Prosecuting Attorney For Kyle Rittenhouse Should Be In Prison
BY Herschel Smith
And the proceedings should be a mistrial.
First, at Legal Insurrection, the forensic expert supports the defense contention that Kyle’s actions were in self defense. Because they were.
Second, Zero Hedge has a piece up discussing the “grave constitutional violation” involved in the prosecution’s assertion that Kyle’s remaining silent says something about his guilt. In other words, Kyle invoked the Fifth Amendment, and the prosecution wants to make something of it. The jury heard it all. The name of the prosecuting attorney is Thomas Binger. He’s a scumbag.
Next, the prosecution suborned perjury. Yes, that’s right.
A witness in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse testified Tuesday that prosecutors pushed him to change his statement to the police.
Amateur photographer Nathan DeBruin took the stand on Tuesday as one of four defense witnesses called that day. During his testimony, DeBruin recounted an earlier, uncomfortable meeting with prosecutors in which DeBruin said they pushed him to change a statement he gave to police regarding another man, Joshua Ziminski, whom prosecutors have charged with arson.
During the defense examination of the witness, defense attorney Mark Richards asked DeBruin to describe the meeting he had had with Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger and Assistant District Attorney James Kraus.
“I was called down to the district attorney’s office. I met with Mr. Binger and [Kraus] … I was called into a room, sat at a table, handed my police statement, got to read over my police statement, and then I was asked if I would like to add anything to the police statement, and I said I would not,” DeBruin began.
“Mr. Binger pulled out a cell phone and showed me a video and also a photo – which was actually one photo that I brought today – and asked me if I knew who a gentleman was in that photo, and I said I did not. … He said, ‘This is Joshua Ziminski.’ Mr. Binger also has a case with him, and I am subpoenaed for that case also,” he continued. “He says, ‘Well, that’s who that is.’ He put the phone down. He picked the phone back up and says, ‘Who is this?’ And I confusingly said, like, Joshua Ziminski, and he said, ‘Would you like to add that to your statement?’ and I just felt I didn’t want to change my statement.”
DeBruin said that after that meeting he retained counsel. Richards closed his examination after the exchange.
Under cross-examination by Kraus, DeBruin testified that the prosecution asked him to “change” his statement, suggesting that prosecutors wanted DeBruin to give the police false information regarding his knowledge about Ziminski.
Finally, here is an exchange between the judge and the prosecuting attorney (sent by Len Savage). The prosecuting attorney (his name is Thomas Binger) is a disgusting piece of garbage, a true dirtbag. The judge gives the attorney a spanking the likes of which I’ve never seen before. In forty one years in my career, I’ve never been dressed down like that.
With that said, it’s now time for the judge to throw the case out of court and imprison the attorney for suborning perjury and contempt of court, right after he reports him to the BAR to have his license revoked.
See at WRSA.
On November 11, 2021 at 7:36 am, June J said:
Justice would be served if the judge dismissed the case and freed Rittenhouse immediately. Then had the prosecutor arrested for contempt.
However, instead it will probably go to a jury of woke people who will send Kyle to prison.
On November 11, 2021 at 9:03 am, Keyser Soze said:
T Clair Binger’s antics yesterday reminded me of;
On November 11, 2021 at 10:17 am, Fred said:
I’m not sure that even the Pharisees of the Jews (who cried crucify Him, crucify Him, and claimed the curse of spilling the perfect and holy and innocent blood of Christ upon themselves and the heads of their children) had the bald face audacity to impugn guilt upon our Lord Jesus for His silence.
Americans having forgotten and now rejected the bible based origins of their covenant and laws, the best as one can reckon; they are under and are also facing the cursings of Almighty God and the blood of hundreds of millions rests upon their heads.
If only the churches had taught the covenant nature of our Creator and subsequent blessings and cursings set before each man, his family, his tribe, and his nation. Christians will learn again, but by all accounts that lesson would now appear to needfully be applied through judgments from which flow curses, and great woes.
The prosecutor is obviously a blatantly wicked and discusting man, but as we’re many of the Pharisees, he’s a lawyer so there’s that. (No offense intended toward CA, of course.)
On November 11, 2021 at 10:51 am, ragman said:
Marxists take care of their own. I will be pleasantly surprised if Mr Rittenhouse doesn’t go to prison for a long time.
On November 11, 2021 at 2:22 pm, I R A Darth Aggie said:
In addition to all of that, they should look at his cases over the last 5 years and see if there’s more hanky panky going on. If so, the go back all the way, including all the cases that were pled out.
On November 11, 2021 at 8:28 pm, blake said:
At first, I thought Binger was just an idiot. However, after listening to the way Binger spoke to Kyle, I realized Binger a malicious jackass who doesn’t care about justice.
I’ve been in court a couple of times, and I’ve never heard a DA speak to a defendant the way Binger spoke to Rittenhouse.
On November 11, 2021 at 9:32 pm, MTHead said:
Binger is a commie thru-in-thru. His case is all emotion, no substance. And poor Kyle, his attorney is as bad as I’ve ever seen.
He didn’t even play the video expert’s work from one end to the other. Showing this whole thing went in minutes. And mili-seconds to make life and death decisions.
It’s good Kyle got on the stand, He’s still the only one truly defending his life.
On November 12, 2021 at 2:33 pm, Pat Hines said:
What needs to happen, without regard to disposition of this case, is to fund opposition to the ambitions of ADA Binger. We already know he ran, and lost, for the office of DA and plans to run again.
We need to stop him cold. We must reward our friends and punish our enemies.
On November 12, 2021 at 3:45 pm, Brad said:
Little known fact. The Prosecutor, the head of detectives, and the Mayor are all related. And total communists with no regard for the Constitution or our Constitutional Rights.
On November 12, 2021 at 4:02 pm, Pat Hines said:
Yes, I’d read about that. It is true, yet another reason to attempt to remove their offices.
On November 12, 2021 at 5:35 pm, Brad said:
I’ve had a carry permit, and carry daily for going on 20 years. In California no less, that has some of the strictest criteria around for when you can defend yourself. A Castle Doctrine state. I keep up on the Penal codes and the guy I go to for my two year renewals is a Sacramento County Sheriff. Pretty high up. Gun lover. He takes the time to dive deep into the penal codes and even sets up little scenarios in his classes illustrating when you can pull your weapon. So I feel I’m pretty informed on the matter. I’ve watched every bit of video available and in my opinion Kyle was Test Book, even in California. This is a total infringement of his Constitutional Rights. And somebody should go to jail for it. It just so happens I’m taking a renewal class with the same guy tomorrow. Should be an interesting class.
On November 13, 2021 at 11:45 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
Binger knows *now* – if he didn’t know before – that this is a dog of a case, and if he came up against competent counsel and a fair judge, he’d lose and lose big. And he came up against competent counsel, and a fair judge, so the only thing he had left was to have a mistrial declared, so he could have another crack at it, maybe another judge, definitely another jury. And he’d know all of the points of the defense case, and he might get to mess with some of the witnesses. And the judge knows all of this, and did his best to get it to the jury, which is what has happened. Now, there’s no guarantee of what a jury will do, but my bet is that they will come back with “not guilty” findings, on probably all counts except perhaps for the firearms count. We’ll see what happens, though. And there’s always the chance for a motion for a directed verdict at the close of the prosecution’s case – their closing arguments are going to be interesting, and Binger may wind up on the wrong side of a charge of prosecutorial misconduct. At the very least, I can easily imagine a letter or two being sent to the Disciplinary Administrator about his conduct during the case – and the closing arguments will be interesting – he may *still* try to provoke a mistrial, in which case I hope it’s with prejudice. And I hope Binger gets his ass kicked and good.