Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

The ATF Uses The Camden County Sheriff To Make Hay Against The Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

I published Idiot ATF Agents thinking that it was the full story.  How stupid of me.

Well, well, well.  The truth comes out, and the irony bites.

CAMDEN COUNTY, Mo. — Camden County Sheriff Tony Helms says the ATF raid on a local gun store in Osage Beach on Tuesday caught him by surprise.

“It makes me mad I was not notified,” Helms said. “ATF agents were in my office the day before, to discuss a separate issue and they did not tell me a thing,” Helms said. “They called me at 1 p.m., on Tuesday, and apologized for not telling me, saying they were not comfortable having too many people know about the raid before it happened. They were hitting several gun shops as part of an annual thing.”

“Before SAPA, (the Second Amendment Preservation Act, passed in June 2021) they would have notified me if they were going to be in my county,” Helms added.

Oh.  I see.  You know where this is headed, don’t you?

According to the gun shop owner Jim Skelton, approximately fifteen agents entered the Skelton Tactical gun shop on Tuesday, seven deep, in full riot gear, bearing automatic weapons. The agents seized all of the firearms from both the gun shop and from his brother Ike Skelton’s store next door. “They said it had to do with the way I was selling firearms,” Jim Skelton said. The ATF also demanded Ike stop filming the raid on his cell phone. The ATF took Jim’s license to sell firearms. “I will appeal and fight this with everything I have,” Jim said.

“The feds regulate guns coming from the factory, to the shops, to the persons who buy them,” Helms said.

“I am all for second amendment rights,” Sheriff Helms said. “I pushed for SAPA. We were the first county to endorse SAPA. I own 20 guns and I teach a conceal and carry class. I am all for responsible law-abiding gun owners. I don’t want the feds coming and taking our guns.”

[ … ]

“Besides the cut in partnership, the county is now limited to access to ATF resources and technology,” Helms said. “Before, if a gun was used in a crime in Camden County, we could ask ATF to run a check, to see if the same gun was also used in another crime, anywhere in the country.”

It’s that horrible 2A preservation act that caused the ridiculous ATF raid for selling a muzzle loader to someone without a Form 4473 (even though one isn’t required).

Moreover (whimper, sigh, cry), we don’t get access to ATF resources, and we don’t talk anymore, not really, not like it used to be.  I don’t want anyone to take our guns, but I do miss my buddies so much!

You see, the ATF is playing hard ball, and the Sheriff is a little girl.  They’ve (the ATF) got the perfect patsy.

Someone who initially supported the 2A preservation act, but who now sees the error of his ways and wants it to be repealed, or so we must conclude.

Rather, if he had any balls, he’d have the ATF agents followed and harassed by his own deputies, and eventually run out of town or otherwise make it so uncomfortable to infringe on the 2A in his county that the ATF has been defanged.

Or, he could find a way to perform his own raid of ATF offices and throw them in the hoosegow for a few cooling off days.

These are just starting points.  There is a whole host of things he could do.

But he buckled and cried like a little girl that he wasn’t notified by the ATF because of that awful 2A preservation act when he could have stopped the raid (or maybe he could have, he doesn’t say, just that he wanted to be notified).

Exactly how being notified of the raid before it happened would have done anything useful, he doesn’t say.  He just wants to be buddies with he ATF again because he misses them.

It all falls into place, and it all makes sense now.

The ATF must really dislike the 2A preservation act if they’re going this far out of the way to insult local law enforcement.  If I was local law enforcement, I’d make sure they knew how I felt about their presence in my county.

But then I’m not the Camden County Sheriff, and I don’t whimper when people don’t want to be my friends.

Cowards.  They have no functional email that accepts URLs or I would send this commentary to them.

Elite Athlete Mountain Biker Kyle Warner’s Life Ruined By The Pfizer Vaccine

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

GP. (via TCJ correspondent WiscoDave)

Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old mountain bike race champion, was diagnosed with pericarditis, POTS, and reactive arthritis a month after he took the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine. The vaccine has ruined his career and he is still unwell and hasn’t been able to work or ride a bike.

Warner took his first dose of Pfizer vaccine in mid-May and took his second dose a month after. In an interview with Dr. John Campbell in October, Warner describes his experience and what he felt when the second dose of Pfizer vaccine was injected into his body.

“As soon as they injected it, I had a weird metallic saline taste in my mouth. I asked the guy, ‘Is that normal?’ and he said no, they don’t hear of that much. The fact that the clinician doesn’t recognize that a metallic taste in the mouth could be a sign of an inadvertent intravascular administration concerns me because what happens is if the vaccine goes into your muscle, then it stays in your muscle, and it’s going to take half an hour to be systemically absorbed at all, or much longer than that. But if it goes into a vessel, you get a metallic taste straight away …The fact that you could taste that straight away is, to me, very suspicious of them inadvertently giving that into a blood vessel … Basically, you’re having the inflammatory reaction in your heart and in your joints instead of in your arm.”

Two weeks after he took the second dose, Warner started to notice some strange reactions in his heart and he experienced a series of accelerated heart rates. He claimed that he only took the vaccine shot because he wanted to travel internationally.

The Defender reported:

He regularly wears a smart watch that tracks his heart rate and knows what’s normal for him — and this was not. While sitting at rest, his heart rate would spike to the 90s and over 100. He decided to cut out all stimulants like caffeine, just in case, and took two weeks off from riding because he didn’t feel good.

After the break, he attempted to go for a ride and his heart rate spiked to 160 and remained elevated. Feeling weak and nauseous, he had his friend take him to the emergency room. He told the ER doctor that he’d heard about myocarditis as a side effect with the mRNA injections and he thought he was having this reaction. They completely brushed him off, telling him that he was not having that reaction but, instead, was having an anxiety attack.

After being told that his problem didn’t make him a priority to be seen, he sat in the waiting room for 3.5 hours and was ultimately given a shot of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug Toradol to treat reactive arthritis. His heart rate dropped down to 110, leading the doctor to tell him he was doing better, but he was still at nearly double his average heart rate.

The doctor’s solution was to refer him to a psychiatrist for what he described as a “psychotic episode.” According to Warner, since he suggested that his reaction was from the shot, the health care practitioners thought he was imagining things or “trying to be anti-vaxx or a conspiracy theorist.” Four days later, he ended up in the hospital again.

Days after being sent home from the ER, Warner again had problems with his heart — this time, a strong squeezing sensation along with cramping and burning. He went to a different hospital where they took his concern seriously, said it could be myocarditis — an inflammation of the heart muscle — and referred him to a cardiologist.

This is Kyle Warner when he was healthy.

Let me continue please.  Warner is an elite, world class athlete.  No, I’m not talking about comparing him to animals who party all night and go from town to town throwing balls in little hoops.  I’m talking about a manly sport.

Kyle is one in a million, or one in several million.  People like him don’t come along very often.  He’s comparable to expedition racers, the ones who hike, kayak, rope, rappel, and continue on for 48 hours or more without sleep in races against other small teams who do that.

One expedition racer I recall had a resting heart rate in the low 40s.  I’m sure Kyle’s resting heart rate is somewhere in that neighborhood.

He is elite.  He is at the top of his class.

And his life is ruined because of the jab.

Similarly, although not in the same league as an athlete as Kyle, a golfer had to withdraw from the European tour just today.  He had the jab too.

I’m not giving you medical advice.  Take it all under advisement.

January 6th Protestors In The D.C. Prison

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

BCE weighs in (via WRSA).

As it is right now, as RA said further in the email: “Why would anybody go with the goons from Just-Us going forward? I mean why would you cooperate with Just-Us in any way knowing you will be tortured and abused?<snip>  “The current government has shown they will take you, they will torture you, and withhold medical treatment.

He goes further and asserts with some authority that it was the three letter agencies who were doing the rendition.  I’m certain it was too.

Furthermore, I’m certain that they got no actionable intel from it all.  If they had wanted actionable intel rather than making enemies, they would have fed them well, treated them with courtesy, and made friends with them.

BCE further discusses the fact that January 6 wasn’t an insurrection.  Good grief no.

January 6 was a made-for-TV circus act orchestrated by agent provocateurs.  But I sort of disagree that the protestors are in prison because the FedGov fears them.  I think they’re in prison for the FedGov to make an example of them.

No one chooses to stop what’s happening – not powerless senators, not the courts, not law enforcement, not the DoJ, not anyone.

They don’t choose to stop it because the three letter agencies run the country.  And while I’ve said before that we went into Iraq in order to test weapon systems and learn COIN (counterinsurgency), I think that’s wrong.

The U.S. has always known how to do this.  We went into Iraq for other reasons, you can fill in the blank (the military industrial complex, to hone our skills, etc.).

Don’t be surprised or astonished at what you’re seeing now in the D.C. prison, exclaiming that it violates this and that and the other, the right to a speedy trial, the right to counsel, the right to face your accuser, cruel and inhumane conditions, and so on and so forth.

They don’t care.  When you look at everything around you symbolic of the system – local law enforcement, state law enforcement, the federal protection police, the DHS, the CIA, the FBI, the fusion centers, the NSA, think of it this way.

This is all COIN and stability operations.  We did it in Iraq because we learned to do it in America.  American law enforcement isn’t practicing the concept of the local constable or peace officer.  They haven’t for a long, long time.

This is classic COIN and stability operations, all for the purpose of keeping those in power who are currently in power.

That’s why the protestors are in the D.C. prison.

Our Hunting Fraternity

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

Outdoor Life, What Really Happened to Jim Zumbo.

In his blog, Zumbo slammed ARs and the hunters who use them.

“We [meaning traditional hunters] don’t need to be lumped into the group of people who terrorize the world with them,” he wrote, and suggested that game agencies should “ban” ARs from the field. “Excuse me, maybe I’m a traditionalist, but I see no place for these weapons among our fraternity…. I’ll go so far as to call them ‘terrorist’ rifles.”

The rest of the article seems like an attempt at rehabilitation of Zumbo’s reputation in the firearms community.

I don’t really care what he thinks about hunting with AR-15s, or anything else.  He owes me no apology, and I don’t demand any.

In fact, I don’t care what you hunt with, as long as you do your dead level best to ensure an ethical kill that leaves little room for pain and suffering.

If you want to bow hunt, that’s fine with me.  If you want to use a crossbow, that’s fine with me too.  I own a crossbow because I have shoulder issues that prevent a good, full length draw.  If you want to hunt with an air rifle or a rock, that’s fine with me, or a muzzle loader, or a bolt action, or a lever action.

If you wanted to hunt indigenous game (e.g., white tail) with a machine gun, I would probably object because you’re killing for the sake of killing rather than for meat.  I agree with killing for the sake of killing if it’s an invasive species or a pest like wild pigs (if we continue to let them roam and reproduce, soon enough we won’t be able to grow the crops necessary to feed ourselves).

But I do have a problem with Zumbo, and this is it.  He sees the hunting and shooting community as a “fraternity.”  He wants to sick law enforcement on those who don’t agree with him or who are different.  Or at least, he did.

Any man who wants to turn law enforcement on me is my enemy.  Sports shooting, precision rifle shooting, 3-gun competition, 2-gun competition, IDPA competition, hunting, tactical training, or just plain range shooting for the fun of it, are in my book all legitimate sporting endeavors, not fraternities.

A fraternity gets to decide who becomes a member and what the rules are.  Liberty and freedom means not having to join a fraternity.  Jim can think whatever he wishes about hunting with modern sporting rifles.  I couldn’t care less.  What he cannot do is tell law enforcement to tell me I’m under arrest.

And no, I wasn’t a member of a fraternity in college.  I won’t be part of Zumbo’s fraternity either.

Black Hills Honey Badger vs Underwood Xtreme Defense

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

If velocity and muzzle energy are what you want, Underwood is hot ammo.

Idiot ATF Agents

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

This, seen at Ken’s place.

Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, ATF, raided the Skelton Tactical gun shop, in Osage Beach, at approximately 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 9.

According to the gun shop owner Jim Skelton, approximately fifteen agents entered the shop, seven deep, in full riot gear, bearing automatic weapons.

[ … ]

He sold an 1898 black powder 30-40 firearm over the counter, without a background check. According to Skelton, the sale of an 1898 30-40 does not require a background check.

And I bought a CVA inline muzzle loader and had it shipped directly to my door.  Look mom, no FFL!

Because.  You know.  The law.


Scientists Are Attempting to Grow Covid Vaccine-Filled Spinach, Lettuce, Edible Plants To Replace Covid Injections

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago


Researchers at the University of California were awarded a $500,000 grant from the National Science Foundation developing technology that infuses experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines into spinach, lettuce and other edible plants.

The researchers are tasked with demonstrating the genetically modified plants can produce enough mRNA to replace Covid jabs and infuse the plants with the right dosage required to eat to replace vaccines.

[ … ]

Genetically modifying edible plants with experimental vaccines for public consumption is the culmination of a dream, the associate professor explained.

Allow me to translate.  “God didn’t do a good enough job when he gave us edible plants.  We can do better, and thus we’ve become God.”

What a putz.

Well, buy seeds, I guess.

Tikka .223 At 1100 Yards

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

Tikka can’t make a bad rifle.

Top 5 Budget Red Dots

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

Prosecuting Attorney For Kyle Rittenhouse Should Be In Prison

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 4 months ago

And the proceedings should be a mistrial.

First, at Legal Insurrection, the forensic expert supports the defense contention that Kyle’s actions were in self defense.  Because they were.

Second, Zero Hedge has a piece up discussing the “grave constitutional violation” involved in the prosecution’s assertion that Kyle’s remaining silent says something about his guilt.  In other words, Kyle invoked the Fifth Amendment, and the prosecution wants to make something of it.  The jury heard it all.  The name of the prosecuting attorney is Thomas Binger.  He’s a scumbag.

Next, the prosecution suborned perjury.  Yes, that’s right.

A witness in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse testified Tuesday that prosecutors pushed him to change his statement to the police.

Amateur photographer Nathan DeBruin took the stand on Tuesday as one of four defense witnesses called that day. During his testimony, DeBruin recounted an earlier, uncomfortable meeting with prosecutors in which DeBruin said they pushed him to change a statement he gave to police regarding another man, Joshua Ziminski, whom prosecutors have charged with arson.

During the defense examination of the witness, defense attorney Mark Richards asked DeBruin to describe the meeting he had had with Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger and Assistant District Attorney James Kraus.

“I was called down to the district attorney’s office. I met with Mr. Binger and [Kraus] … I was called into a room, sat at a table, handed my police statement, got to read over my police statement, and then I was asked if I would like to add anything to the police statement, and I said I would not,” DeBruin began.

“Mr. Binger pulled out a cell phone and showed me a video and also a photo – which was actually one photo that I brought today – and asked me if I knew who a gentleman was in that photo, and I said I did not. … He said, ‘This is Joshua Ziminski.’ Mr. Binger also has a case with him, and I am subpoenaed for that case also,” he continued. “He says, ‘Well, that’s who that is.’ He put the phone down. He picked the phone back up and says, ‘Who is this?’ And I confusingly said, like, Joshua Ziminski, and he said, ‘Would you like to add that to your statement?’ and I just felt I didn’t want to change my statement.”

DeBruin said that after that meeting he retained counsel. Richards closed his examination after the exchange.

Under cross-examination by Kraus, DeBruin testified that the prosecution asked him to “change” his statement, suggesting that prosecutors wanted DeBruin to give the police false information regarding his knowledge about Ziminski.

Finally, here is an exchange between the judge and the prosecuting attorney (sent by Len Savage).  The prosecuting attorney (his name is Thomas Binger) is a disgusting piece of garbage, a true dirtbag.  The judge gives the attorney a spanking the likes of which I’ve never seen before.  In forty one years in my career, I’ve never been dressed down like that.

With that said, it’s now time for the judge to throw the case out of court and imprison the attorney for suborning perjury and contempt of court, right after he reports him to the BAR to have his license revoked.

See at WRSA.

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