Missouri Police Still Have Their Pink Panties In A Wad Over The 2A Preservation Act
BY Herschel Smith
News from the pink panties crowd.
Police chiefs from around the St. Louis area and the state are supporting a new lawsuit seeking to clarify a controversial Missouri gun law.
In affidavits filed in court and in legal briefs filed by nearly 60 police chiefs belonging to either the St. Louis Area Police Chiefs Association or the Missouri Police Chiefs Association, police officials raise questions about Missouri’s new “Second Amendment Preservation Act.”
The chiefs say, “some of the wording and structure of SAPA has inadvertently caused confusion and raised a number of questions that hinder law enforcement’s ability to defend and protect Missouri citizens.”
The move follows multiple failed attempts by police, prosecutors and federal law enforcement officials to get the Missouri Legislature to make changes to the law.
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Asked about the potential for changes in the Legislature, Taylor said, “I don’t think there need to be any changes,” adding that he believes the bill was written in a way that both protects the Second Amendment and allows law enforcement to do their job.
In a statement provided in response to questions from the Post-Dispatch Monday, the two associations stressed that the intent was not to overturn the law but to “ensure that law enforcement return to operating and functioning as it always has. The vague language contained within the law has caused confusion and solicited varying legal opinions which has resulted in unintended operational consequences.”
“Unintended operational consequences.” They want clarification that they can still eat doughnuts with their bestest buddies and partners in stuff, the FedGov.
Here is the clarification they should get. “State law now stipulates that you arrest and charge all agents of the FedGov who enforce gun control laws of any kind.”
Suck it up, pink panty boys. This is an evolution that must occur. It’s inevitable. It’s going to happen. These are just the beginning stages. Decide which side you’re on.
On January 13, 2022 at 12:42 am, Jimmy the Saint said:
“These are just the beginning stages. Decide which side you’re on.”
Whichever side looks like it’s gonna win.
– Police everywhere, enforcing the dictator’s whim right up to the point where it’s obvious that he’s going to be overthrown
On January 13, 2022 at 1:01 am, Kick Ass said:
Same old crap, same old excuse:
On January 13, 2022 at 1:30 am, Ohio Guy said:
The chiefs say, “some of the wording and structure of SAPA has inadvertently caused confusion and raised a number of questions that hinder law enforcement’s ability to defend and protect Missouri citizens.” Does anybody really believe such rhetoric?
On January 13, 2022 at 5:46 am, Henry said:
“Decide which side you’re on.”
They’re on the side of the guy who signs their paycheck. Always have been, always will be. Anybody who thinks otherwise is in denial.
On January 13, 2022 at 7:26 am, Slave Larry said:
law enforcement’s ability to defend and protect Missouri citizens.”
They really believe they are “Heros”. They are not. Quit calling them heros. They are nothing more than below average IQ public servants.
It sould be made illegal for people “in the business” to lobby lawmakers. Theeir voice should carry no more weight than the average “slave”.
On January 13, 2022 at 7:29 am, Slave Larry said:
law enforcement’s ability to defend and protect Missouri citizens.”
They really believe they are “Heros”. They are not. Quit calling them heros. They are nothing more than below average IQ public servants.
It sould be made illegal for people “in the business” to lobby lawmakers. Thier voice should carry no more weight than the average “slave”.
On January 13, 2022 at 7:49 am, Bill Buppert said:
Coproaches are armed Leninists.
On January 13, 2022 at 8:56 am, Fred said:
Disarm. Defund. Disband.
On January 13, 2022 at 11:03 am, Longbow said:
“They’re on the side of the guy who signs their paycheck. Always have been, always will be. Anybody who thinks otherwise is in denial.”
Henry nailed it.
On January 13, 2022 at 7:06 pm, Ed said:
“I guess they are practicing to lose somewhere that looks like the Carolinas: “US states to host simulated ‘guerilla war’”. Not for the first time: “Jade Helm 15 conspiracy theories”.”
Several think the war games in North Carolina are in serious preparation for civil war; I thought they were a regular occurrence for Special Ops training. Please comment…
On January 13, 2022 at 10:09 pm, Feral Ferret said:
SSDD from the St. Louis area. Kansas City is getting to be almost as bad with the joke of a mayor we have.
On January 13, 2022 at 11:29 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
“… law enforcement’s ability to defend and protect Missouri citizens.” Since under the Public Duty Doctrine, there is no legal duty for them to do so, this concern is misplaced – or do they want to legislatively repeal the Public Duty Doctrine? If this gets up to the Missouri Supreme Court an amicus brief addressing the Doctrine might be in order.
On January 13, 2022 at 11:49 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
As to “law enforcement return[ing] to operating and functioning as it always has”, see – for some pertinent history – http://www.outpost-of
On January 14, 2022 at 12:14 am, 18C said:
Robin Sage has been going on in North Carolina for many years. It is phase 3 of the Q course.
On January 15, 2022 at 1:32 am, Ed said:
Thanks, 18C. I was under the impression that it was a formally-embedded and executed part of spec ops training for Special Forces and maybe Rangers and others. What is the Q course?
On January 15, 2022 at 6:56 pm, 18C said:
Special Forces Qualification Course (SFQC) usually referred to as the Q course. Phase 1 was patrolling and field craft, Phase 2 MOS training, Phase 3 was unconventional warfare training. The phase numbers have probably changed over the years with more training and phases added.
I have been out a number of years.