I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
It’s the anniversary of Pearl Harbor and I remain sure that Comrade-President RedDR knew the Japanese plans and desperately needed to get into the conflict over the objections of a population that wisely was choosing to sit on the sidelines as the world went to war.
I am further convinced that Hitler and Stalin knew each other’s intentions months before 22 June 1941 when Hitler would start to lose the war strategically with Operation Barbarossa. Stalin could not survive a two front war with Germany in the West and Japan in the East; he had to get the US to contest Japan in the Pacific, hence the many espionage and “useful idiot” operations in the US to shape conditions for the conflict. The 1930s was the high point for American communism and Stalin’s agents had penetrated all the way to the Offal Office to include Harry Lloyd Hopkins (one of Roosevelt’s closest confidantes [his “co-president”] & Soviet code name: “Agent 19”) and Harry Dexter White (Soviet code name: “Jurist”), among others.
Alger Hiss’ wartime KGB controller [Ishhak] Akhmerov “identified the most important of all Soviet wartime agents in the United States,” the book, “American Betrayal” by Diana West, says, ”as Harry Hopkins.”
You will note that all post-WWI construction capital ships were not in Pearl harbor on the morning of 7 December 1941.
It may not have been a popular opinion during the life of my one-time seminary professor, Dr. C. Gregg Singer, but he was convinced that the Pacific theater of the war was a totally unnecessary and wasteful mistake, and whatever differences we had with Japan could have been solved peacefully. Furthermore, he was convinced that the embargo was the catalyst for the attack on Pearl Harbor.
And it should come as no surprise that FDR was eager to assist Stalin. He was always an admirer of Stalin, ceded way too much in the post-WWII order to the communists, and did so in spite of the objections of Churchill.
In retrospect, it would have been a much better outcome for Japan to have handled China before they owned most of the world. Even now, I expect [and hope] that Japan amends its constitution to allow a more robust military. They’re going to need it against China.
Critics would argue, “it’s confounded! more elderly are vaccinated.” But the same critics cannot show us this is false. They can only do “hand-waving” arguments that it must be wrong. Not very convincing …
We actually agree with the critics that it is confounded but here’s why: governments don’t release the breakdowns publicly …
Let me say it a slightly different way. The counter argument that this data/conclusion is confounded only works if there is data/conclusion to the contrary. We have no data with cases/deaths without the shots because they’ve forced the shots on everyone with religious fervor.
Here’s another way of saying it. They never conducted testing with a control group. Naysaying the conclusion someone else comes up with is easy. Conducting proper testing – not so much, especially if you want to make money.
“So we’re planning a mid-December launch of the Marlin product line,” Ruger Chief Executive Officer Christopher J. Killoy commented. “…[I]t’ll probably be less than the market wants. In fact, I’m sure based on the overwhelming demand we’ve seen from consumers and retailers, I’m sure it will be fewer guns and fewer SKUs than the market wants, but we will launch it probably on or about December 15, somewhere in that time period, begin those shipments to distributors.”
The earliest offering will be a classic, too. “The first sample that I saw came off the line a few weeks ago and it was a beautiful model, 1895 in 45-70 caliber and it just looked gorgeous,” Killoy said. “So we’re very excited about that and we are on track to that into Q4 launch.”
As for finding any available in mid-December, he cautioned, “And again I expect there’ll be lots of calls and e-mails in…looking for more Marlins because the first samples frankly, were just outstanding.” The above image is an 1895 from the company’s 2006 catalog, and likely doesn’t represent the first ones scheduled to appear.
Well that’s too bad, because I love the look of the gun with its beautiful pistol grip Walnut stock sleek lever design. I hope it doesn’t look much different than what’s in the picture.
A US congressman has posted a Christmas picture of himself and what appears to be his family, smiling and posing with an assortment of guns, just days after four teenagers were killed in a shooting at a high school in Michigan.
Thomas Massie of Kentucky tweeted: “Merry Christmas! ps. Santa, please bring ammo.”
[ … ]
The Democratic US Representative John Yarmuth condemned his fellow Kentuckian’s post. “I’m old enough to remember Republicans screaming that it was insensitive to try to protect people from gun violence after a tragedy,” Yarmuth tweeted, apparently referring to calls for gun control laws.
“I promise not everyone in Kentucky is an insensitive asshole,” he added. The shooting in Oxford, Michigan, was the latest in a string of such incidents that have prompted fierce debates over school safety, gun control and gun rights.
It’s good to see Rep. Massie trolling the progs. Never quit!
Now for the readers, name the guns in the photo? If I’m not mistaken, Massie has a collection of Class 3 weapons.
A Missouri lawmaker is planning to introduce a new bill that he claims will strengthen the state’s “stand your ground” law.
Sen. Eric Burlison (R-Battlefied) pre-filed the legislation Wednesday. It would grant a person criminal immunity for using deadly force in self-defense unless the force is used against a law enforcement officer in the line of duty.
Now why would it be necessary to add the part I’ve bolded?
Because they can’t allow anything to escape the blanket indemnification they grant to all LEOs in every circumstance.
And what about a home invasion by SWAT in the wrong home where they bust in and point guns at your children, with you not knowing anything about who they are?
No he’s not, and he knows it. He isn’t trying to do the right thing. He’s got someone imprisoned for no good reason, demanding they wear a device that has no affect whatsoever over transmission of a bug that hasn’t been proven to do any real damage.
He’s infringing on liberty and God-given rights to work and be with family.
He’s evil, just as his handlers. And he knows it, regardless of his words. This is called kidnapping and false imprisonment. More specifically, it’s a war crime.
I would have been okay with her having shot them all in the face so that they never return home safely that night.
This video has apparently been making the rounds. Before we go any further, let me stipulate that I don’t know with certainty if this is really CAG or somebody playing tacticool during weekend at Bubba’s. It is alleged to be CAG. No one in the thread seems to be questioning that, and in fact, they seemed to think it’s pretty cool.
On the other hand, I’m appalled. It looks amateurish and silly. They hop off of a helicopter and clop around like cows for close to half a minute, making as much noise with the machinery and footsteps as possible. The players aren’t alerted to any presence despite the massive noise avalanche, they’re standing still, there are no trip wires to kill the team, they are out in the open with no cover or concealment, and it’s broad daylight.
If this was really a CAG practice mission, I would have expected face paint, no reflective lenses, dark clothing, entry by night along a treeline, use of NODS, and quiet approach to room entry execution that went off in two to three seconds and the rest of the building cleared in under ten seconds.
When my son was in the Marine Corps, including live fire shoot house training, when the training included Marine-on-Marine shooting they used chalk rounds. Those hurt from what I understand.
Why weren’t the actors moving? Why weren’t the actors shooting back with chalk rounds? Why wasn’t this real training rather than a waste of time and gasoline for the helicopter?
So as I stipulated, I don’t know with certainty that this is CAG. It could be weekend at Bubba’s. Somebody who can track this down please tell me this isn’t really CAG?