Small Pox Found In Merck Lab
BY Herschel Smith
Yahoo News reports that the 15 “questionable vials” were found in the Merck Pennsylvania lab freezer, with 10 labeled as “Vaccinia” and the remaining five labeled as deadly “Smallpox.”
As reported in 2014, when another set of vials was dioscovered in Maryland, Variola, or smallpox, which killed hundreds of millions before it was declared eradicated in 1980 through a worldwide vaccination campaign, is legally stored at only two locations in the United States and Russia.
Most Americans born since 1972 have not been vaccinated for smallpox. Under a 1979 WHO agreement, the only remaining official live smallpox stocks are kept at CDC in Atlanta and the VECTOR laboratory in Novosibirsk, Russia.
So, the question is… what are these 5 vials of ‘smallpox’ doing in a Merck lab near Philly?
Maybe Fauci has some insight into this? Perhaps they should conduct rendition to find out.
On November 18, 2021 at 12:55 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
Hey, if you peasants won’t do things the easy way with the vax, we’ll just have to do it the messy way with the pox.
– The Government
On November 18, 2021 at 11:07 am, Longbow said:
Uhhhhmmmm… Gain of function research?
On November 18, 2021 at 1:22 pm, Fred said:
Nom nom nom, “This gain of function spinach salad is delicious, Honey.” Nom nom…
“Yes dear, the package says: Now With Smallpox, on it.” “It’s a little more expensive but the children are worth it.”