Ordinary Australians Versus The Police
BY Herschel Smith
So I have a suggestion to the cops. If you don’t want to be hated, and if you don’t want to be on the receiving end of things like this, then don’t be a tyrant.
That’s simple enough.
So I have a suggestion to the cops. If you don’t want to be hated, and if you don’t want to be on the receiving end of things like this, then don’t be a tyrant.
That’s simple enough.
On October 5, 2021 at 9:49 pm, Fred said:
Remember, police only care about one thing; going home safe at the end of their shift. That stops happening and you’re free. That was Solzhenitsyn’s greatest lament. Oh how they burned in the camps.
On October 6, 2021 at 3:11 am, Mad Scot said:
Here’s a thought bomb…
Imagine the day when the aussies decide to really go kinetic, and employ the simple Molotov..
Think of this, if you will, a parallel universe where .leo’s feel and believe they are safe as they travel to and fro, until that magic roadblock happens of burning tires, and then are surrounded by a mob, puncturing tires using sticks embedded w nails and such, then tossing several molotovs on their autos, smashing windows to turn them into crispy critters…
Of course the ossifers will bail out, be surrounded, kicked, beaten, stripped of their guns, radios and such…
Not advocating such a scenario, but …
On October 6, 2021 at 4:28 am, Joe Blow said:
Did you see that tactical driving maneuver the first cop car pulled?
Thats called the “holy fuck get me outnof here” U-Turn.
Now picture that in some purple city near you. Those are construction workers. If you haven’t worked with that lot, or know any of them, you don’t understand why those cops were so scared.
Give it another 2 weeks, straight up mad max.
On October 6, 2021 at 12:36 pm, HouseWolf said:
If you rely on fear to enforce order, at some point that order will return that fear back to you.
On October 6, 2021 at 11:55 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
Nice, but then again, the Yellow Vest protests looked pretty good at the start, too. Then they fizzled. Time will tell.
On October 7, 2021 at 8:31 am, James said:
” going home safe at the end of their shift”.
What if their home burned to the ground while they were attacking their citizens?
On October 7, 2021 at 9:22 am, Fred said:
Tragically, that might just happen, a lot, over and over, until they get the hint, tragically, and theoretically of course.