Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Michigan Shooter’s Parents Did The 2A No Favors

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago


Regardless of whether you agree or disagree with Oakland County, Michigan, prosecutor Karen McDonald’s decision to charge the parents of the alleged perpetrator of the shooting at Oxford High School, there is one thing that loyal Ammoland readers should be able to agree on: These parents did the Second Amendment no favors.

Now, the accused shooter and his parents are innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of the law. There are varied opinions on whether the parents should be charged. Based on media reports, though, Second Amendment supporters need to acknowledge that these parents made Alec Baldwin look responsible when it came to firearms. That irresponsibility will hard our efforts to defend our Second Amendment rights in multiple ways.

For starters, you can bet some anti-Second Amendment extremists will, at the very least, push to enact background checks on ammunition. The accused shooter was allegedly caught searching for how to buy ammo online, and that along with the reported drawing of a school shooting isn’t just going to target online ammo sales.

The reported pattern of missed opportunities looks eerily like the one seen with Parkland, and which allowed that shooter to carry out a horrific act. We will likely see a new push for “red flag” laws as well, particularly the ones that Bloomberg pushes – which omit things like due process.

Can you blame people when they see the failure to decisively act?

That’s pregnant prose simply to stop explaining what it means to fail to “decisively act.”  What does Harold want us to do?  I deny these things.

That the parents were responsible for the shooting.

That any man can step into the way of another man’s volition.

That the parents should have been charged with crimes.

That there should be any new law alleged to have prevented a man’s volitional act to perpetrate a crime.

That there should be any law that requires storage of firearms in such a manner that they cannot be accessed in time of need.

I repeat – beyond this, what does Harold recommend?  He doesn’t say, leaving us to surmise that he’s in favor of some sort of new law because we need to be seen decisively acting.

God gives us the right RKBA.  To the degree that the state does not recognize that right it is illegitimate.  The soul who sins shall die (Ezekiel 18:20).

With all of that said, the parents are now charged with crimes.  Between families and friends, it’s wise to secure your property because (a) it’s your property and for that reason alone it should be secured, and (b) firearms owners now have targets on their backs in the eyes of the state.

Have your weapons where they can be accessed in time of need.  But also have as much control over your family as you have your weapons.  As I’ve said before, if you cannot put a blindfold on at the doorway of your home and go lay your hands on every weapon in your home and explain its state (chambered round or not, cocked or not, safety on or not), then maybe you should reconsider what you’re doing.

A Cougar Comes Into Camp!

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Here is the source.

Questions: (1) Why did her husband let her go solo backpacking? (2) Why didn’t she carry a large bore handgun? (3) Why did she decide that hiking ten miles in the dark was safer than staying?

John Roberts Continues To Self-Identify

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Even more and more with each passing day, he shows his true colors.  What terrible judgment by GWB to nominate him.

WASHINGTON — The chief justice of the United States, John Roberts, warned Friday that the Supreme Court risks losing its own authority if it allows the existence of a law like Texas’ near-total abortion ban, which attempts to circumvent the courts.

In a strongly worded opinion joined by the high court’s three liberal justices, Roberts wrote that the “clear purpose and actual effect” of the Texas law was “to nullify this Court’s rulings.” That, he said, undermines the Constitution and the fundamental role of the Supreme Court and the court system as a whole.

The opinion was a remarkable plea by the chief justice to his colleagues on the court to resist the efforts by right-wing lawmakers to get around court decisions they dislike, in this case Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that made abortion legal in the United States, within limits. But in this case, his urgent request was largely ignored by the other justices on the court who were appointed by Republicans.

His point to them was that the court system should decide what the law is, and it should resist efforts like that of the Texas Legislature to get around the courts by limiting the ability of abortion providers to sue.

It is a basic principle, he wrote, “that the Constitution is the ‘fundamental and paramount law of the nation,’ and ‘[i]t is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is.'” He cited as proof the landmark 1803 Marbury v. Madison case, which established the principle of judicial review, allowing the court to nullify laws that violate the Constitution.

“If the legislatures of the several states may, at will, annul the judgments of the courts of the United States, and destroy the rights acquired under those judgments, the Constitution itself becomes a solemn mockery,” he said, quoting the 1809 U.S. v. Peters case, which found that state legislatures can’t overrule federal courts.

He can’t get another vote to side with him and the rest of the communists on the court.

Funny, that statement I bolded.  I learned in Civics class in elementary school that the Congress made laws rather than the judiciary.  I guess he went to a different civics class than I did.

I can assure him, however, that the constitution is no solemn mockery.  I would say though, with the majority of U.S. citizens, that the SCOTUS had become an unsolemn mockery, a gaggle of court jesters rather than court officers.

Imagine.  All of this over the right to murder the unborn.  Worship of Molech indeed.  God judges the nation.

New Hampshire Bill Would End State Enforcement of Most Federal Gun Control

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Tenth Amendment Center.

CONCORD, N.H. (Dec. 6, 2021) – A bill prefiled in the New Hampshire House for the 2022 legislative session would ban state and local enforcement of most federal gun control; past, present and future.  The enactment into law would represent an important first step toward bringing those measures to an end within the state.

A coalition of Republicans filed House Bill 1178 (HB1178). The legislation would ban the state and its political subdivisions, or any person acting under the color of state, county, or municipal law from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer, or cooperate with any law, act, rule, order, or regulation of the United States Government or Executive Order of the President of the United States that is inconsistent with any New Hampshire law regarding the regulation of firearms, ammunition, magazines or the ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives.

The proposed law further stipulates that “silence in the New Hampshire Revised Statutes Annotated pertaining to a matter regulated by federal law shall be construed as an inconsistency for the purposes of this chapter.”

While passage into law wouldn’t end all gun control in New Hampshire today, it would represent a  massive shift in strategy going forward.  Once in effect, HB1178 would immediately do the following:

  1. Ban state and local enforcement of any federal gun control measures on the books that don’t have concurrent measures in law in the state of New Hampshire.
  2. Ban state and local enforcement of any new gun control measures that might come from Washington D.C. in the future that aren’t on the books in New Hampshire.
  3. Shift the focus and attention to any remaining gun control measures on the books in state law
  4. Encourage gun rights activists to work in future legislative sessions to repeal those state-level gun control measures as a follow-up.

Each state-level gun control repeal would then represent a one-two punch, not only ending state enforcement but automatically ending support for any concurrent federal gun control measure as soon as the state law repeal went into effect.

You see, this is why the FedGov was so desperate to kill the similarly intended Missouri bill, and then attempted to destroy it after passage by pulling stupid stunts like raiding innocent men and taking their livelihoods (an FFL), and then going to the press about it along with a sycophant Sheriff who whimpered and cried like a little girl about not being in the boy’s club any more.  What he should have done is arrest the agents of the FedGov who perpetrated the illegal act and throw them in jail (and dare them to come in his jurisdiction again).

The FedGov relies on local yocals to do their bidding – local yocals want to be in the big boy’s club, after all.  If they can’t rely on that, their power base is gone.

This is yet another chance to undermine the attacks on the 2A by the ATF.  Maybe this will become a pattern.

So Who’s To Blame?

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

News from N.C.

A new federal lawsuit alleges that when a Mooresville police officer ordered Chris Craven to raise his arms and get on the ground, the father of three had only four seconds to live.

That’s all the time that ticked off before officers Christopher Novelli and Alex Arndt unleashed a barrage of gunfire from their high-powered rifles, striking the 38-year-old Craven about 20 times from close range, according to the complaint filed this month by his widow, Amy.

The officers’ action were not only excessive, the lawsuit alleges. They were illegal, too.

Amy Craven’s lawsuit names Novelli, Arndt and the Town of Mooresville as defendants. It accuses them of excessive force, violation of constitutional protections against illegal search and seizure, negligence and gross negligence, assault and battery, wrongful death, among other claims.

[ … ]

After ordering Craven to get on the ground, both officers stated that they saw him “reach into his waistband with his right hand and pull out a pistol,” Gregson said.

The lawsuit offers a radically different account.

It claims Craven was experiencing a mental health crisis when his eldest daughter called 911 that night, reporting that her father was carrying a gun and threatening to kill himself.

At least six Mooresville police officers surrounded the home. They found Craven seated on his front steps. According to the lawsuit, when police started shouting at him, Craven rose to his feet and began walking toward a camper parked in his driveway.

When the officers ordered Craven to put his hands in the air, he complied, according to the lawsuit. When they ordered him to get on the ground, he began to lower his hands.

Novelli was the first to shoot. Arndt joined in. Several of the rifle shots went through the walls of the home, where Craven’s wife and children had taken cover, striking a fire extinguisher and causing it to explode.

It’s the fault of the person who called the cops.

You’re never in more danger than when the police are around.  We talk incessantly about knowing your backstop around these parts, even linking and spending time watching penetration tests to see what gun and ammunition are safest to shoot in self defense inside homes made of siding.

If you’re a cop, no worries.  Shoot first and worry about the results later.

Govern Me Harder Daddy!

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

The Army Needs To Be Ready To Fight In Megacities

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Military Times.

Back in 2016, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley had warned that the Army needed to be ready to fight in megacities. But training still falls at mostly the squad, platoon and sometimes company level.

I missed this when it came out.  So what on earth persuaded the man to believe that the U.S. military is capable of logistically supporting and sustaining operations across the pond in “megacities?”  We couldn’t even do it in Afghanistan.  A few trucks blown up at the Torkham Crossing would shut down supply lines to Afghanistan for days.

Wait.  What group of megacities is he talking about?

South Carolina Controllers Scramble To Ban Open Carry

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

After passage in the House and Senate, and signature by the governor of S.C., the exception was made in the new law that cities could ban open carry in public buildings and parades.  With that exception, there has been a massive scramble to do just this.  It’s now Columbia, Greenville, Charleston, Spartanburg, and now Conway.

CONWAY, S.C. (WBTW) — Conway’s police chief supports the new rule passed by Conway City Council Monday that bans openly carrying guns in city buildings and during city-sponsored events.

The City of Conway passed the second and final reading of a new gun law following Monday’s city council meeting.

“It’s just an ongoing process of trying to get some things that would help out with some of our city buildings and venues,” Conway Police Chief Dale Long said.

The new ordinance was unanimously passed at Monday’s city council meeting.

“You cannot carry into state house, you can’t carry it into the state senators or legislators office, you can’t carry it in courthouses,” Long said. “And we just decided here in the City of Conway, there’s a need for our city buildings, like coming into the police station or go into city court.”

In November, the City of Florence also passed an ordinance implementing those same restrictions. As Conway joins it, News13 reached out to other cities to see if they had considered the same.

In a statement from North Myrtle Beach public information officer, Pat Dowling, he said: “Weapons are not allowed in city buildings in NMB, including concealed weapons. the city has not addressed open carry at city events.”

For other cities like Darlington and Hartsville, the issue has yet to come to council.

“We are still exploring the best path forward for this in the city of Hartsville to keep all of our employees and residents safe in city facilities and at events,” Lauren Baker, public information officer for the City of Hartsville, said in a statement to News13.

Long said he believes this was a good call on council’s part in keeping the community safe.

If you’re coming to do city business and at times, there could be things that you’re not happy with the way things would go. And we just wanted to make sure that we try to de-escalate things before they could even become a problem,” he said.

But of course the police chief supports a ban, as they will support gun bans everywhere, all of the time.  And that last paragraph makes no sense whatsoever … “there could be things that you’re not happy with the way things would go.”

It doesn’t even make grammatical sense, and it doesn’t because he can’t even elucidate the concern.

But boy do we feel safer.  Guys are hiding their weapons rather than carrying them openly.

But hey, as long as they’re hidden from view, they don’t exist …

New CZ 600 Bolt Action Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

This is a far more informative video than when I first linked just a bit of information on the new CZ line of rifles.  He does a good job even if it’s a little bit “salesmanship.”

I do wish they would have released their walnut stock rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor.  With release to the American market, this is a massive oversight in my opinion.

And What Will They Tell You Tomorrow?

BY Herschel Smith
3 years, 3 months ago

Today they changed the definition of “fully vaccinated” and declared that the most recently named variant will be a three-dose regimen.

It becomes more absurd with each day that passes.

How about this one?  “The Food and Drug Administration is asking a judge to give it 75 years to produce data concerning the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine, up 20 years from a previous request.”

Uh huh.  Makes sense.

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