Covid Treatment Protocols, Continued
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 3 months ago
As we discussed before, in addition to vitamins D3, C, Zinc, Aspirin (to prevent clotting), Ivermectin, Z-Pac, Zyrtec, Claritin, and nasal washing and gargling with sodium bicarbonate water, there is something else that may be handy.
David Codrea links a piece seemingly written by someone who understands the disease, and he strongly recommends antioxidants (although the ones listed are unfamiliar to me). Perhaps a medical professional could explain. For what it’s worth, his connection of intubation with rapid oxidative stresses makes sense, and I recalled from early in 2020 when Dr. Cameron Kyle-Sidell explained that this disease isn’t ARDS and that treating it as such would kill patients. It seems that doctors all over America doing critical care haven’t learned a thing.
In the mean time, Quercetin is an effective antioxidant. We have it sitting on our shelves for just such a purpose.
On September 28, 2021 at 12:13 am, Archer said:
My understanding is, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is an amino acid that functions, among other things, as an antioxidant. (Insert “IANAP” warning — “I am not a physician.”)
We see a naturopath, and in addition to prescribing Ivermectin both as a prophylactic and therapeutic (just in case) — which no other doctor in town will do — they supplied us with quercetin and NAC. And a few other things to bolster our immune systems and fight off any infections.
Which is something interesting about seeing a naturopathic doctor. Rather than prescribe antibiotics for everything like our allopathic doctors did (at one point we had a different pill every other month), they get us medicines that strengthen our own bodies’ ability to heal ourselves. And they work better and with fewer side-effects. Very interesting stuff.
On September 28, 2021 at 6:35 am, Matt said:
Insert IANAP disclaimer. From what I’ve read and understand one of the key functions of quercetin is that it acts as an adjuvant for the uptake of zinc into your cells. One of the things Covid does is deplete zinc, which is where the loss of smell comes from.
Early on, I started following the MATH+ (now called IMASK) protocols in terms of supplements. I believe it falls into the category of preparing your terrain and giving your body the resources it needs to fight off an infection.
Vitamin D is also, I believe, a significant key as it’s part of the Bradykinin pathway that helps counter the vascular dilation caused by the virus.
It’s interesting that the other things, like Zantac and melatonin also have an impact, but because they act as antioxidants.
On September 28, 2021 at 9:02 am, HouseWolf said:
The modern medical establishment has pilloried itself. Can you really trust “doctors” at all after this debacle? Haven’t they just become credentialed puppets of the state? Have they tarnished their credibility irreparably?
No doubt there are still good people in medicine, but fewer and fewer as the corporate “health” establishment dominates patient care and standards today.
On September 28, 2021 at 4:55 pm, Mad Scot said:
That pdf has been nuked/memory holed but do not fret, for i have it here FREE to be downloaded and spread far and wide..
Can’t stop the signal…
Fuck em…
ps…@Capt. if you need commo help, i’m over in LKN ready to assist….