Uncovering The Coverup Of The Las Vegas Mass Shooting
BY Herschel Smith
Mindy Robinson has done yeoman’s work on this. Here are some deliverances (at least as far as I’m concerned).
There are multiple caliber weapons being shot at the same time.
Many of these are belt fed weapons and go far beyond what a 30-round magazine will hold.
There were shooters all over the city that fateful night. Not one, not two, not three, not four. There were shooters all over the city.
There were nefarious goings-on with air assets (along with fake aircraft identification).
There was a massive coverup. Finally, agents of the Sheriff’s department were required to sign NDAs.
This is a long video, but if you want more questions asked than you will ever find answers for, this is necessary viewing.
I commend it to you.
On January 17, 2022 at 7:59 am, Joe Blow said:
The press is completely compromised. They are worthless. They are worse than worthless, as they actively work to hide and obfuscate the truth. They are our enemies. Grok that.
Then, as Mr. Smith does here, start parallel agencies. Perform your own research and due diligence, and share that with the rest of us (as Mr. smith is doing here). This is the work needed to construct our own resources. We cannot accept our enemies tools, we must create our own. Parallel economy, parallel news organizations, parallel schools and education. Abandon their sinking ship, and build our own.
… And shoot any one of those motherfuckers that tries to swim to our ship.
On January 17, 2022 at 10:19 am, J. Smith said:
This was established years ago. Just do sound analysis and you can conclude it was multiple calibers and some belt fed weapons from different directions. The whole scene in Paddocks room was staged. There should have been like buckets of brass up there, not a couple pieces thrown around the room. Totally normal for sheriffs to sign NDAs. Thats the FBI protecting sources and methods right?
On January 17, 2022 at 10:27 am, Gator said:
While I agree this shooting was decidedly not conducted in the manner the media and government insist it was, and thought the whole thing stunk from the beginning, it’s important not to make arguments that are easily refuted – don’t base anything on the ‘far more continuous shots than could come from a 30 round magazine’. They have released alleged pictures of the hotel room that showed piles of the big surefire mags on the floor of the hotel. These guys:
This was the first one I found in a few seconds. Far too many holes in this story, but when poking holes in it, it’s important not do so with things that can be easily explained away with publicly available photos.
On January 17, 2022 at 10:29 am, T said:
The one benefit of being laid off is having hundreds of free hours to study stories like this. Having easily spent 100 hours going over Vegas shooting video clips and material provided by the Vegas traffic control insider, there is no f*cking way that the real story followed any part of the official party line. The 3 page summary released when the investigation was over was less work than papers I did for a throw away college class. And I still had footnotes and documentation.
On January 17, 2022 at 10:33 am, Jimbo said:
This is interesting. Shepherd Ambellas at intellihub.news wrote numerous investigative articles about what went on in Vegas at that time. I kept a number of those articles, waiting to see if anything ever made it into the media or anywhere else. Silly me!! The truth will out eventually.
On January 17, 2022 at 10:34 am, Herschel Smith said:
Watch the entire video, esp. upon first entering the subject room.
All subsequent photos are staged. They are all fake.
On January 17, 2022 at 10:38 am, Russell G. said:
Just what you posted is enough.
I remember early on they posted a LEO forensic scene photo of pistol caliber brass on top of a pool of blood, supposedly from the so-called dead blazing dude. Basically, pristine once fired case except on the bottom sitting in the bleed out high tide mark. Suicide for sure.
Maybe that was fake, but if it wasn’t that still locks it in for me. Disappeared from ARPAnet at this point. Same disappeared as all the photos showing garage door bullet holes (a lot of them) when the Boston sharpshooter LEOs were firing down the driveway at the punk bomber *in the boat* to the left.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:01 am, Jack&Shit said:
You’re 4 1/2 years late with this: “There are multiple caliber weapons being shot at the same time. Many of these are belt fed weapons and go far beyond what a 30-round magazine will hold. There were shooters all over the city that fateful night. Not one, not two, not three, not four. There were shooters all over the city.”
Many of us still younger veterans, with an actual working experience of being shot at, engaged, shooting at and engaging, were calling law enforcement (local, state, federal) immediately after this happened, based on what we were seeing and hearing in video clips, recorded and posted by direct witnesses, throughout social media. Not surprisingly, we were quickly and soundly rebuffed by those LEO’s and told we didn’t know what we were talking about, hearing and seeing. You’re 4 1/2 years late.
Posted 02OCT17 – https://soundcloud.com/user-342651909/sets/las-vegas-police-shooting
On January 17, 2022 at 11:07 am, Herschel Smith said:
“You’re 4 1/2 years late with this …”
No, I’m not. You’re a late reader. I said many of the same things back then. I followed up with this post because the embedded video is the most comprehensive, complete, thorough fisking of the event to date and was recently released.
Study the video and learn the info in it … or not. I don’t care.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:08 am, Paul B said:
We will never know the truth. It is amazing how all the “authorities” all follow the script.
Almost like the mafia. All of them are made men who do not break the code.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:11 am, Jack&Shit said:
One of the most excellent recordings, evidence, of belt fed fire, early in the shooting. This was posted everywhere in the hours immediately following the shooting, and what first caught the attention of many, who damn well knew what we were hearing. https://youtube.com/watch?v=5hXJhnNRu1E
On January 17, 2022 at 11:16 am, George 1 said:
I remember the news conferences where Lombardo makes statements and then turns to look at the FBI guy standing behind him, seemingly to get his approval. It was embarrassing.
All anyone has to do is listen to the audio. If most of that is real then most of those shots did not come from no bump stock equipped AR 15.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:22 am, Jack&Shit said:
I’m talking about that video & investigation being late.
Competent investigators were all over it, while bodies were still being stacked.
It’s evident what happened….someone who actually wields power initiated an operation, using multiple teams of shooters (stone killers) to slaughter (mainly) average, everyday white people, gathered en masse at a country music show, BECAUSE THEY CAN…..to destabilize, anger, insult, and further their far flung agenda of merciless tyranny, as the rule of law doesn’t apply to them. And their infallible certainty that their victims, and those who grieve for the victims, will do nothing but prattle on, on a worldwide system controlled by Team Tyranny.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:26 am, Fred said:
Vegas was an op. Probably an op gone bad or maybe the shooting of concert goers was a cover. But what the actual op was I doubt we’ll ever learn.
Eyewitnesses are notoriously inaccurate, but, just like the synoptic gospels, by deconflicting all the witness statements the truth becomes clearer.
For example; in mark and Luke’s account of the man possessed by a devil there is but one man. Matthew however says there were 2 men. Also the name of the town is different among the gospels. (Matt 8, Luke 8, mark 5)
How to deal with this is important. As to the number of men, human nature would expect that very very few are totally alone (there was no welfare and no TV). It’s very likely that there were indeed 2 men living in the tombs but the focus is either on the 1 who was the worse, or that he’s the one who addresses Jesus and the other left, stayed in the background, and / or wouldn’t hear Him.
As to the different town names; those towns were very near by walking distance and both proximite to the tombs.
In this is a way to analyze witness statements.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:32 am, DWEEZIL THE WEASEL said:
The comments by Jack&Shit and George 1 say it all. I still remember how the Hollywood left and other useful idiots of the Marxist Deep State FEDGOV did their blood dance over the fact the victims were white country-music fans. The real tragedy is the legions of sheeple, normies, cucks, and RINO cowards who just blew this whole thing off. Like the scamdemic, this is war on the citizens of Amerika. If you are white, heterosexual, Christian, pro-life, pro-family, and work for a living, (((They))) want you dead. Plan accordingly.
On January 17, 2022 at 11:49 am, Venezuela In One Year said:
Gunning down Traditional Americans at a country music concert will seem tame in the future.
Make no mistake about it, they want us gone by any means necessary.
Everyone with two brain cells and a synapse knows everything is fake and fraudulent in Chiquitastan because an infantile demoralized society cannot handle the truth.
The first thing I asked about this false flag after seeing the photos is where are all the shell casings?
On January 17, 2022 at 11:52 am, Bradlley A Graham said:
Paddock was not a professional but he did have professional help.
On January 17, 2022 at 12:42 pm, Fred said:
@Jack seems upset that this is being rehearsed again and put together in one place. Maybe he’s a fed who just wants us to move on and forget about it.
On January 17, 2022 at 12:54 pm, Corpsman said:
When Joe Lombardo gets elected Governor of NV it will be his reward for running interference on the Mandalay investigation.
On January 17, 2022 at 1:29 pm, X said:
It was evident that something was off right from the beginning. The alleged perpretrator supposedly “made a living” by gambling. No one does that. His house was mysteriously “burglarized” after he died. No one was ever arrested. He was a licensed pilot and “former” (?) government employee with a foreign girlfriend who was on the FBI payroll and fled the country after the shooting.
Whatever happened with this thing there is no way they are telling even a fraction of the truth. This guy was some kind of government operator.
But hell yeah, they ATF sure as hell busted a guy for selling him reloaded ammo at a gun show in Arizona!!
On January 17, 2022 at 1:33 pm, Sumora Yabizness said:
Definitely a false flag operation with Paddock as the patsy. It was obvious from the videos on msm that multiple weapons of different calibers & different locations were being used with some of them being belt fed. The msm would have you believe that Paddock was the sole shooter, just like they would have you believe that Jason Aldean and the other corporate minstrels on stage that night are country music, instead of purveyors of mass produced tractor rap drivel.
On January 17, 2022 at 1:34 pm, Chris said:
Why? Well…thats for each of us to figure. Feds are wrapped up in it. That much is obvious.
She did a good job withe the timelines and 911’s and witness’s.
You can see The Whole Plan Unfolding and How.
Right down to Big Tech’s part.
Thats very interesting to me.
On January 17, 2022 at 2:49 pm, GenEarly said:
Comrades, Can We please get back to the 1/6/21 Insurgency???
Oops another in a Long List of FIB false flag attacks, covered up by the DoInJustice.
On January 17, 2022 at 3:10 pm, J&S said:
Posted 02OCT17 – https://soundcloud.com/user-342651909/sets/las-vegas-police-shooting
You can hear throughout this recording, in real time, 911 operators relaying to police on site and throughout the “Strip,” reports of multiple shootings and shooters, and the hotels/other locations were the shootings were occurring. And if you listen closely, have the background and experience, you can match a map of the Strip to the locations of additional shootings, and it becomes flagrantly obvious that a team/s are exfilling by (gunfire) sowing mass confusion. You can literally visualize their progress along the Strip.
On January 17, 2022 at 4:33 pm, Brad said:
Thanks for posting this. I look forward to watching tonight after work. But I’d like to make an observation. It seems like every time one of these False Flag, clandestine, opps occur some one actually mumbles the truth while, or immediately after it’s happening. While the coverage was still fast and furious it was mentioned it was a hit on the Saudi Prince living on the top floor. It was also mentioned it was a terrorist attack and they drove up from the border. All more credible than what we’ve been told.
On January 17, 2022 at 4:42 pm, Red Man said:
My former Boss’s son was shot and killed that night while at the concert with his grown children. An utter tragedy. Compounded by the bullshit story. RIP TD.
On January 17, 2022 at 8:13 pm, Steady Steve said:
It was an attempted hit on the Saudi prince as he had met with Trump’s people to plan the takedown of the human trafficking in Saudi Arabia. MS-13 assets were used with Paddock as the patsy and explanation for all the gunfire. Members of the Saudi royal family were later arrested including the scumbag that paid for Odumbo’s education and controlled him on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood. This was Trump’s way of breaking one of the world’s controlling groups. There was a running gun battle between MS-13 and some of our .mil operators. The sheriff was caught in the middle and told what to say. As usual with .gov everything is a badly covered up mess with lots of unexplained loose ends.
On January 17, 2022 at 8:31 pm, Frank Pinelander said:
To those that are familiar with symbols, symbology, astrology, numerology and all the other ologies of the opposition:
That was a fall sacrifice to “Their” god of dead.
On January 18, 2022 at 12:11 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Prince al-Waleed bin Talal, a notorious anti-Semite and pro-jihadist Islamic supremacist, had rented out several top floors in the Mandalay Bay Resort Hotel, prior to the incident going down. The scuttlebutt is that an arms deal went bad and a shoot-out took place instead. That may be – emphasis “may” – cover for what really happened. Lots of layers of denial and disinformation have been spread on top of that…. so grab your shovel and start digging….
Others have already commented that the forensics do not add up. “Official reports” blamed – surprise, surprise! – a lone and disaffected white male – as the perp, but that doesn’t add up. Las Vegas resorts are some of the most-surveilled real estate on the planet. How did one man get such an arsenal (plus ammo and gear) past dozens of security cameras and into his suite without detection? Answer: He didn’t. It was facilitated from the outside. Someone with clout staged the scene and wiped the security camera footage, too. Namely, the FBI…
And when the incident went down, numerous combat veterans in the crowd at the country music festival reported that the fire originated at multiple points on multiple floors of the resort, and that aural-visual evidence suggested multiple belt-fed crew-served weapons being employed, and a single perp. on a bump-stock.
Far as the MS-13 vs. Saudi gun battle, I have nothing on that so no useful input to add.
Local LE authorities were obviously “big-footed” and muzzled by the Feds, and could not say anything real or factual. How can you tell when the FBI is lying? When their lips are moving…..
On January 18, 2022 at 12:13 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “and that aural-visual evidence suggested multiple belt-fed crew-served weapons being employed, and a single perp. on a bump-stock.”
“Not” a single perp. on a bump stock….
On January 18, 2022 at 12:45 am, Gen. Patton said:
Bath house Barry and Hillary Clinton.
On July 26, 2023 at 11:02 pm, Larry J Orischak said:
This is amazing – been examining many things over the last 20 years. 23 books on 9/11 and dozens and dozens of hours on line exploring people and cross referencing authors and opinions of where they are coming from. to under stand 9/11: read 2 books- –
“Solving 9/11” and “Synthetic Terrorism”- -ijust an idea!
Larry O