Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Now you can see why the vaccines were a mistake

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago


If you throw those four mutations into Delta, you have a version that uses your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage.

[ … ]

In other words, its mutations look pretty much identical to what the Japanese scientists were warning would allow Delta to use your vaccine induced antibody response to its own advantage. Oops.

[ … ]

I give it two months at most, before you’ll be starting to see a consensus shift: These vaccines were a big mistake. Now you can see why. A new variant emerges that seems to have evolved in someone who was HIV positive while infected for an extended period of time with SARS-COV-2, giving the virus ample time to figure out an optimal solution to the vaccine induced immune response.

The other awkward question they don’t want to address is as following: How are you going to avoid an original antigenic sin response to your new variant specific strain? How do you make sure your new vaccine updated for this new strain isn’t just going to boost the antibodies originally developed against the original strain you vaccinated everyone against? They have no solution. In fact, this new strain spreads so fast that if it escapes our attempts to contain it (which all evidence suggests will be the case), the new variant specific vaccine will come far too late to make a difference.

The post is involved and you can read it for yourself.

But this part in the comments piqued by interest.


Later upon request, this link is provided for the text.

I wish I could say that I have the capabilities of an android and have already studied this, but that wouldn’t be true.

For those among us who (a) have a medical background, and (b) have studied this text, feel free to give us the pedestrian summary on why you never vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic unless the vaccine kills the pathogen 100%.

And if you’re in the medical community, you can follow that up by explaining if you were against administration of the vaccine to patients, and if not, why not, based on your knowledge of the material in this text?

The Guns Of Thanksgiving

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

American Rifleman.

The subtle fact about Thanksgiving and the arms that were present is that there were lots of arms present. A staggering number of guns, to be exact. Captain John Smith of Jamestown, Va., wrote in 1609 that they had 24 cannons and 300 muskets, way more than the number of men currently on hand to use them. Firearms were perhaps the only commodity that the first colonists had in any abundance.

The types of guns they used to defend their small enclaves were mostly the same types of arms currently in use in Europe at the time. Matchlocks were the first common type of long arm developed in the 16th century. Generally a 10-bore smoothbore that fired a 12-bore round ball, matchlocks were fired by means of a slow match, a burning length of rope and hemp, impregnated with saltpeter to aid in its burning.

A pull of the trigger, or lever, brought the burning match into contact with the exposed powder in the frizzen pan at the breech of the gun, beginning the chain of events that eventually sent the round, lead ball flying down the barrel. A few matchlock actions have been excavated at Jamestown by archeologists, but far more snaphaunce actions have been found. This corresponds to the written inventories of Jamestown (as well as Plymouth beginning in 1620) that showed almost 1,000 snaphaunce muskets vs. only 47 matchlocks on hand.

Well, whatever else one wants to argue, you can’t legitimately argue that our forebearers weren’t well armed.

Lies Of Omission 2021

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Here it is over Rumble.  On a related note, I miss Mike Vanderboegh.  I think he would be able to give a lot of wisdom concerning the state of affairs today and proper preparations for the future.

Thanksgiving 2021 On A Cold Morning At Crowders Mountain

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Pinnacle.  With daughter and middle son.  They hike like gazelles.  But I kept up with them.  Mostly.  I was ready for dinner.

The Salvation Army Declares Themselves To Be Utterly Irrelevant

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

It was bound to happen.  Most of the American Church is already utterly irrelevant, having declared that they no longer believe in the infallibility of Scripture, the Deity of Christ, the Trinity, the substitutionary atonement, and other necessary doctrines to be considered relevant and orthodox.  After defenestrating doctrine, they picked up parity in income as their raison d’être.  In other words, they adopted full orbed Marxism.

The Salvation Army has followed suit.

The Salvation Army wants its white donors to give it more than just money this Christmas season. Its leadership is also demanding they apologize for being racist.

It’s part of a push by the Christian charitable organization to embrace the ideas of Black Lives Matter, an activist group working to, among other things, “dismantle white privilege” and “disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure.”

The Salvation Army’s Alexandria-based leadership has created an “International Social Justice Commission” which has developed and released a “resource” to educate its white donors, volunteers and employees called Let’s Talk about Racism. It asserts Christianity is institutionally racist, calling for white Christians to repent and offer “a sincere apology” to blacks for being “antagonistic.. to black people or the culture, values and interests of the black community.”

“Many have come to believe that we live in a post-racial society, but racism is very real for our brothers and sisters who are refused jobs and housing, denied basic rights and brutalized and oppressed simply because of the color of their skin,” one lesson explains. “There is an urgent need for Christians to evaluate racist attitudes and practices in light of our faith, and to live faithfully in today’s world.”

Here is one response, but it doesn’t go far enough.

Entitled An Open Letter to The Salvation Army, Koukl prefaces the post by informing TSA that he is terminating his monthly donations and directing them to another organization. Koukl is also the founder and president of the Stand to Reason, a non-profit religious organization that “trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed defense for classical Christianity.”

“There is a massive number of academics—Black and white, Christian and non-Christian, atheist and theist—who have raised the alarm against the aggressive indoctrination and, frankly, bullying of CRT—not to mention the racial essentialism inherent in the view, the false witness it bears against virtuous people, and the general destruction it continues to wreak on race relations in this country. CRT has set us back 50 years,” he continued.

[ … ]

General Brian Peddle, CEO of The Salvation Army announced the initiative in February through a video in which he said “it examines racism through the lens of scripture, church and world history and guides gracious discussions about overcoming the damage racism has inflicted upon our world and yes, on our Salvation Army.”

“As we anticipate having courageous conversations about race please join me in working toward a world in which all people feel included, valued and loved on Earth just as they are in heaven,” Peddle stated in the one-minute video.

[ … ]

“Repentance solely for the fact that you’re white, we don’t think that’s very productive,” Xu told Newsweek, who also noted that 60 percent of those served by The Salvation Army are from ethnic minority communities. That’s a statistic he told Newsweek he discovered by talking to Commissioner and TSA National Commander Kenneth G. Hodder.

Here’s the thing with the SA that’s so crazy—these people spend their entire lives serving the poor,” said Xu. “There is absolutely no reason to even suggest or insinuate repentance for their supposed complicity in racism.”

“I have a real problem with that website and the resources that are suggested readings—to my mind they do not accord with what I’ve seen at the SA,” said Theroux, who has spent more than 25 years in a governing role.

“They’re silly notions that are not going to resolve the disparate conditions of people.” Rather, Theroux said there are concerted actions people can take rather than “spending a lot of time and effort in training or gnashing of teeth.”

“I don’t think it advances real solutions and real solutions are needed,” added Theroux. “Jargon like systemic racism and whiteness being a sin is a smokescreen for correctly diagnosing the problems and addressing them in a meaningful way that will resolve them.”

You see?  Even responses to the Salvation Army are poor.  And note again that the Salvation Army wants people to feel as loved on earth as they are in heaven.  This is universalism and it is false doctrine.  If a man is not saved by grace, through faith, he is not loved in heaven.  He will suffer eternal damnation.

So here is the proper response.

This false doctrine is in vogue everywhere, from unattenuated Marxism (Marx was an atheist and is in hell today), to black liberation theology (James Cone, who was an unbeliever), to it’s disinfected and cleaned up white man version by N. T. Wright.  Tom Wright teaches warmed over Wesleyanism, but replaces the doctrine that you can lose your salvation and need to be able to say “I don’t drink, smoke or chew or date girls who do” (thus you partner with God in your salvation) with the doctrine that justification is based on the “life lived” (rather than now through the shed blood and substitutionary atonement of Christ).  Rather than chewing tobacco, Tom Wright is concerned with whether you help the poor and erase disparate incomes.

It’s all heresy.

The Gospel isn’t about disparate conditions of people.  That has nothing whatsoever to do with it.

The Gospel isn’t about finding what’s productive in your estimation.

The Gospel isn’t about diagnosing what man thinks are his problems.

The Gospel is about teaching man his real problems.

He is lost.  He is a sinner because he has violated the laws of a Holy God and thus committed cosmic treason.  He cannot save himself.  He is dead, and dead men don’t approach God.  God redeems His own by sending the Holy Spirit to quicken their hearts and receive Christ.  Salvation is of by grace, through faith.  Man is justified only through the shed blood of the ultimate substitutionary atonement, the death of Christ.  He is assured of the resurrection because of the resurrection of Christ.  He is assured of ultimate and final victory because of the ascension of Christ to the Father.

Any further discussion of things he does after salvation is because a man loves his Lord and shows the fruit of faith; works are not the cause of justification.  All real problems are so because God says they are, not because man says so.  Proper world and life view is based on the Scripture, and only on the Scripture.

Your income, or the income of someone else, has nothing whatsoever to do with whether you’re saved, or how you should treat them.  God is no respecter of persons.  He is the creator of the universe, and His only begotten Son is truly God and truly man, the only savior and way to the Father.

That is the Gospel.

Nothing that was said by the Salvation Army even approaches that, and thus they have become a sinful organization.

Refrain from giving them your hard earned money.  Save it for those in need around you – friends who have lost work, church members, missions, and so forth.

Heaven Hill Brands Liquor Wants To Be The Next Black Rifle Coffee

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago


A Kentucky liquor company was “disheartened” to learn some people had been using one of its whiskey brands to celebrate the not guilty verdict for 18-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse.

Heaven Hill Brands said in a statement posted to Twitter it was unhappy to learn some people were using the company’s Rittenhouse Straight Rye Whiskey to “celebrate” the verdict of Rittenhouse, adding there was “no cause for celebration” after the teenager was acquitted on five counts last week.

“We have been disheartened to learn that some individuals and businesses have been using our Rittenhouse Straight Rye Whiskey brand to celebrate the Kyle Rittenhouse case verdict,” the liquor company said in the statement. “There is no link between our Rittenhouse Rye brand, which was started post-prohibition to commemorate Rittenhouse square, and this case.”

The company said there was “no cause for celebration” following the 2020 incident when “lives were lost” and people were left “deeply affected.”

Instead of celebrating the verdict, the world needs “deep reflection on how” people “can make the world a more peaceful and respectful place for all,” the company added.

That sounds like a load of utopian crap right there, something someone would say if they had imbibed a little too much of their own liquor, or wokeness.

I celebrated Kyle’s exoneration because he was defending his life against those who intended him evil.  He was Biblically justified in what he did.  For the jury to have made any other decision would have been a miscarriage of justice.

Apparently Heaven Hill wants to be the next Black Rifle Coffee.

Compliance is Silence — Compliance is Amplification

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Michael Yon.

Follow the science into blind compliance.

Legal protections for all pharmaceutical companies should be scrapped. ALL vaccines and ‘vaccines’ must be put through rigorous trials and all information must be open to public review.

The ‘great’ universities all are captured. Including the service academies.

Even the famous General James Mattis fell for fraudulent ‘science’ in the Elizabeth Holmes blood test scam. Read the book “Bad Blood.” Suckers meet bad or faked science and say, “Follow the science!”

When General Mattis fell for the obvious scam, he amplified a scam that could have cost huge numbers of lives. Similarly, General Stanley McChrystal fell for the “Three Cups of Tea” scam in Afghanistan.

McChrystal and his team constantly fell for scams or walked into punches. McChrystal was not the smartest general, but we could have expected more from General Mattis.

Mattis has no excuse. Mattis is brilliant but appears to have fallen for ‘the science,’ or maybe he fell for something else. McChrystal is a sheep with a bullhorn. A 4-Star Sheep is still a sheep and does not a Shepherd make.

Bottom line: McChrystal used his sheep horn and amplified the THREE CUPS OF TEA scam just as Mattis amplified the massive Theranos scam.

Appeal to ‘science’
Appeal to authority

I knew that the author of “Three Cups of Tea” was lying when I read excerpts from his book.  It was proven to be complete crap.

Mattis is as bad as the rest of them, or at least he proved to be over the long term.  McChrystal is a murderer and should crawl on his hands and knees to the surviving families from the dead at Ganjgal (from where he lives to their homes, each and every one of them) and beg for forgiveness.

And yes, the entirety of the academy is lost.

Shooting Wrong Caliber in a Gun

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Tim from MAC.

Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

I am thankful for work, for family, and for too many things to catalog.

Most of all I am thankful that my Heavenly Father loved me enough to give His only begotten Son for my sake.

Happy Thanksgiving 2021!

How to Clean a Muzzleloader

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Any video with Ryan Muckenhirn is worth watching.  I love his podcast videos.

Simple.  I like simple.  G96 + Isopropyl Alcohol.

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