Kyle Rittenhouse: Not Guilty On All Counts
BY Herschel Smith
Somehow, in spite of the circus show this turned out to be, in spite of juror #54 potentially going rogue, justice has been served and Kyle Rittenhouse has been found not guilty on all counts.
The charges should never have been filed to begin with.
Fill in with comments as you see fit.
UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds observes, “This is a big deal not only because of the merits of the individual case, which manifestly shouldn’t have been brought, but because all the effort around it by the left was aimed at establishing the principle that their thugs could riot in the streets, but that normals don’t dare resist. This is a huge setback for that effort.”
UPDATE #2: Now it’s time to hold the prosecution accountable for their malfeasance. They knew who one of Kyle’s attackers was (the so-called jump-kick man), and didn’t tell the defense. Then there is the little issue of the compressed video. Send them up before the BAR, and then put them in jail.
UPDATE #3: Zero Hedge.
“Prosecutors were visibly crestfallen after the verdict was read.”
Seen in the comments at Legal Insurrection.
Pleasantly surprised. Good that the National Guard is standing by. They will be needed.
Well, not unless they’re under arming orders. I’ve brought this up many, many times before, especially when the NG was deployed to the border. They’re deployed without weapons, or without ammunition, and with no ROE/RUF. Someone has to sign arming orders for them even to be able to effect self defense.
Arming orders. Remember those two words. Find the orders, send them to me and I’ll post them. If they aren’t under arming orders, they’re just window dressing.
On November 19, 2021 at 1:25 pm, Sisu said:
Now let’s Pray Peace for Kenosha and other cities. And, hope perhaps the pendulum is going to begin moving back toward the “rule of law”.
On November 19, 2021 at 1:37 pm, MTHead said:
Maybe Kyle’s bravery had a effect on the jury? I mean it’s obvious. If they convicted Kyle, there would be no way to protect themselves ever again. The people of Kenosha are living proof ain’t nobody else going to. They drive by that destruction every day. It could have been any one of them. The government and PD already showed themselves as cowards.
Good on them!
On November 19, 2021 at 1:39 pm, Doc said:
I’d like to believe that the judge will be filing ethics complaints on the prosecutors before this is over. Judge is a pretty good job of actually enforcing the law as it’s written.
On November 19, 2021 at 1:45 pm, HouseWolf said:
Nick Sandmann- “I won 250 million dollars from CNN for defamation.
Kyle Rittenhouse- “hold my beer”…
On November 19, 2021 at 1:51 pm, Avoid Blue Cities said:
What a display of backbone by KR.
Doubtful I would have been so full of composure at such a young age.
He stood his ground and kept Auto Source from being burned to the ground.
What a champ, an inspiration.
Stay alert, aware, awake, this weekend, the CPUSA comrades will be in full froth and may try some burning and looting in blue cities.
On November 19, 2021 at 2:20 pm, Countrylawyer said:
This 17-year-old kid was alone, under attack on his life, and beaten to the ground. And in defending himself he managed to harm exactly zero people who were not actively attempting to kill him. Think about that for a moment. How many trained adults could keep their heads — and their aim — that steady under anything like those circumstances? Have to hope he manages to bankrupt several MSM outlets and personages; he’s going to need years to recover from what just happened to him, and he’ll need all the resources he can get.
On November 19, 2021 at 2:24 pm, Walter Coast said:
Kenosha needs to burn to the ground to serve as a lesson.
The citizens of Kenosha have done nothing.
The same social perversion still exists that had government officials watching criminals burn the city while Kyle did their jobs of fire prevention, medical attention, and security.
Every citizen of Kenosha should have shown up to the courthouse with a black rifle and told the protesters that disorder in their community would not be tolerated.
But they didn’t.
Burn the city. And keep burning cities until normal people become tired of it and stand up.
On November 19, 2021 at 2:24 pm, Procurator said:
I wonder if he’ll sue President Brandon for defamation.
On November 19, 2021 at 2:26 pm, June J said:
The correct verdicts on all charges. Hurrah to the jury for not being intimidated by the media or the protesters/tonight’s rioters.
I doubt it will happen but the Kenosha government and police have been shown the way to handle the rioting and destruction is coming down hard and putting people in jail for hard time. Perhaps call it an “insurrection,” arrest them all and hold them without bail for months.
On November 19, 2021 at 2:53 pm, Done. said:
Maybe the left will now pause, knowing we can win self defense cases again. It’s now perfectly legal again to shoot and kill rioters.
We also need Kyle and his attorneys to proceed on a scorched earth campaign of suits and pursuit of as many damages as possible.
The prosecuting attorneys and especially the DA, should be disbarred, sued and sent to jail. What they did here was despicable.
On November 19, 2021 at 2:55 pm, Fred said:
I was wrong in my prediction, happily so!
On November 19, 2021 at 3:04 pm, ExpatNJ said:
A battle won, yes; but, the war never ends. Remember that.
On November 19, 2021 at 3:51 pm, Houston said:
The far left libtards are going absolutely bonkers. By their comments you can really tell how absolutely brain damaged and insane they really are. Well write their names down on your list. These are your enemies.
On November 19, 2021 at 4:05 pm, Mortimer Snerd said:
If the Guard had been called in at the onset of the rioting, this situations (and many like it) would never see the light of day.
On November 19, 2021 at 4:11 pm, K-jon said:
From my experience in the guard deployed during the 1968 MLK riots, the guard was equipped with batons. In earlier riots (Detroit etc) the guard brought firearms and it lacked proportion. Rubber rounds did not exist at that time. Significantly more firepower is available if needed. My advice is if the guard it is deployed, stay away. Unlike police, guardsmen are not used to taking abuse from unruly people and they will react with prejudice. Kent State is an example.
On November 19, 2021 at 4:23 pm, Walt Kisner said:
This case settles little. Granted, you may well enjoy the right to self defense as long as it is obvious that you have been threatened with violence or physically attacked. However, it sib obvious that it remains a high likelihood that burning, pillaging, looting and personal assault remains an unpunished activity by a great many politically supported agitators whose crimes are ignored.
On November 19, 2021 at 4:58 pm, mariner said:
I was very impressed with Nick Sandman’s composure, but he’s not even in the same game as Kyle Rittenhouse,
“Hold my beer” indeed.
On November 19, 2021 at 6:37 pm, Tacitus said:
I put the blame squarely on the head of a man who has been conspicuously out of the news for a while. Jacob Frey. Remember the Mayor of Minneapolis who ordered the police to stand down and let a precinct station burn? No clearer signal is possible to the mob that they can loot and destroy with impunity. And the consequences? He was recently re-elected Mayor of Minneapolis. Such a deep, deep rot has set in.
On November 19, 2021 at 7:33 pm, Chris Mallory said:
Look for Federal Firearms charges on the straw purchase. That won’t be quite so easy to beat since Rittenhouse and Black both ran their mouths to the cops and the media.
Don’t talk to the cops or the media. Neither one is your friend. Ask for a lawyer and then shut up.
The straw purchase law is fairly black and white and when it is enforced it is strictly enforced. The last Supreme Court case on straw purchases:
“However, when the case came before the Supreme Court, Abramski modified his defense and claimed that the misrepresentation was not material because the law only cares about the person buying the gun from the dealer, not the final receiver of the gun. The Court disagreed with this interpretation and held that the law cared about the final receiver, which is properly considered the person buying the gun. Such straw arrangements, the Court held, are different from allowed transfers where a person buys a gun for himself and later decides to sell it. Accordingly, the Court found that the misrepresentation was material. Additionally, the Court found that the answer was required to be kept on the dealer’s record. The Court thus held that the purchase violated 18 U.S.C. § 922(a)(6),[1] which makes it unlawful to falsify facts “material to the lawfulness of the sale,” and 18 U.S.C. § 924(a)(1)(A),[2] which prohibits misrepresentation with respect to information which a dealer is required to maintain on record.”
According to a NSSF website, these are the penalties for violations of that law:
An illegal firearm purchase (straw purchase) is a federal crime.
An illegal firearm purchase can bring a felony conviction sentence of ten years in jail and a fine of up to $250,000.
On November 19, 2021 at 10:17 pm, blake said:
I’m really tired of the, “Well, Kyle shouldn’t have been there” crap.
In a way, it’s true, but, the context is missing. Had the governor of Wisconsin done his job, someone like Kyle wouldn’t have felt the need to do the job the cops, mayor and governor were unwilling to do.
I fully expect Kyle to have PTSD from this event, because he had to live through the nightmare scenario, for a year, of losing his freedom, and, probably, his life, once put in jail.
The jurors are also going to be feeling the effect of being involved in that trial. They were put in the position of having to do the right thing, while, rightly, fearing the howling mob. That the jurors came through under such horrible conditions is a testament to their fortitude.
The jackasses in the DA’s office are responsible for not only destroying Kyle’s life, but, very likely, the lives of several of jurors.
The DA’s will sleep just fine, knowing the mob won’t show up at their door.
Unlike the parties who were unwilling participants in a trial that should never have taken place.
By the way, was Zaminski ever charged? He, arguably, is responsible for starting the ball rolling, when he fired his pistol into the air.
On November 19, 2021 at 11:02 pm, Longbow said:
Binger should join Mike Nifong on the trash heap of History.