one know that one’s subjects are truly obedient and not just going along to get along? One inflicts pain. Randomly. Brutally. This is Narcissism writ large.
All tyrants know the rules. They understand them without explanation. To good men, this is unthinkable, to the point of unbelief, when it is explained to them that some men are this way.
Back to cops… Some men become cops for the right reasons. They want to serve the community. They want to catch real genuine bad guys. They want to “help people”. Men like these rarely last in the profession.
On September 22, 2021 at 10:26 am, Joe Blow said:
No quarter for tyrants, nor those acting as enforcers.
When citizens pull up alongside your patrol car and splatter your brains with a quick hollow point, there will be sympathy, either. You chose the bed you lay in.
On September 22, 2021 at 3:50 pm, Roger J said:
I think Australians should bring back “kangaroo courts” – if they ever existed there, because the term may have originated in the American frontier West – and judge and punish the tyrants in OZ harshly. The Outback is huge – lots of room for unmarked graves, if necessary.
On September 23, 2021 at 7:46 pm, (((Doc B)(( said:
Sorry, they are completely different than whores.
The general public has ligned up for centuries, of their own free will, to pay for the services of a provider of the “world’s oldest profession”. I know of no one (outside of the last remaining Fox news watching boomers) that would pay a dime for the “services” of a ‘roided out 95IQ, “authoritah” wielding, wife beating, ex jock.
Other than that, spot on
On September 24, 2021 at 12:51 am, Fergus said:
These police are the Stasi and must be treated as such. Know where they live and where their families live. Let them know that their are consequences for enforcing the orders of tryants.