Cops, AR-15 Maintenance, And Body Armor
BY Herschel Smith
A few odds and ends.
Via David Codrea, cops kidnapping children. Yes, seriously.
How to remove an AR-15 trigger group. Now do one on proper installation.
Removing an AR-15 barrel nut (hint: he heats it with a torch).
Rex reviews some really, really light Level IIIA body armor. Yea, it’s not good for rifle rounds, but it’s significantly less expensive and you’re protected against the most probable shot (and more likely to wear it given how light it is).
On October 11, 2021 at 11:11 pm, Sisu said:
“… cops kidnapping children.” … Why were not the LEOs fired ?
While the article does not offer all that I would want to hear, e.g., parents delegated “custody” to one or more close friends or relatives with all appropriate albeit temporary legal documentation and necessary healthcare information and authority and personal directives providing for their children in place should tragedy strike, I think this story emblematic of a fundamental problem in society.
Specifically, politicians and “nannies” have been raising the “age of majority” arbitrarily for at least 60 years, but most egregiously during the last 40 years.
Parental responsibility (ask a father whose ex-wife keeps bleeding him: when will your children be emancipated – 18, 21, 26 ?
Or, how about PPACA (obummaCare) children on parent’s health insurance until 26 yrs old ?); working papers; hunting privileges; firearm ownership; driver’s license; buy tobacco/alcohol; serve in the military; get married without consent; ability to contract; …
But, if your prepubescent child thinks / is manipulated to change transition sex via hormone treatments, have an abortion, get free contraceptives from the school nurse(why are they still always female ?) or counselor, etc. … then no parental involvement or consent required.
And, let us all ponder this occurred in Midland, Texas.
On October 12, 2021 at 4:09 am, Ratus said:
Both of those AR videos are less than helpful.
That idiot in the first video did nothing to stop the hammer from slamming into the bolt hold open with that stupid cloth. Just use your thumb and lower it down.
And the second one doesn’t seem to have any context of why he was heating it. Was it stuck? Torqued too high? Loctited instead of greased?
Here’s a expansive video on the FCG:
On October 12, 2021 at 6:34 am, Russell G. said:
Yep. I don’t even watch those kinds of vids…you know what’s coming.
Ask the dudes if they have ever gotten off a 1916 Spanish Mauser barrel that has been sitting in chicken shit for most of its life. Without heat. Without a pipe wrench. Then, we can talk.
Amateur hour abounds with the Ninja AR “gunsmiths”.
On October 12, 2021 at 10:25 am, Matt said:
Hmm, I removed a barrel nut with an AR15 armorer’s wrench and a bit of muscle.
On October 12, 2021 at 6:19 pm, Chris said:
I am a Armorer for a living in a local shop.
Cert’d by 3 different manufacturers on that platform.
I have 200 plus Documented full builds under my belt, not including all the Other stuff folks do to the weapon.
I have only ever had to use heat on Ruger Precision’s during a barrel change on there 1st gen precisions. First gens guns they cranked the barrel nut(main one) on to 120 FTLBS. No thats not a typo. Basicly a lawyer thing. They new people would mess with the rail and didnt want the Main Nut coming loose.
To the best of my Knowedge 2nd and 3rd gens are 90 ft lbs.
The Ar15- If the barrel nut doesnt need timing, some of my personal most accurate AR’s are 50 ftlbs.
If its a MiL Spec rig or someone’s rail that uses the MIL Barrel Nut,,I start at approx 35 ftlbs. If it times there great. If not, i just tighten to the next U-notch in the nut and the Gas Tube then slips in.
Slick 2000 grease on Barrel nut threads and upper rcvr threads, a very light coat!
Anyhow , Thats my voodoo
Oooppps. Seems thats not entirey true.
My son just reminded me. I have used heat before on a barrel nut of a AR.
Guy brought in a AR for a Total Rebuild.
His cats pissed all over the gun. Thing was nasty to say the least.
Cat pee does ugly things to guns.
That job I did use heat. I dont know what cat pee dows to Aluminum and Steel, but it isn’t a lubricant. Hahaha.