Anthony Fauci: Satan’s Bag Man
BY Herschel Smith
Via Legal Insurrection.
JUST IN – Fauci’s NIH division partly funded a lab to drug dogs and "lock their heads in cages filled with hungry sandflies so that the insects could eat them alive."
— (@disclosetv) October 23, 2021
Funded, of course, by the NIAID. Nice job, jerk.
According to the White Coat Waste Project, the Food and Drug Administration does not require drugs to be tested on dogs, so the group is asking why the need for such testing.
White Coat Waste claims that 44 beagle puppies were used in a Tunisia, North Africa, laboratory, and some of the dogs had their vocal cords removed, allegedly so scientists could work without incessant barking.
Bah, who needs legal requirements for torture when it’s so much fun?
Babylon Bee notes Fauci’s response.
“Puppy torture is science,” said Fauci angrily. “So is grafting baby scalps onto lab mice and engineering viruses that kill millions! I AM SCIENCE! I AM GOD!!!” Fauci then threw back his head and laughed maniacally at the sky.
Fauci insisted that his experiments are “super important”, and “real science.” He also defended some of his other experiments, such as the “Kitten Drowning Experiment”, the “Orphan Punching Experiment”, and the “Piranha Kiddie Pool Experiment.”
Remember boys and girls, Fauci is the one who wants you to wear masks and take the Vax. He’s even confident that the Vax will be ready for kids aged 5-11 by November.
Josef Mengele would be proud to have known him.
On October 24, 2021 at 9:55 pm, Fred said:
“Legislators demand answers” is all you need to know. Doesn’t Congress make the law? How is funding this legal? The Congress will do nothing. Nobody will do anything.
It used to be illegal for the us to do this stuff even overseas. I don’t recall when that law changed. Maybe they just made a new policy without changing the law.
And remember, all the “salmon” you eat that isn’t wild caught is frankenfish grown in labs in Panama… because it’s illegal to genetically modify animals for food here, but, it can be imported all day long. Yum yum.
They’ll do anything for money, even kill the customer.
On October 25, 2021 at 7:52 am, Done. said:
Classic set up for Fauci being the fall guy. He became expendable. Something else is going on here.
On October 25, 2021 at 8:12 am, Bill Buppert said:
Fred: “How is funding this legal?”
With respect, Fred, you are being naive.
You of all people know better.
On October 25, 2021 at 8:17 am, Fred said:
Yes sir.
On October 25, 2021 at 9:18 am, HouseWolf said:
Fauci is the embodiment of evil on earth. His long history is filled with examples of his nauseating “experiments” on animals and humans alike, to this very day as he drives to poison the children now with his witches brew of genetic manipulants.
If there ever is a Nuremberg ll, it will be most satisfying to watch he/it swing.
On October 25, 2021 at 10:17 am, Thomas Anderson said:
people who abuse animals, women and children are unsalvageable
in my dreams, I’m given charge of Fauci’s sentencing and the execution thereof
On October 25, 2021 at 2:35 pm, Chris said:
“ in my dreams, I’m given charge of Fauci’s sentencing and the execution thereof”
Can we glip a coin my friend? ;)
As for the rest of your post
“ people who abuse animals, women and children are unsalvageable”
Undisputable FACT!
On October 25, 2021 at 4:13 pm, Paul B said:
Dunno. Fauci has earned a hot seat.
Along with the Clinton’s, Pelosi and Schumer.
All of these statist bastards need to be cut from the gene pool. To bad most of them are grand parents now.
On October 26, 2021 at 12:54 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Done
Re: “Classic set up for Fauci being the fall guy. He became expendable. Something else is going on here.”
The classic response by the deep-state and the ruling class oligarchs when backed into a corner is to fake outrage at the very same crimes in which they were/are complicit, and then attempt to seize control of the investigation – if there is one – and/or offer up one or more of the underlings as a sacrifice to divert attention from the really big dogs at the top.
It’s not unlike the mob, and like in the mafia, one of the rules is that the top-dogs – the bosses – don’t take the fall when things go wrong, the “soldiers” do, the rank-and-file thugs and wise-guys.
Fauci is hired help. Yes, he is the embodiment of evil, and deserves to be tried/punished at Nuremberg Two, but while his punishment is necessary, it isn’t even close to sufficient. The same is true of the all of the other evil mid-level functionaries – politicians, bureaucrats of various stripes, authority figures, etc. They, too, are hired help. In other words, small fish and not the big ones real fishermen want to catch.
Back in the old days, when the Bureau (FBI) actually deigned to do some honest police work once in a while, one of their most-effective tactics at breaking the mob was to “turn” the underlings and small fish in return for immunity and a slot in the witness protection program, for information implicating those further up the totem pole. That’s how you roll up an entire network of bad guys, and that’s what should be done here.
If those at the very top are not caught and punished, then they’ll soon be back in business causing trouble for humanity – and even more-dangerous for having learned from their mistakes this go-round.
Regardless of what tactics are chosen, it must be borne in mind that these people are past-masters at the shaping of perception, propaganda, psy-ops, and other dark arts. They can’t be trusted, not even a bit, and they are dangerous as any cornered animal. They have no compunctions whatsoever about killing those who stand in their way, and carrying off lesser capers and crimes is just another day at the office for them.