The Benefits Of Zinc
BY Herschel Smith
You all know that Zinc is one of the necessary daily drills for being healthy, including an effective treatment for Covid. Here is a recent study that indicates it’s good for other things too.
Many people pop a zinc supplement at the first sign of a cold, and there’s new evidence supporting the habit.
Australian researchers found that the supplements appear to help shorten respiratory tract infections, such as colds, flu, sinusitis and pneumonia.
Many over-the-counter cold and cough remedies offer only “marginal benefits,” the researchers noted, making “zinc a viable ‘natural’ alternative for the self-management of non-specific [respiratory tract infections].”
The study was led by Jennifer Hunter, associate professor at the NICM Health Research Institute at Western Sydney University in Penrith, New South Wales. Her team published the findings Tuesday in the BMJ Open.
According to Hunter’s team, zinc as a nutrient has gained attention from researchers because it’s known to play an important role in immunity, inflammation, tissue injury, blood pressure and in tissue responses to any lack of oxygen.
To learn more about zinc’s potential, the investigators reviewed more than two dozen clinical trials that included more than 5,400 adults.
All were published in 17 English and Chinese research databases up to August 2020. None of them specifically examined the use of zinc for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19.
Lozenges were the most common form of zinc intake, followed by nasal sprays and gels, the research team said. Doses varied substantially, depending on the formulation and whether zinc was used for prevention or treatment.
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Dr. Len Horovitz is a pulmonologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. He wasn’t involved in the new study, but agreed that “most clinical evidence supports the use of zinc supplement for prevention and treatment of colds, some inflammatory processes, and respiratory infections.”
“The usual recommendation is 25 mg of zinc daily,” Horovitz said, but he cautioned that “it is unclear exactly what dose is best.”
Queueing in three … two … one …
The CDC announces that they’ve reversed course and decided that Zinc should be avoided and even removed from your daily diet.
No, this isn’t the Babylon Bee, at least not yet.
On November 3, 2021 at 11:08 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Zinc has long been a part of the physician/medic’s treatment repertoire in Third World locations where safe drinking water is not always available and public health and sanitation are lacking. Specifically, zinc is given as a part of ORT (oral rehydration therapy) for disorders like cholera and dysentery, which can cause severe diarrhea and thus life-threatening dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, particularly in infants, children and the elderly – in areas suffering from these maladies.
On November 4, 2021 at 6:49 am, Bob in NC said:
Just a note of caution on zinc…it is one of those chemical elements that tends to accumulate in the brain, so we need to be careful with how much we take.
On November 4, 2021 at 10:05 am, Gary said:
If you wish to remain healthy do the opposite of whatever the CDC says.
On November 4, 2021 at 10:33 am, Fred said:
One dynamic I haven’t seen discussed (I don’t go to a lot of web pages because they are ungodly, immature, and unintelligent) is the peak boomer problem that the medical industrial complex faces. How can they keep profits handsomely coming in with a younger and healthier demographic? Well, you could, if you were a classical fascist, and who isn’t when it comes industry profits, keep the population profitable through a government coercion program to sick the population. Imagine all money you would make if everyone were I’ll.
Think they wouldn’t do it? You know they would, and you know in your heart that they are doing it. And think of the glorious side benefits for government; a weakened and sickly population in need constant care and support that can’t fight back.
Nobody will remember but I told y’all here about how soviets would set traps in Afghanistan to cripple children so one parent would be out of the fight having to constantly tend to the maimed child. Yeah, that’s what commies do, that’s how they think, and they’re following the same playbook as always but you must admit the scale of the expansion is masterful. Sick and cripple the whole population. They’re not dumb, not stupid, not misguided, or simply poorly managing things; they are evil.