Another Canadian Blockade at Milk River
BY Herschel Smith
Via NC Renegades.
It’s also my understanding that arrests have been made, and that Alberta provincial head Jason Kenney only feigned a positive response to the truckers.
Holding a press conference to make his announcement [Full Video Here], premier Kenney said, “We cannot remain at a heightened state of emergency forever. We have to begin to heal, and so Alberta will move on. But we’ll do so carefully, we’ll do so prudently, we will do so only if it does not threaten the capacity of our healthcare system.” Kenney then outlined some softening to the covid restrictions.
Provincial rules that require students to wear masks in Alberta schools will end on Monday, and children under 12 won’t have to wear masks anywhere starting then.
Kenney stated a provincial work-from-home order will expire on March 1, along with the provincial mask mandate. At the same time, the limits on social gatherings and students being permitted to be in non-socially distanced proximity with other students in schools will be removed.
However, while Premier Kenny said the vaccine passports called ‘Restriction Exemption Program’ (REP) would be eliminated at midnight tonight, the QR codes check-in gates would continue; vaccine requirements will remain; vaccine discrimination can continue by private businesses with government support; govt healthcare workers must still be vaccinated or get fired; entertainment venues would be allowed to sell food & drinks again (but customers must be seated); and rules on closing times, alcohol service times, table capacity in restaurants, and social distancing would remain in place.
So the Coutts truckers pulled back into place and resumed the blockade. Good. Kenney has been told that the truckers are stupid. This is good too. There’s no more serious weakness that underestimating the resolve and smarts of your opponents.
In this following video, one trucker says that his “son has disowned him.” Well, I believe we all have a volition and that we’re responsible for our own actions, and that no one can really control another man’s thoughts.
But this kid has been trained in the public schools his whole life (I would imagine) and then perhaps in state-run colleges. His thinking is wrongheaded. Unless his father did something truly sinful like abuse his mother, and that hasn’t been charged, he is in no position to disown anyone. He’s got it exactly backwards. Maybe he will grow up one day.
In the mean time, this is video from Milk River. The movement grows.
On February 10, 2022 at 2:07 am, George 1 said:
He should be proud of his father. How far we have fallen.
On February 10, 2022 at 7:47 am, Bill Buppert said:
Absent government subsidy of K-PhD, communism as a viable idea would be dead in a generation.
On February 10, 2022 at 10:00 am, Fred said:
The damage is done. A whole generation has been trained to submit for their own good and safety and health.
Government will save you but be afraid but government will save you but be afraid but government will save you but be afraid but….
The control freaks aren’t stupid. They’re methodical, relentless, and above all they are evil. Everything evil does is a fraud of God.
“Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” Exodus 20:12 (5th Commandment)
“Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
The child is simply doing as he’s been trained. The father didn’t heed the proverb in applying the 5th Commandment to the raising of his son. Simple as that.
He allowed the State, acting as a God, to train his child. The child will obey his master. The risk is that when he is old he will not depart from his obedience. His father handed him over to evil to be trained. What, precisely, did the father think would happen? Did he too live absent the God of all creation assuming that others were good people instead of the wholly wicked and depraved sinners that they truly are?
National centralized and systematic education is a violation of the 5 Commandment as the proverb proves in application all across North America.
American Christians read the bible. They go to church. But they don’t hear the word of God to the point of doing what Holy God teaches and commands. This is a serious lack of faith. They don’t actually trust God with the things that they’ve blessed to have.
For this, their blessings are being removed. (I’m not a prophet, I just read my bible and apply it.)
The spirit of antichrist that rules in the hearts of the control freaks isn’t stupid. Another generation is being lost. “When they are old they will do as they’re told.” – Dr Seuss (probably)