The Difference Between Black Rifle Coffee And The Saddle River Range

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 9 months ago

Saddle River Range (via Ken).

The Saddle River Range in Conroe sent a text message to customers about the “Pre-Black Friday clearance sale” which started Saturday and will last through Thanksgiving.

“We would like to clear up some confusion, the post states. “We are celebrating the life that Kyle Rittenhouse now gets to live because he was able to defend himself without being penalized for it. This is a big win for the Second Amendment and cause for celebration. For those of you who think we are celebrating “the death of innocent people”, we apologize that you didn’t take the time to gather and evaluate the actual facts from the case.”

Black Rifle Coffee.

The veteran-founded coffee company had distanced itself from Rittenhouse after the teenager took a post-bail photo wearing a Black Rifle Coffee T-shirt and BlazeTV host Elijah Schaffer posted the photo along with the caption, “Kyle Rittenhouse drinks the best coffee in America.”

Schaffer, whose podcast was sponsored by Black Rifle Coffee, deleted his tweet, and a company spokeswoman said to the Salt Lake Tribune, “We did have a conversation with Schaffer, and he understands that the post was a mistake.”

The company’s CEO Evan Hafer also issued a statement disavowing any relationship with Rittenhouse that said, “We do not sponsor nor do we have a relationship with the 17-year-old facing charges in Kenosha, WI.”

Breitbart News reached out to Black Rifle Coffee on Friday for comment but received no response.

While Black Rifle Coffee remained silent, conservatives torched the company on social media.

Since its disavowal of Rittenhouse, the company has been under fire from the right, which comprises a large portion of its consumer base.

The company has tried to do damage control, only further antagonizing the right.

After its initial statement, Hafer released a video statement saying that the company believed in the Constitution, the Second Amendment and the right to bear arms, and that a person is innocent until provided guilty, but reiterated that the company did not sponsor Rittenhouse.

The company then dug itself into a hole further after Hafer and the company’s Executive Vice President Mat Best granted in-depth interviews to the New York Times in July, where they disparaged the right.

Best compared January 6 Capitol protesters wearing Black Rifle Coffee products to “terrorist organizations that wear American brands when they go behead Americans.”

Black Rifle Coffee chose poorly.


  1. On November 23, 2021 at 11:28 am, Ned said:

    Evan Hafer claims to be a CIA contractor. Since the Rittenhouse case was about laying the foundation for prosecuting Americans who use guns for self-defense, his deep state approved anti-rights position isn’t a mystery.

  2. On November 23, 2021 at 11:36 am, Fred said:

    They are “pro gun” veterans which seems to translate into Statist way too much. But hey, I understand. I joined up with the intent to make the world free at gun point, and if they didn’t like it, I was willing to kill them. I understand the mentality perfectly. Be very careful that when discussing things with veterans and active duty that you define terms. You could very well be talking about two entirely different meanings of things thinking that your on the same page when you are actually miles apart.

  3. On November 23, 2021 at 12:34 pm, billrla said:

    Coffee Beans Matter. Seriously, they do. Buying coffee now requires due diligence about more than taste and price.

  4. On November 23, 2021 at 1:32 pm, WiscoDave said:

    Stocking Mill Coffee.
    Home page says it all.

  5. On November 23, 2021 at 1:33 pm, WiscoDave said:

    Well, should probably add a link…

  6. On November 23, 2021 at 2:32 pm, Don Curton said:

    I’ve purchased BRCC in the past. Over-priced and not all that great. Seriously, the HEB store brand is better. And I decided about a year ago to never touch their product again.

    I try to avoid making product decision based on politics, instead I just look for quality and cost. If it’s good, I’ll buy it. Unless of course the company makes its politics either so obvious and in your face that you can’t ignore it, or else the major selling point is politics. For BRCC, they’ve done both. Hell, they could have called the company anything, but Black Rifle is right there in the name, so obviously they are trying to use that position to sell it. So, hard pass.

    Dunkin Donuts. Top choice. Also Tim Hortons if I can find it. Otherwise HEB store brand.

  7. On November 23, 2021 at 3:18 pm, Alex said:

    Here’s a thought: I’ll start to respect the “veterans” of the recent 2 decades once they begin taking their oath seriously by defending and standing up for the law of the land and what’s right, instead of supporting the apparatus of the state in exchange for benefits and comfort.

  8. On November 23, 2021 at 5:57 pm, Roger J said:

    I’ll keep drinking Defender Coffee, Swamp Fox blend. I direct my contribution to the 2nd Amendment Foundation.

  9. On November 23, 2021 at 6:23 pm, Red Man said:

    They just don’t know when to shut the F up. Usually if you do the listening, people will tell you all about themselves. As BRCC has done. F ’em. They will never get another dime from me. A veteran myself.

  10. On November 23, 2021 at 7:03 pm, Steady Steve said:

    Used to buy their coffee. After the NYT debacle, not another dime to them. I’ll give Stocking Mill a try.

  11. On November 23, 2021 at 8:36 pm, No Room For Commie said:

    Rack Blifle? I wouldn’t buy that for a penny.
    Found some great stuff out of Minnesota but it was on sale and I’ll have to look it up and see if they are screeching moonbats at a fruit fight.
    Good deal, their home page has no BLM logos or environmental scare mongering as it is all about coffee!
    They have some wild flavors like pecan, caramel brownie, Velvet Moon.
    A lot of these Grand Old Politburo and so called “conservatives” are Long March fellow travelers.

  12. On November 23, 2021 at 8:37 pm, Chief_Acid_Rain said:

    Another pretender company. They chose poorly and pissed on their customers. I will not buy any more of their products. Their coffee wasn’t that good anyway.

  13. On November 23, 2021 at 9:11 pm, George said:

    Tim Horton is a recent addition to our kitchen. We really like it.

  14. On November 24, 2021 at 8:18 am, June J said:

    Lefties can’t help themselves…eventually they all express their true feelings.

  15. On November 24, 2021 at 9:19 am, blake said:

    I was willing to give BRCC a break until they decided to do an interview with the NY Times.

    If BRCC was truly committed to supporting our rights, that’s the last place they would have gone.

  16. On November 24, 2021 at 11:54 am, Jimbo said:

    I tried some of their stuff a few years ago (about when they first came out) as I wanted to help a company run by vets. While I wasn’t overwhelmed by the quality, it wasn’t bad and not that long ago, I thought about purchasing some different coffee. This article, plus several others, have convinced me to kill that idea. It will be a cold day in Hell before I purchase from them or recommend them. It looks as though there are others to buy from, which I will do.

  17. On November 24, 2021 at 9:40 pm, xtphreak said:

    well I loved their Prius with a Vulcan youtube.

    Other than that, I thought it tasted too much like Starbuckz.


  18. On November 26, 2021 at 11:15 am, MMinWA said:

    My coffee is a W/M instant from Mexico. I used to brew all kinds of expensive shit but now, 1 cup of this heavenly java in the morning is great.

    My gal, Ms 5 Shot Expresso cringes…as I did, once, when I tasted hers’.

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