A Step By Step Guide On How To Remove An AR-15 A2 Front Sight
BY Herschel Smith
I had always wondered how easy or difficult this would be. It looks like it just requires some basic tools and a little patience.
I especially like that they got a gunsmith to explain it, and he provided pictures.
On October 5, 2021 at 10:25 pm, George 1 said:
I have taken a few off and installed them again. I would rather not. Most are a royal pain to me. However if you want the strongest gas block system available then that is what you seek. Understand that I am a shade tree AR15 mechanic. I am sure those with more knowledge and/or equipment would probably do better.
On two of the ones I did I cut down the front sight so I could put a low profile handguard on them. I would like to get a blank barrel and machine the cuts and everything just to say I did but I would probably mess up the cuts.
On October 6, 2021 at 1:42 pm, Matt said:
Thank you for the link. I’m one of those who likes to tinker with the platform.