Army Recruits Drill With Masks On While Back Female Drill Instructor Leads A Chant About MLK
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 3 months ago
Lord help us if we ever get into a near-peer conflict.
The U.S. military is done. Finished. Kaput. It is no more. There is nothing left of it. It is a hollowed out shell.
UPDATE: NC Renegade posted yesterday. I missed that.
We are BEYOND fucked.
— Nate Taylor: Kardashian Moat Lifeguard (@NotNateTaylor) October 18, 2021
On October 19, 2021 at 3:41 pm, 41mag said:
Asked my buddy who’s now leaving the Nat Guard if they ever sang this, he said yes its been around for years… yikes.
On October 19, 2021 at 4:52 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Herschel
Re: “Lord help us if we ever get into a near-peer conflict. The U.S. military is done. Finished. Kaput. It is no more. There is nothing left of it. It is a hollowed out shell.”
The Cultural Marxists/communists – being nihilists at heart – are lousy at building civilization and all it contains, but alas for those on the side of civilization, they are experts at subverting and tearing down what others have built. One might legitimately ask if they ‘really are’ angry- and vindictive-enough to put the torch to civilization just to watch it burn… and the answer is yes, they really are that angry.
On October 19, 2021 at 5:10 pm, Sisu said:
One need only search “pic black women graduate west point” (my search on DuckDuckGo) … The results return blatant images of many who I doubt can do a sit-up or push-up. And, I have to wonder if any actually became other than logistics, support and command support staff.
Prime results are of 2019 class (lower case “c” appropriate). But the image in my memory is from 2016, when those newly minted 2nd Lt.s posed and saluted with a “black power fist”. …
As far as this second generation, American (light skinned, Nordic-Germanic (who does not believe in the pseudo-science of “white”, “black”, “chinese”, “latino”(perhaps the greatest example of the enslaved identifying with the enslavers solely because of a common imposed language)) races or ethnic groupings), is concerned the “race war” since the ‘70s has been all about “It’s ‘Our’ turn to Abuse.” without any understanding “They” (as they force me to refer to them as) are still a “minority”.
All generalizations are wrong, and I herein apologize to all Americans who G-d decided should have a different skin tone than mine; or that G-d decided I should have a skin tone different than you. But, I am tired of receiving insults based on ignorance (personally and based on purely visual clues), and (as has been said in this blog, and Thomas Sowell has often repeated) the cowardice that fails to acknowledge that “equality of opportunity, is not the same as equality of outcomes”.
Frankly, all those “black” West Point graduates who pose for graduation pictures that obviously celebrate their supposed commonality of race and experience should be dishonorably discharged.
I have mentioned in past comment I worked for four-star (ret.) in a challenging corporate situation, this individual’s solution was to staff the office with former pentagon officers of only one skin tone and no relevant experience; the company failed for the “four-stars” total lack of understanding of “duty” (corporate statutory obligations to others) and ability to understand money was not unlimited, and that trust and ability (or, in context “character” – motivation and ability) has nothing to do with skin tone … Think MLK Jr, and that both father and son were named after a German Roman Catholic Theologian and Priest born in the late 15th Century; talk about “culture appropriation”.
On October 19, 2021 at 5:25 pm, X said:
Yet another example of why I think that “civil rights” and “racial equality” are pure folly.
Most of us — all of us, probably — would like to think that people of any race can have the same objective standards, same goals, and be judged purely on our merits. But unfortunately instances of this are the exceptions rather than the rule. Clarence Thomas would be a great example — no one understands the Constitution or the Founders better than he does. Clearly he has set aside his racial identification in favor of a set of objective legal principles.
But Thomas is hated by most blacks. It’s a safe bet that he is far less popular among blacks than O.J. Simpson or Snoop Dogg.
The reality of racial and gender equality is that almost always when women and blacks are in positions of power, they are going to use that power to reflect the values of THEIR group. They are not going to adopt the values and principles of a civilization created by white men.
If you had a white drill sergeant leading masked blacks in chants about Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Klan and it ended up on Twitter, that guy’s career would be over in five seconds.
But colored woman indoctrinating white recruits by leading them in chants about the communist whoremonger and plagiarizer King?
Meh… it’s Tuesday.
The reality of history is that if your boot is not on someone else’s throat, it’s probably because his boot is on yours.
On October 19, 2021 at 11:45 pm, Jimmy the Saint said:
“The U.S. military is done. Finished. Kaput. It is no more. There is nothing left of it. It is a hollowed out shell.”
I suspect it will still be pretty effective at “domestic operations”.
On October 20, 2021 at 3:24 am, Mike Austin said:
“I suspect it will still be pretty effective at “domestic operations”.”
I don’t think so. If it can’t fight, it can’t fight. It would be “entertaining’ to watch them though. The phrase “target rich environment” comes to mind. (All in jest, of course.)
On October 20, 2021 at 3:53 am, Nosmo said:
The chant, the face diapers, OK, I understand. It’s the “Army.” Not the ARMY, the “Army.” I get it.
The “Army” can teach marching, unit cohesion, shooting skills, all the Properly Woke Stuff, etc., etc. But when the range goes two-way – which will be most U.S. cities in a few months – then what will these oh, so brave warriors do?
Do the skirts come in FDE and Camo, and can they be had with pleats?
On October 20, 2021 at 6:01 am, Matt Bracken said:
“I suspect it will still be pretty effective at “domestic operations”.”
>>I don’t think so. If it can’t fight, it can’t fight. It would be “entertaining’ to watch them though. The phrase “target rich environment” comes to mind. (All in jest, of course.)<<
They won't send SWAT Teams door to door. They will isolate you in a "digital gulag" progressively. Firing you over refusing the injection is just one step on the road. Eventually your credit cards and ATM card will be refused. All social media cut. Email cut. your phone cut. If you continue to be a problem child, they'll drop an inert warning missile through your roof. Still a problem? The next one will contain enough explosive to wreck your house with little or no collateral damage to the neighbors. The drone operator will be a pink-haired trannie sitting at a computer five states away. She/he/it will sleep well knowing she has eliminated a conservative white racist insurrectionist from the world.
How do we fight back against that? We'd better find out, it's coming. Australia is the beta-test for America, and they are building "well-camp" gulags for the resistance.
On October 20, 2021 at 7:20 am, Mike said:
re: Matt Bracken’s comment of: “How do we fight back against that? We’d better find out, it’s coming.”
Well, shaking in our boots while safely ensconced in our basements constantly glued to our screens, ever afraid of getting “Buffalo Jumped,” while waiting for our next dopamine fix from the purveyors of “gloom & doom porn,” while ignorantly confusing our addiction to consuming “patriot news” as actually doing something – IS MOST DEFINITELY IS NOT WORKING.
On October 20, 2021 at 8:02 am, Fred said:
+1 to mike
On October 20, 2021 at 8:35 am, MN Steel said:
Sisu: +1 on the name.
+1 for appropriating the name from a culture that knows what that word means.
+1 for pointing to a racial/ethnic group and then saying racial/ethnic groups are pseudoscience.
+1 for pre-emptive apology to those that absolutely belive skin-color is a uniform and will kill you for yours.
+1 for not being right with God and unable to use His name.
+1 for using Martin Luther’s earlier job title, and not for his List and why a random “German Roman Catholic Theologian and Priest born in the late 15th Century” is relevant a half-millenium later.
Oh, and +1 for including Thomas Sowell, Patron Saint of NAXALT.
On October 20, 2021 at 9:44 am, Levi Garrett said:
Imagine, as a man, having a female drill instructor over you.
On October 20, 2021 at 12:04 pm, Sisu said:
MN Steel, You’re a Riot. …
On October 20, 2021 at 12:07 pm, Ohio Guy said:
Yea, that was pretty disgusting. Current crop of “troops” will be used against us domestically because I don’t consider the current crop to be near peers to anything globally. All Russia or China has to do is “push a button” and we as a country are back to the coal age, bronze age, if we’re lucky.
On October 20, 2021 at 9:22 pm, X said:
“They won’t send SWAT Teams door to door.”
They won’t?
I beg to differ, Bracken. Ask Roger Stone. Ask Rudy Giuliani. Ask any one of the hundreds of people at the 1/6 event who were hunted down like dogs and had 20 FBI cars roll up on them… while Antifa burns cities with impunity.
I think the number Jacob Sullum at Reason cited was about 80,000 SWAT raids per year.
On October 21, 2021 at 4:06 pm, LatigoMorgan said:
So, the Army has gone from banning “dirty” cadence in 1988 to this.