So Who’s To Blame?
BY Herschel Smith
A new federal lawsuit alleges that when a Mooresville police officer ordered Chris Craven to raise his arms and get on the ground, the father of three had only four seconds to live.
That’s all the time that ticked off before officers Christopher Novelli and Alex Arndt unleashed a barrage of gunfire from their high-powered rifles, striking the 38-year-old Craven about 20 times from close range, according to the complaint filed this month by his widow, Amy.
The officers’ action were not only excessive, the lawsuit alleges. They were illegal, too.
Amy Craven’s lawsuit names Novelli, Arndt and the Town of Mooresville as defendants. It accuses them of excessive force, violation of constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure, negligence and gross negligence, assault and battery, wrongful death, among other claims.
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After ordering Craven to get on the ground, both officers stated that they saw him “reach into his waistband with his right hand and pull out a pistol,” Gregson said.
The lawsuit offers a radically different account.
It claims Craven was experiencing a mental health crisis when his eldest daughter called 911 that night, reporting that her father was carrying a gun and threatening to kill himself.
At least six Mooresville police officers surrounded the home. They found Craven seated on his front steps. According to the lawsuit, when police started shouting at him, Craven rose to his feet and began walking toward a camper parked in his driveway.
When the officers ordered Craven to put his hands in the air, he complied, according to the lawsuit. When they ordered him to get on the ground, he began to lower his hands.
Novelli was the first to shoot. Arndt joined in. Several of the rifle shots went through the walls of the home, where Craven’s wife and children had taken cover, striking a fire extinguisher and causing it to explode.
It’s the fault of the person who called the cops.
You’re never in more danger than when the police are around. We talk incessantly about knowing your backstop around these parts, even linking and spending time watching penetration tests to see what gun and ammunition are safest to shoot in self defense inside homes made of siding.
If you’re a cop, no worries. Shoot first and worry about the results later.
On December 10, 2021 at 7:42 am, Matt said:
“ You’re never in more danger than when the police are around.”
Yup, because if you don’t immediately submit and obey their ‘commands’ their little feelings and pride gets hurt and they start shooting.
I wish more people would understand that modern policing didn’t exist at the time of the founders, who would have rejected the concept. It came about in the late 1800s and we should get rid of it because it only leads to tyranny.
Having “citizens” (in quotes because if you look up the definition, they no longer consider themselves as such) with super powers, paid for by politicians who are using money stolen from the people, to exert their will over said people is an insane concept.
People like the idea of police, but reality is vastly different than the idea.
On December 10, 2021 at 8:17 am, Just Sayin' said:
It’s simple really. Most ‘bullies’ are cowards, many cops are bullies either innately or learned through their job. Place a coward in a volatile situation and bad things happen.
Just Sayin’
On December 10, 2021 at 9:51 am, George 1 said:
It was alleged in the report that Craven had a gun and was in the process of deploying it when shot. Could be. If so probably suicide by cop. But, like many of these cases, the excessive response shows a level of cowardice. The two cops averaged at least 10 rifle rounds each.
We see this everywhere these days. A people without God live in fear all of the time. One reason why you are never in more danger than when cops are around is because they are Godless for the most part.
On December 10, 2021 at 1:24 pm, Echo Hotel said:
Cops are some of the most pusillanimous people on the planet (forgive me for alliterating like a simpleton). It’s real easy to be a tough guy when you have the power of 42 other armed cowards backing you up. One on one they are not worth a bucket of warm spit. And they are profoundly stupid to boot.
When cops are around we are all down range.
On December 10, 2021 at 6:23 pm, Sisu said:
On the first hand, according to WI ADA Thomas Binger the officers should have made themselves available to take a beating first; even if Craven (like Grosskreutz) had a “handgun”.
However, (seriously) perhaps there is a need to re-think what it means to “put one’s life on the line”. It may not include a prerequisite of antagonizing by presenting as if an invincible force.
Separately, the entire theory of “mainstreaming” the mentally ill may need re-evaluation.
“So Who’s To Blame ?” … Mostly the “do gooders” who don’t have to live with their “ideals”, the LEOs who are programmed and protected to be above the “law” applicable to all others, and the politicians who just don’t give a “Sh!T” about the consequences of their “legislation”.
On December 10, 2021 at 6:42 pm, Brad said:
LE should be forced to follow the same laws as a civilian with a carry permit. And judged accordingly in court.
On December 13, 2021 at 4:09 pm, BRVTVS said:
And this cop killed an 88 year old man on a welfare check.