Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

David French On Open Carry

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Seen at TTAG.

What a foppish, effete, dainty man.  He and Robert Bateman may want to meet and have some egg plant and bean sprouts together.

I was sitting in a casual seafood restaurant on the Eastern Shore of Virginia not long ago. It is a place well known for the quality of their crab and inshore fish. It was early on a quiet Sunday morning. The brunch hour approached and, more importantly, we were hungry. We were passing the Delmarva Peninsula at the time, an area I know well from my youth. My wife sat opposite me across a plain varnished pinewood table and my baby daughter sat in a high-seat next to me. Three tables of this roughly sixty-table restaurant were filled.

As we ate, looking over the beautiful waters at the Island House Restaurant in Wachapreague, I noticed over my wife’s shoulder the large man sitting in the table next to ours. It is not all that often that I notice people significantly larger than I am, but this guy qualified enough so that one could not help but look when he got up a few feet away. Going I know not where, I also noticed something else, the obvious presence of a concealed weapon at his hip, nominally, loosely “concealed” beneath his oversized T-shirt.

Really? A gun, at Sunday Brunch? Are you seriously that afraid of the 75-year-old farming couple, the only other people in the restaurant, who probably raised the daughter who babysat you 30 years ago? Or is it the middle-class transient family of three, with the baby, us, who frighten you? I mean, really, there were eight people in that restaurant at the time.

Then, over the next hour, as the 30 or-so retirees and perhaps 20 more obviously in for a post-Church-service special Sunday Brunch folks came in, I came to realize how absolutely delusional the fellow must be. What kind of idiot carries a gun in a family restaurant for family brunch? Well, that would be one of the folks influenced by the NRA-approved “Molon Labe” movement.

He can’t even hide his disdain for the man, not even as it pertains to his weight.  Of course, he didn’t have the guts to tell the man he thought he was fat, nor to ask him why he openly carries.

I have always believed, and continue to, that gentlemen carry their weapons openly.  The founders and their sons did, with John Adams carrying a rifle to shoot squirrels on the way to school in the morning.

Criminals try to hide their weapons.  As for everybody else, it’s all psychological.  The fact that a weapon isn’t in plain view doesn’t mean it isn’t there.  Notice that Bateman begins with his disdain for open carry (or loosely concealed, as he called it), and then to the fact that he had a firearm at all.

It isn’t really open carry to which they object – it’s carry at all.  They don’t want you armed.  As for French, well, it’s David French.  What do you expect?  Realistically, though, he should replace “designed to be menacing” with “he obviously hates IWB carry and sweating and corroding his weapon.”

Sometimes a rose is just a rose.

Just To Remind You Of How Idiotic The Rittenhouse Prosecution Was

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

A deer.  With a hollow point.

There’s a difference between a pointed soft point and a hollow point.  But don’t leave it to soy boy to understand that.

Actually, I’m sure he did.  He was just trying to scare the women on the jury.  Maybe some “men” too.  Never mind that he had FMJ loaded into his mags.

Kyle Rittenhouse: Not Guilty On All Counts

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Somehow, in spite of the circus show this turned out to be, in spite of juror #54 potentially going rogue, justice has been served and Kyle Rittenhouse has been found not guilty on all counts.

The charges should never have been filed to begin with.

Fill in with comments as you see fit.

UPDATE: Glenn Reynolds observes, “This is a big deal not only because of the merits of the individual case, which manifestly shouldn’t have been brought, but because all the effort around it by the left was aimed at establishing the principle that their thugs could riot in the streets, but that normals don’t dare resist. This is a huge setback for that effort.”

UPDATE #2: Now it’s time to hold the prosecution accountable for their malfeasance.  They knew who one of Kyle’s attackers was (the so-called jump-kick man), and didn’t tell the defense.  Then there is the little issue of the compressed video.  Send them up before the BAR, and then put them in jail.

UPDATE #3: Zero Hedge.

“Prosecutors were visibly crestfallen after the verdict was read.”


Seen in the comments at Legal Insurrection.

Pleasantly surprised. Good that the National Guard is standing by. They will be needed.

Well, not unless they’re under arming orders.  I’ve brought this up many, many times before, especially when the NG was deployed to the border.  They’re deployed without weapons, or without ammunition, and with no ROE/RUF.  Someone has to sign arming orders for them even to be able to effect self defense.

Arming orders.  Remember those two words.  Find the orders, send them to me and I’ll post them.  If they aren’t under arming orders, they’re just window dressing.

Barrel Break-Ins and Cleaning Voodoo Rituals Destroy Barrels

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Tim does a convincing job, as least for me.  I’ve not seen nor used his recommended product, Bore Tech Eliminator Bore Cleaner.

However, I never liked the idea of putting steel or brass brushes down my barrels.

I think it’s time to order some new supplies.  I’ll make sure to stock up on nylon brushes, and I may give this cleaner a try.

I’ve done the barrel break-in procedure once.  I thought it was sort of dumb when doing it.

Here is the Sniper’s Hide discussion thread he’s talking about.

Opinions of readers are welcome.

Suffering For Telling The Truth

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Seen at Ken’s place.

A doctor from Texas who spread COVID-19 misinformation on her personal Twitter account has had her privileges suspended.

Dr. Mary Bowden of the Houston Methodist Hospital posted a series of tweets praising the antiparasitic drug ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment. She also called vaccine mandates “wrong.”

Ivermectin is a drug typically used to treat parasitic infections in livestock such as horses. Health agencies such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration have repeatedly warned that the drug can cause adverse side effects in humans, such as dizziness and nausea. In some cases, it can lead to overdose and death, as well as to hallucinations and seizures.

Ivermectin can be used by humans but only through a prescription ordered by a doctor, usually to get rid of parasitic worms, the FDA said. Sometimes, ivermectin can be used to treat lice and skin conditions such as rosacea. But no health agency recommends that people infected with the coronavirus take ivermectin.

Steven Mitby, Bowden’s attorney, told CNN that the doctor wasn’t against vaccines, but believed that “people should have a choice.” Bowden is vaccinated, Mitby said, as Houston Methodist mandates that all doctors be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

In a statement posted to Twitter, the Houston Methodist Hospital said Bowden used her account to “express her personal and political opinions about the COVID-19 vaccine and treatments.”

I can’t and won’t give medical advice.  The upshot of that is that I have no license to lose.  So here we go.

Ivermectin is effective against Covid and one of the most easily tolerated substances known.  Some people take it prophylactically.

I laughed when I read that crap about horses again.

People should have a choice.

Mandates are immoral.

Dealing with her this way was immoral.

Way to stay classy, Houston Methodist Hospital.  A Twitter post.  You deal with a firing of a respected health care provider by issuing a Twitter post, a child’s forum of ten second sound bites for those with no attention span and little intelligence.

And finally, my respect to the doctor.  Stay strong.  Don’t give in to the mob.

Always Remember: Anthony Fauci Is A Sociopath

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Seen at Ann’s place.

New Information On Oklahoma National Guard Vaccine Mandate

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Uh oh.  This is weak tea, and very disappointing.  It might be time to find a new general to lead the guard.

If they are to become militia, they should keep their Class 3 weaponry, embrace the new life, work to ensure liberty and freedom, and refuse to be “federally mobilized.”

Have some balls, fellows.

Kyle Rittenhouse Prosecution Refusal To Turn Over Evidence To The Defense: A Total Lack Of Proper Control Over Evidence

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Here is some of the high resolution video they didn’t turn over to the defense.  I don’t know if there’s more than this.  It clearly shows that Kyle’s life was in danger.  He would have been entirely within his rights to have shot earlier than he did.

But frankly, it doesn’t show any more than the previous analysis we’ve done, which was also conclusive.  Here is a much more comprehensive video.

I watched the proceedings today for about 30 minutes of the stupidest stuff I’ve ever seen.  The prosecution explained that they tried to airdrop the video to the defense, but since her phone was an Android rather than an iPhone, it must have compressed the data.  The clerk for the defense tried to explain that she had nothing to do with airdropping anything, but she received a video in an email (an email!) and that’s what she submitted into evidence.  It consumes about a third of the memory that the uncompressed video does.

She tried to explain file size, and help calling it millibyte rather than Megabyte, and then talked about metadata in terms only of file date and time stamp.  The prosecution responded, she responded, the judge was confused by it all and said that there will be a recompense over this but not now.

I was flabbergasted.  I was just floored.  The entire gaggle of them are either ignorant or pretending.  What on earth is so hard about this?  Even for the technically challenged?  A man’s life is at stake.

You don’t treat evidence that way.  You ensure a chain of custody, from person to person, with a signature from everyone who touched it, witnessed by a Notary.  If it’s electronic evidence, it must be put on a drive with nothing else, date and time stamp published on the drive, and a checksum generated on the file and put on different media so that the user can verify authenticity of the files.  If every letter and number of the checksum doesn’t agree in the right order, the evidence is tainted and must be rejected without further consideration.

What … is … so … hard … about … this?

The Oklahoma National Guard Is Now A Militia

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Or at least they soon could be.

Hey, this is a great idea, just like the founders intended it to be, back where we started.

And when the FedGov comes and demands possession of your cannon and class 3 weapons, armored vehicles, grenades, and so forth, you can explain to them that, you know … you have cannon and class 3 weapons, and they can’t have them.

How much gall do the Oklahomans have?  Man would I love to be a fly on the wall during that conversation.

More On Kyle Warner’s Vaccine Injury

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

We previously discussed Kyle Warner and what a world class, elite athlete he is.  Here he is with a proper doctor discussing his vaccine injury.  There is a wealth of information in this video if you have the time to watch it.  I watched it all.

I do have one question for readers.  Kyle discusses the benefits of black seed oil to his recovery and abatement and even reversal of the effects of the vaccine.

I know nothing about black seed oil.  Does anyone care to elaborate on this?

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