Larry Keane Did Everything But Tell The Truth
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, this amusing missive from Larry Keane.
The Axios/Ipsos poll asked Hispanic-Americans about their top concerns and crime and violence came in at the number two spot at 30 percent – behind only COVID worries at 37 percent. Per Axios, “The finding is a warning for President Biden ahead of next year’s midterms.” A similar Wall Street Journal poll from a week earlier showed Hispanic voters are turning away from Democrats, typically supportive of more gun control, and are now nearly evenly split between their party preferences.
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The overlay of rising crime concerns for Hispanic-Americans and their firearm purchasing is stark. According to NSSF retailer survey data, law-abiding Hispanic-Americans purchased firearms in 2020 at a 49 percent higher rate than they did in 2019. That swing of Hispanic-Americans’ preference showed in the 2020 presidential election where former President Donald Trump’s message of law and order and support for the Second Amendment resonated. The former president garnered 10 percent more Hispanic-American vote share than he did in 2016.
The trends stood out in states like Texas and California. LaPolitica Online reported on the swing of Hispanic-Americans purchasing firearms. Rafael Cedillo owns a firearm safety business where he offers training and educational courses in El Paso wherein 2019 a murderer killed 23 people at Walmart. “It’s sad, but my business really booms after a tragic incident,” Cedillo said. The firearm buying surge left his business busy. “After the one in El Paso, my home, I couldn’t fit everyone into my schedule.”
Take careful note. A “swing” in what party the Hispanics like (see his section headers) … they “purchased firearms at a [blah-blah-blah] higher rate (which says nothing about the previous rate or whether they believe in gun control).
This is what you do when you have nothing else to say. I repeat what I’ve observed before. Hispanics and Latinos favor gun control by 71% according to Pew.
Immigration is a gun rights issue. Larry Keane is telling the wrong story.
On December 28, 2021 at 8:01 am, George said:
You are absolutely correct.
On December 28, 2021 at 9:14 am, Fred said:
Donald Trump was (is) not a supporter of the second amendment.
On December 28, 2021 at 9:33 am, George 1 said:
Immigration, as practiced by the U.S., helps the controllers in many ways. Immigrants from most places favor communist controls as long as they get their benefits from uncle sugar.
On December 28, 2021 at 8:35 pm, Jsf said:
I believe polls like I believe any sound emanating from fauci. Polls are nothing more than noisey distractions; no one and I repeat no one knows what the real numbers and sentiments really are.
Here’s a made up but very believable stastistic…99.9% of the news, polls, and opinions floating around in the FUSA are created by less than 1% of the total population! Shove that in your poll generator and smoke it.
On December 30, 2021 at 5:54 am, Hudson H Luce said:
Let’s see – gun sales surged for those demographics, but they want the state to take their guns, like the governments in their home countries did, and left them at the mercy of corrupt police and criminal gangs? They fled their countries to get away from that. I’ll bet that if the question were phrased “You’re aware that the police here have no legal duty to come to your aid if you’re attacked by criminals? Do you favor being able to have guns to protect yourselves and your families and children?” That might get a different answer, more in line with the surge in gun buying…