Should You Carry Inside The Home?
BY Herschel Smith
I’ve usually got a firearm nearby, but how close is close enough?
A California woman currently battling cancer has described the terror she felt after being attacked by a bear she found roaming around her kitchen early one morning.
According to Fox 11, Laurel-Rose Von Hoffman-Curzi, 66, from Orinda, suffered a deep laceration to her face which required stitches as well as other puncture wounds, cuts and bruises after being mauled by a bear at her holiday home in North Lake Tahoe last weekend.
Von Hoffmann-Curzi said she had traveled to the property to isolate while she continues to fight stage 4 lymphoma. She was alerted to the presence of someone inside the property after being woken up by loud noises coming from the kitchen at approximately 6 a.m. on Saturday morning.
Upon investigating the noise, she came face to face with a large bear which was skulking around the kitchen refrigerator. What happened next is something of a blur.
“He must have come straight at me,” Von Hoffmann-Curzi told the news outlet. “I have only a vision of the paw. It was dark and then I’m getting torn up.”
She recalled that she was “bleeding and scared and screaming” during the ordeal but still found a way to fight back against the bear, throwing a quilt at the animal and screaming at it.
Though this initially failed to deter the animal, the bear eventually left her house after it saw her husband and son.
Von Hoffman-Curzi was treated in hospital for her injuries and believes she is lucky to be alive following the attack. “I should be dead the way the bear swiped at my face,” she said.
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“Anything that has a strong odor to it is really the number one thing that attracts bears to people’s properties,” he told Fox 11.
That explanation certainly tallies with another recent bear-based home invasion, which was reported in California earlier this week. John Holden shared shocking video footage of a small bear eating food off his kitchen counter.
Holden came home to discover his house in disarray with the bear caught polishing off the remains of a bucket of KFC he had left on the work surface. He was in no doubt as to the cause of the break-in, surmising that the smell of the fried chicken was evidently too tempting for the bear to resist.
According to Bearwise, bears are attracted to “anything that smells” and |it doesn’t even need to smell good.”
“Garbage, compost piles, dirty diapers, pizza boxes, empty beverage cans…to a hungry black bear, it all smells like something good to eat,” they warn.
I don’t think I would ever respond to noises in my home without a firearm, but based on the second report, entering and leaving the premises also creates a justification to carry.
On November 4, 2021 at 12:36 am, Mike Austin said:
I have firearms within arms reach throughout my apartment. As my place is small, that’s not really difficult. If I had a house or larger apartment, then I would certainly carry at home. A gun is of no use if you can’t get to it in time.
I’ve a friend who has a multitude of guns: lots of ARs, a 9mm and a .40. He has a large home—more like a plantation—out in the Oklahoma sticks. He also has 3 children—7, 5 and 3—which is why (he says) he keeps his guns far out of their reach. He won’t carry at home, which then means that if something “spicy” happens he more than likely not be able to get to his guns in time. If he carried, at least he could “fight his way to his rifle”.
On November 4, 2021 at 7:58 am, Mill Tone said:
Carry in the home? You bet.
and just like the American Express card, don’t leave home without it (your sidearm).
On November 4, 2021 at 8:51 am, Fred said:
Entering and leaving a structure is a “transition zone.” Same with moving from one room to another, and especially coming up or down stairs. There are many others in everyday life such as coming around the isle in a grocery or getting into and out of a vehicle. A transition zone is, not by definition but by nature, the place where you are most likely to face opposition, be it 2 legged or four. Are they not the very place where you yourself would lie in wait or choose to strike?
You would think a bear would have better taste than KFC. At least get some Popeyes! But it’s California so what do you expect? Even the bears are retarded.
Oh, the bear didn’t want to snuggle up with the comforter? That’s odd. And if the bear wanted you dead lady, you’d be dead. Period. Full stop.
On November 4, 2021 at 11:22 am, ExpatNJ said:
Sofa/Recliner Gun.
Toilet Gun (“Never sit down without it”); should be Stainless.
On November 4, 2021 at 12:38 pm, Bradlley A Graham said:
Having had numerous death threats that were job related and taking legal action against some irresponsible dog owners in my neighborhood, I carry 24/7… inside and outside.
”…You wear it everywhere so it becomes second nature and you are not fiddle-f**king
with it. Even at home.” “You either live with guns or use them every now and then..”
Village Praxis: Pistol Carry Options
Bill Buppert ZeroGov
June 2018
On November 4, 2021 at 9:50 pm, LatigoMorgan said:
If it’s not within arm’s reach, you are not armed.
On November 6, 2021 at 12:06 am, Dan said:
The western wildfires….specifically, the Dixie Fire, the Caldor fire and the Tamarack fire in
the central to northern Sierra’s destroyed a LOT of vegetative habitat that wildlife relies upon. Those fires have finally…after WEEKS of burning…. been put out or nearly out. But the bears and other wildlife that relied upon that vegetation to live and fatten up for winter are now DEPSERATE for calories. Desperation makes bears do things they wouldn’t normally do. And bears are very smart. They can quickly learn how to ‘break and enter’ into almost any dwelling. So if you live anywhere even NEAR bear country you must be prepared for a bear to make an appearance. And by near I mean within 20-30 miles. They can cover a lot of territory while seeking calories for winter.