Trucker Blockades And Convoys
BY Herschel Smith
Updates everywhere.
First it was the truckers.
Then along came the farmers.
And then along came the cowboys.And they are now blocking the US – Canada border.#FreedomConvoy #Freedomblockade#TruckersForFreedom2022
— James Melville 🗽 (@JamesMelville) February 6, 2022
Are liberal MPs really turning on “Big Hair?” We’ll see.
What Ambassador Bridge looks like today.
Ottawa police threaten immediate arrest. Good globalists, they are.
Governor Gremlin [uh … I mean Gretchen] Whitmer is worried, and demands that the blockade be stopped.
The Canadian Trucker protest has spread outside of Ottawa and has now traveled to the largest border crossing in North America, which carries a tad bit more than a quarter of all trade between the two countries. For the past three or four days, the Ambassador Bridge which connects Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario, has experienced bottlenecks and even closed due to the trucker protests. The protests have also slowed traffic at Port Huron. Michigan, and Sarnia, Windsor, crossing at the Blue Water Bridge, a bit up the road (about 70 miles) on I-94 East.
She’s worried about shutdowns of auto manufacturing. She should be. That problem won’t go away, no matter how much she screeches.
Finally, it seems that the U.S. trucker revolt will be a rally? A rally?
The following day, March 6, the truckers will launch their enormous convoy to Washington, DC, bringing our movement from DC to CA and back again—with a stop in Indianapolis along the convoy’s journey east. It’s gonna be epic. I hope you can join us in SoCal that weekend.
Um … what? A rally? You may as well invite laughter without the imposition of embargoes. I guess this will be up to the Canadians then.
On February 11, 2022 at 12:57 am, BRVTVS said:
Even the weak 1979 Tractorcade comes off as stronger:
On February 11, 2022 at 12:59 am, BRVTVS said:
I should say, stronger than the “rally” that is planned, not the much more impressive Canadian effort.
On February 11, 2022 at 2:17 am, snuffy said:
On February 11, 2022 at 5:29 am, Joe Blow said:
The FBI is insidious, and everywhere.
You really think American truck drivers would drive 3000 miles in their own sleeper cab (tens of thousands in fuel alone!), for a Rally? Like what we had on Jan 6th? Maybe Drump will give us a zoom speech on a jumbotron (that somehow magically appeared at the rally, with tents and other signs of organization beforehand).
Yup, just a bunch of truckers having a convoy.
People are so gullible and stupid, frankly they deserve what they’re getting.
On February 11, 2022 at 8:24 am, Fred said:
A rally means that they got permits. Weak and useless and fake and gay.
On February 11, 2022 at 8:25 am, June J said:
If American truckers were serious the US side of the border crossings would be blocked already.
On February 11, 2022 at 8:28 am, Fred said:
American truckers aren’t Americans. You’ve been replaced.
On February 11, 2022 at 9:26 am, George 1 said:
You are absolutely correct Fred. Canada apparently still has some considerable social capitol left. The same is not true here in the U.S. For social cohesion to exist you have to have a Nation. We don’t have that anymore. We have substantially been replaced.
But not to worry. I am sure the masses of invaders will assimilate at some point and anyone can be an American. Just ask Ben Shapiro.
On February 11, 2022 at 10:01 am, Paul said:
On a side note, we engineers are always trying to demonstrate that our bridge designs can stand up to a ‘Live Load’, and here we are!
On February 11, 2022 at 10:51 am, Chris said:
American Truckers ….
Don’t let the Canadians be the only ones leading and fighting.
Park them Strategicly.
Park them!! Park them ALL.
Move Nothing.
Rallies are for horny school kids.
On February 11, 2022 at 8:06 pm, Red Man said:
I certainly hope the US truckers get it together, it doesn’t get hijacked or just broken up by johnny law. But I fear that we Americans don’t have it in us anymore. (See? Here I am advocating SOMEONE ELSE do something!). Dammit!
On February 12, 2022 at 9:59 am, blake said:
As I told my wife the other day, “I’d much rather be inconvenienced by shortages than deal with a civil war.”
These protests/strikes are the cheapest way we can avoid things going hot.
On February 12, 2022 at 9:02 pm, Hudson H Luce said:
One thing you don’t do if you want to do something, and have any sort of success about it, is to announce it on the internet a month in advance. The Canadian convoy was organized pretty much by word of mouth, it started on the West Coast, and picked up participants as it moved east – the people joining really had nothing to lose, because they weren’t going to be able to do their runs south of the US/Canada border, and so they had time on their hands. What better thing to do than to go to Ottawa and let the Government know what they were thinking? One of the persistent and omnipresent features of the government usage of this “epidemic” has been to isolate people, to discourage them from gathering and talking to each other – for revolutions against tyranny have come out of church gatherings, and from people discussing current events at bars – the Boston Tea Party was organized in the back room of a pub. And the big, important part of what is happening in Canada is that people are breaking the isolation imposed by the masks and lockdowns and fear of contagion spread by legacy media – and they’re finding out that they’re not alone – and the result is what you’ve seen in Ottawa and other places. Can such a thing happen here? Of course it can – but not organized over facebook, but by people coming out in public and speaking freely.
On February 13, 2022 at 8:00 am, ragman said:
Yup, park ‘em. Nothing gets delivered until all illegal mandates are rescinded.