On The Origins Of Covid And The Efficacy Of Ivermectin
BY Herschel Smith
Help me to understand @DARPA.
What am I looking at at 4:23 about Ivermectin? I don’t have the context.https://t.co/hgiP4fAzsC
Can you Authenticate? May I see this whole report? Thank you. pic.twitter.com/G4nGoOScqp
— Eric Weinstein (@EricRWeinstein) January 11, 2022
The FedGov has always known that Ivermectin worked to prevent viral replication. They just don’t want you to have it.
The entire article is worth reading. It catalogs how gain-of-function research was banned and defunded, but, uh oh, you need to read the fine print and footnotes.
Not, that is, if it is believed that the need is urgent. Thus, funding still occurred through Fauci’s NAIAD in N.C. (recall the research at UNC Chapel Hill assisting the head of the Wuhan Institute of Virology Lab).
Here it’s interesting that Karl Denninger, who’s usually worth reading, states that:
- The governments also knew that *****-19 itself was not dangerous most of the time to healthy individuals and they knew why. It was deliberately engineered that way in an attempt, this paper alleges, as an experiment to be inoculated intentionally into bats in an attempt to see whether doing so could cut off future zoonotic events. Whether the experiment went wrong by accident or intent is not known, but that it was taking place and both our government and China knew about it, along with knowing that it should not be very dangerous to most people is now established as fact.
Or at least, whether Karl is saying that being unclear, he’s at least alleging that the paper is saying that.
Of course, I never bought the ridiculous notion of the disease being Zoonotic. It wasn’t, it isn’t, and if you believe that you’re a fool. No bat had a slobber fest with another animal and made a baby Covid virus. Nor, I should mention, have I necessarily believed that the virus came from the lab at Wuhan.
George Webb has long argued, and convincingly so, that patient zero was a prostitute at the Wuhan military games several months before any admission of widespread disease, and that the disease was intentionally released there.
Note also that The Daily Mail authored an article entitled Canadian military officer calls for a probe into a ground zero ‘Covid’ outbreak at Wuhan forces games TWO MONTHS before world was alerted to the ‘mysterious new illness‘.
You won’t see that in the U.S. press, yah?
On January 12, 2022 at 9:10 am, Drake said:
My wife had covid for a week. It seemed to be starting to move into her sinuses and lungs so we finally set up an appointment with an online medical service. The doctor just told her he was calling in prescriptions to an out-of-the-way little pharmacy, wouldn’t go into any details on the phone. I had to pre-pay with a credit card and drive over an hour each way to this particular pharmacy.
When I got there they handed me a Z-pack and Ivermectin. She immediately started getting better. The only reason our primary doctor wouldn’t prescribe it and she had to suffer for a week is that our leaders hate us and want us either dead or to fully submit to their tyranny.
On January 12, 2022 at 10:05 am, Fred said:
I’ve dealt with DARPA. And that’s all I’ll say about that.
The Wuhan bat story was one of the early theories. Whether it’s true or false I don’t know but it sure did make for great memes.
@Drake has a testimony that I’ve from several others first hand. Ivermectin is curative in ALL phases of the disease cycle. Period. Full stop.
On January 12, 2022 at 10:09 am, JoeFour said:
Drake – Would you mind providing us with the name of the online medical service you used?
On January 12, 2022 at 10:27 am, George 1 said:
Ivermectin has been shown to work well for the treatment of Covid and many other illnesses.
The medical apparatus does not want you to use Ivermectin. The government has and is currently taking active steps to prevent the majority of the population from having access to Ivermectin.
Most of the government approved medical treatments for Covid do not work and kill a good percentage of the people who are hospitalized with Covid.
Therefore the government and the medical establishment are perfectly fine with large numbers of people dying with covid.
On January 12, 2022 at 10:36 am, ragman said:
Project Veritas has an excellent video on Utube about DARPA and Gain of Function.
On January 12, 2022 at 1:54 pm, scott s. said:
My vote is that it was a mistake born of hubris. I can see Fauci thinking he’s smarter than the various review boards so he’ll fund this kind of research, because what could go wrong? I have no idea if it’s true, but the Marine writing about DARPA seems to understand the field.
On January 12, 2022 at 6:30 pm, Bradlley A Graham said:
I see absolutely no difference between Fauci and Faust.
On January 13, 2022 at 9:38 am, Drake said:
Not sayin where we went. But give this a try.