VAERS Underreports Vaccine Injuries
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 1 month ago
This doctor says by a factor of 100 (I’ll embed the video below).
This paper comes up with a value of at least 20 (twenty). VAERS underreports vaccine injuries by a factor of 20. Yes, I read the paper. No, I didn’t download the data and calculations from Github and independently confirm the results. I wish I had that much time, but I’m working too many projects at the moment to do that. Alas, if I was independently wealthy … or paid to do the review.
But since I know how difficult it is to prepare formal papers and do the work behind them, and since I have my own Researchgate site, I have immense respect for anyone who has the confidence to put their work out for review (including all data and calculations) and take the beating that might come.
On December 20, 2021 at 12:29 am, Dan said:
They’re under reporting the injuries caused by the vaccine? I’m shocked…shocked I tell you.
On December 20, 2021 at 7:19 am, ragman said:
Imagine that!!
On December 20, 2021 at 6:22 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Whether between individuals or between individuals and institutions, trust takes years to build, but can be destroyed in a moment’s carelessness and recklessness.
Rhetorical question given the times in which we live and the near-universal deceit and dishonesty by institutions Americans (and others) thought they could trust: Why should anyone of sound mind every again trust organizations like the UN, WHO, CDC, NIAID, NHI or the FDA? Or for that matter, the AMA, Big Pharma, or one’s local physician?
Contrary to popular opinion in certain quarters, yours truly did not fall off the turnip truck yesterday – and hence has been skeptical of these organizations for some time now, having learned the hard way and having the scars to show for it… the folly of trusting the leviathan. But I am speaking of society as a whole as well. The destruction of the ethical and social contract between the patient (public) and these agencies and firms must surely rank as one of the ugliest and most-damaging of all of the crimes perpetuated during the SARS-COV19 era.
If/when there is a reckoning for these terrible atrocities, there must be something like Nuremberg version 2.0, updated for the 21st century. That is the extent of the criminality and evil being perpetuated. And that is no exaggeration whatsoever.