The Best IR Device? A Comparison
BY Herschel Smith3 years, 1 month ago
I know very little about NODS, IR laser devices, or how they are used. Therefore, I found this review to be interesting and informative. I also find the narrator to be helpful and focused on the basics and rudiments when he needs to be, but not condescending like some presenters over YouTube.
BLUF: If you’re into this sort of thing, know what you’re getting. It’s too expensive to throw money away. For the rest of us, it’s just too pricey to enter the market.
On December 23, 2021 at 5:30 am, Old Bill in TN said:
Thanks Herschel. That’s a great primer. I learned several useful things, and I’ve used night vision throughout a long Army career.
On December 23, 2021 at 8:19 am, Ratus said:
Yep, Henry and Josh of 9-Hole do a great job on their reviews.
As to it being too expensive, it’s mostly just a budgeting and impulse control issue for most gun owners.
Most gun owners are accumulators, not actual collectors of a particular model or type. They buy a new pistol, rifle, etc that’s redundant to what they actually have just because it’s new, fun, or fashionable.
If they could control that impulse and pare down their current collection to a more basic and useful size they’d have more than enough to at least for an entry level night vision setup and possibly a suppressor or two.
The basics of entry, a decent PVS-14 Gen 3 white phosphor, is around $2,600-ish for a very durable long term piece of equipment. The warranty on them are 10 years from the good companies. ( )
It’s one of the last analog electronic devices that you can buy. As long as you don’t abuse it, like mounting it on a firearm, it should work as long as you want.
Here’s a play list by Hop of TFBtv on budget NV and gear.
Some of the other gear is available as surplus and/or airsoft. For example a surplus rhino NVG mount runs around $35-50 on ebay and a airsoft bump helmet on Amazon is around $45ish. A counterweight is also a good idea, but some cheap wheel weights in a pouch on the back will do just fine.
Video on inexpensive bump helmets and accessories (I don’t recommend the the lights, but it’s solid on the helmets and adapters for the ear protection)
On December 23, 2021 at 5:02 pm, James said:
Ratus,thanks for the links.I recently purchased some nice NV in white phosphor and though at moment just a expensive toy as I start getting used to it will need down road a decent laser.
I am still just getting used to wearing it and doing basic things like hiking around,simple tasks like tying boot ect.
As I get more comfortable with it a friend has a abandoned sand pit on his property and will be a great spot to start practicing actual shooting with NV,am no way near that comfort zone yet.
On December 23, 2021 at 10:30 pm, Ohio Guy said:
My guy Les at Critical Gear and Tactics can not find a DBAL I2 anywhere, which was my first choice. I’ve since decided on the A3 which also cowitnesses. Got the Noroto mount, waiting on the bump helmet and PVS14. A couple weeks ago, Les’s house caught fire. He lost much, pets included. Perhaps a prayer or two could be sent his way by some of you fine gentlemen. He’s a great guy and perseveres through even when facing great difficulty. Consider him when thinking of purchasing these types of products. OG
On December 24, 2021 at 7:00 pm, Ratus said:
James, you’re welcome.
Also it seems that the DBAL D2 is only about $1,100 at
I was planning on getting one shortly.
And another place to look for info is the subreddit r/NightVision
Someone just posted an inexpensive scope cap iris mod to get a bit more depth of focus and act as “daylight” cap.