6 Great Hard-Sided Pistol Cases
BY Herschel Smith
I’m not sure what makes these so great.
On another note, I was wondering if there’s something different for the same or less price as Pelican out there? I recall I stumbled on a booth at a gun show a few years ago demonstrating their cases (both rifle and pistol), and I was very impressed. I can’t recall their names. If I can find a card from the show I’ll post it.
Related point, Condition 1 seems to have a loyal following and be pretty sturdy.
Any comments or input?
On October 6, 2021 at 10:41 pm, JST said:
Nanuk. Good enough to forgive them for being Canadian. Best Ive ever laid hands on.
On October 7, 2021 at 6:33 am, DTG said:
I own an SKB, Plano ‘field locker’, and a Vital Impact, the most bomb proof being the Plano, followed by the SKB AND and the VI.
All have flown; all can take a beating, and all were less than a Pelican.
On October 7, 2021 at 10:04 am, jack said:
My Harbor Freight Apache cases are virtually identical to my Pelicans. If you weren’t familiar with the brand names, you’d be hard pressed to tell them apart.
Equally heavy and durable.
I do have a pelican long-gun case that has had part of the hinge break off. Still works just fine.
On October 7, 2021 at 10:05 am, DTG said:
PS – I personally won’t have anything to do with anything ‘NRA’ as I consider them a ‘sister organization’ with the Brady Bunch. At best, they’re controlled opposition that’s been caught with their hands in the cookie jar and have doubled down on their method.
On October 7, 2021 at 10:21 am, Herschel Smith said:
Oh, it’s a terrible gaggle of people. I am completely unassociated with the NRA, except if they produce an article that grabs my interest and let’s me put it out for questions, comments or observations, I’ll do that for the benefit of readers (and me).
I learn from my readers. There is no other reason to do this.
On October 7, 2021 at 12:08 pm, Peter Grant said:
Another shout-out to Harbor Freight for their Apache line of gun and tool cases. They’re every bit as strong and versatile as the Pelicans, for a lot less money (sometimes less than half the price). I have several of them.
On October 7, 2021 at 1:10 pm, Bill said:
Apache from Harbor Freight here, too. Sturdy, and can’t beat the price.
On October 7, 2021 at 5:45 pm, David Hess said:
I actually think Nanuk has some better options than Pelican. They are both less expensive and some have less depth making them more suitable for pistols. I use them for test equipment.
On October 7, 2021 at 6:20 pm, 41mag said:
I used Pelicans of varying sizes to pack electrical test equipment and other tools for walking down primary electrical utility equipment at facilities. The pelican cases stood up to airline baggage handlers, repeated maneuvering in & out of vehicles and never failed.
Buy pelican and be happy.
On October 7, 2021 at 6:31 pm, DTG said:
@Herschel – Not directed at you at all. Understand about your readers. Best to you and yours.
On October 7, 2021 at 6:41 pm, xtphreak said:
I read your blog daily and respect your opinion on lots of things but ….
4800 Weatherproof Protective Case, X-Large, Black (harborfreight.com)
Apache – IP65 Rated- watertight and dustproof
waterproof rating pelican case – Google Search
Pelican – IP67 –
Breakdown on the IP codes
First Digit = Solids
6 = Dust tight > A vacuum must be applied and will protect against contact of dust
Second Digit = Liquids
5 = Water jets – from a nozzle of 6.3mm Test time –1 minute per square metre with 12.5 litres of water per minute including a pressure of 30 kPa from 3 metres
6 = Submersion of up to 1m depth Test time – 30 minutes
There’s a big difference in sprayed water at 4.35psig 9 feet away and submerged 1 meter (1.4213 psig head pressure) for 30 minutes.
All in all it’s a judgement call.
My advice is avoid the Pelican Vault cases. Got one as a freebie and the hinge broke, plus it’s “water-resistant”, not waterproof.
On October 7, 2021 at 7:12 pm, Chris said:
Pelican. Period.
when a tarmac luggage cart at a airport runs over your case and Destroys it. Destroys it.
And the stick still Holds Spot on Zero.
Yup. Pelican for me.
On October 7, 2021 at 7:24 pm, xtphreak said:
Oh yeah, there’s one thing I want to point out to everyone regardless of their favorite case manufacturer.
Open Cell foam vs. Closed Cell foam
Open Cell is cheaper.
Also absorbs moisture which precludes long term storage in the case.
Closed Cell costs more.
Can’t absorb moisture, so better for long term storage.
Either way, if you’re leaving a firearm packed in a sealed case …. DeHumidifier!!
On October 7, 2021 at 7:29 pm, xtphreak said:
One more thing (at least one more).
I used a Pelican 1500 as a tail box on several motorcycles for commuting an hour or more in ALL weather with my laptop inside.
Same case.
Same custom mount.
Tiger 885
Now we’re talking about spray/rain at significantly more than the speed limits.
Never worried about it leaking.
On October 8, 2021 at 12:53 pm, Jack said:
Both my Pelicans and Apache cases seal with a rubber O-ring. I lubricate the O-Ring with a silicon lubricant and inspect for nicks or tears. Replacement seals are under $10 and it’s cheap insurance.