Fighting The Wrong Enemy In The Wrong Place
BY Herschel Smith
Thoughts from Matt Bracken, sent from Michael Yon (via WRSA).
Yes. A reminder that we’re under invasion.
Related: I stumbled upon this blog a couple of days ago. Borderland Beat.
It’s a website dedicated to reporting on the operations of the Mexican cartels on the Mexican-U.S. border. The beheadings, violence, buyouts and corruption is everywhere.
Yes, we’re under invasion. Messing with Russia’s “near abroad” is about the stupidest thing we could possibly do – unless they’re trying to distract you and enrich themselves (or install the rainbow flag over the Kremlin).
On January 23, 2022 at 10:08 pm, Fred said:
“install the rainbow flag over the Kremlin”
Ok, that made me laugh. Thanks.
On January 23, 2022 at 10:25 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Noted strategic analysts such as William Lind and john Robb have stated that in fourth-generation warfare terms, large masses of people – such as the flow of “refugees” and “immigrants” from one nation to another – are as dangerous as any invasion by a military force, perhaps more so.
Because an armed enemy force is visible and known to all to be a threat, the alarm can be sounded and a defense mounted, but when the de facto invaders are “refugees” and “immigrants,” many people simply yawn and turn the page in the paper to the funnies, most not even realizing that they are under threat.
Yet, whereas an enemy army must sooner or later depart for its homeland, demographic invaders may remain in their new home permanently – colonists and conquerors in a new land.
In short, Matt Bracken is not exaggerating in the least.
On January 23, 2022 at 10:34 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “Messing with Russia’s “near abroad” is about the stupidest thing we could possibly do – unless they’re trying to distract you and enrich themselves (or install the rainbow flag over the Kremlin).”
Herschel, I don’t know if you were cracking wise when writing that or not, but your observation is right on the mark either way. One of the reasons the new world order hate and despise Vladimir Putin is that he is helping Russia to revert back to her historical norm as an explicitly Christian (Russian Orthodox) nation and traditional culture, away from the communism which characterized her recent history.
Along with the Visegrad Nations of Eastern Europe – Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary (and perhaps the Baltic states) – Russia is leading what might be called a “counter-revolution” against the atheistic and hedonistic new-world order, the Cultural Marxism which is now running riot in so much of northern/western Europe, the U.S. and the Anglophone world. The resistance to the NWO is not organized, per se, but is coalescing along cultural, ethnic, religious and other lines. As such, globalist organizations such as the UN, WEF, EU, CFR and IMF-World Bank see them as an existential threat to their hegemony.
On January 24, 2022 at 12:48 am, George 1 said:
Putin rejects globo homo. He also turned Russia away from the policies of Yeltsin. Yeltsin was allowing Russia to start to be consumed by the bankers as many other countries have been destroyed. Our elites were not able to harvest Russia and bring it under the grip of the Empire. However they aspire to do so.
Vladimir Putin: ” The Western powers who seek conflict with us must understand, that Russia
will never again fight a war on our own soil.”
A certain general working at the Pentagon had a sign on his office wall. The sign said “there are three levels of stupid.”
There is stupid.
There is really stupid.
And there is invading Russia stupid.
Trying to start a conflict at this time in the Ukraine probably counts for the invading Russia stupid.
On January 24, 2022 at 1:04 am, Archer said:
Messing with Russia’s “near abroad” is about the stupidest thing we could possibly do…
Minor correction: Messing with Russia’s “near abroad” during winter is about the stupidest thing we could possibly do.
Ask any of the major empires throughout human history how that has worked out, and.they had direct-line over-land logistics. We won’t.
On January 24, 2022 at 9:24 am, Arthur Sido said:
The people invading our southern border are not the enemy as such, they are just a tool being used by our actual enemies to swamp heritage Americans and replace us demographically. Our real enemies are the people who are orchestrating this replacement and their cronies in the media. Start to look at those people and what they seem to have in common so often, then you will see where your true enemies are found.
On January 24, 2022 at 9:46 am, George 1 said:
@Arthur Sido
Immigration into the U.S. has been a disaster for decades. The main thing immigrants from all places do to damage the U.S. is to vote for and agitate for communism as soon as they can. The vast majority vote that way.
Immigrants also have a higher crime rate and, on average, care little about Constitutional freedoms. Their IQs are much lower on average. Even the Christian ones mostly tend to adhere to a very liberal form of Christianity, which, of course, is not Christianity at all.
On January 24, 2022 at 6:17 pm, Joe Blow said:
GeorgiaBoy61 gets it. Read what he said again.
Bidens grifting grounds are in the Ukraine, and Putin hates fags.
Makes for a nice distraction as well. This is happening.
On January 25, 2022 at 3:04 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
The western oligarchs and billionaires, the biggest of the big money men, had no quarrel with duly-elected and legitimate Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych until he changed his mind about signing a lucrative energy development deal with the U.S. and European energy multinationals and their proxies inside the U.S. and NATO, and instead decided to sign on with Putin and the Russians.
The big money men, denied their chance to strip-mine the wealth of the Ukraine for themselves, hit the roof and demanded regime change there, so the black bag boys went to work in Kiev and fomented a revolt designed to topple the government. In due course it worked and a protofascist pro-western puppet government was installed in its place, which is where we are today.
The uprising started by Soros-backed NGOs and operators working for the CIA and related agencies has torn a once-peaceful and prosperous Ukraine asunder, but the attitude of the billionaires is that if they can’t have it, no one can. Which is why the deep-state is willing to go to war over an insignificant nation halfway around the world from the United States, and thereby risk a global conflagration whose horrors might dwarf even those of the two world wars of last century. It is absolute madness….
On January 25, 2022 at 4:07 am, Ned said:
Thanks. That borderland beat site is excellent.