Another Stupidity In The Kyle Rittenhouse Trial
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 2 months ago
The judge [correctly] dropped the weapons charge.
The problem with the Wisconsin statute is not a problem of pluralization but definition. It is not clear that the statute actually bars possession by Rittenhouse. Indeed, it may come down to the length of Rittenhouse’s weapon and the prosecutors never bothered to measure it and place it into evidence.
In Wisconsin, minors cannot possess short-barreled rifles under Section 941.28. Putting aside the failure to put evidence into the record to claim such a short length, it does not appear to be the case here. Rittenhouse used a Smith & Wesson MP-15 with an advertised barrel length of 16 inches and the overall length is 36.9 inches. That is not a short barrel.
Of course it’s not an SBR.
One might claim that he found a gunsmith to shorten the barrel for him, reinstall the flash hider, and not inform Rittenhouse that it was now an SBR. But of course that would be stupid. Kyle would gain nothing whatsoever from losing an inch or two off his barrel length.
Besides, I can look at it and tell that it’s not an SBR. And besides again, I know how to use a tape measure.
And besides one more time, the entire team of prosecuting attorneys needs to be flogged in broad daylight, stripped naked, and marched to the town square and put in stocks as an example to children everywhere.
On November 16, 2021 at 9:32 am, Fred said:
It’s a stock M&P. Period.
On November 16, 2021 at 1:10 pm, scott s. said:
Actually, the SBR restriction is to anyone. The separate section he was charged under deals with possession of a “dangerous weapon” by persons under 18. That section exempts rifles and shotguns while referring back to 941.28 and also to some hunting sections which allow persons to posses rifles and shotguns if they are 12-15 provided they take the hunter ed course. 16 and over no special requirement exists.
On November 17, 2021 at 10:57 pm, Dave Moore said:
You talk as if the law matters, as if facts matter, as if there is such a thing as objective reality.
No. This is a show trial. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Kyle Rittenhouse’s innocence or guilt on the charge of murder.
KR is in fact charged with counter revolutionary activities, which are not defined under American Law. Therefore, no law, no procedure, no fact or testimony, is in any way relevant.
The truth is whatever the State says it is. Period.
The point of this trial is shut up, prole, and think what you’re told.
To that end, the more egregious the lies and violations of procedure, the better.
Once you have inconvenienced BLM or Antifa, your life and liberty are forfeit. All objections are futile.
On November 17, 2021 at 11:02 pm, Dave Moore said:
As an example, take Binger’s action with the rifle at face value.
Never point you gun at anything you’re not willing to destroy? Binger was willing to destroy the people he pointed it at.
Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot? He was ready to shoot. See above.
All guns are always loaded? The gun in question was not KR’s rifle. It was the gleefully complicit media, pointed at you and me.
NOT STUPID. Just evil.