Using Malleable And Evolving Tactics In The Quest For Canadian Liberty (Freedom Convoy Tactics Analysis)
BY Herschel Smith
The Canadian government is fighting back the only way they can, i.e., sending in the cops to arrest, tow and imprison people). It has been all over the news this weekend. Some locations are standing firm.
Others are in a bit more trouble. When the cops arrest the main actors and tow their trucks, there isn’t much that can be done about it. Or is there?
At Coutts, they have changed tactics up a bit. I’m not sure what this was about, but I’m guessing that a way around the roadway was being planned by the government, and the farmers figured out a way to circumvent those plans. The farmers and tractors have supplemented (or in some cases fully supplanted) the truckers. Everyone needs sleep and has to go home at some point.
And this brings me to the analysis. At the Ambassador Bridge, after the arrests and truckers finally leaving, the line of protestors formed in a different location, while still blocking access.
The tactics are going to have to be malleable and evolving. When one trucker drives away, he should be replaced by another. When one protester leaves, another should come along to take his or her place. When arrests begin happening, reform the line elsewhere. When more arrests occur, truckers can jam up traffic by moving slowly or “strategically” running out of fuel right beside another trucker to which that also happens. When the truckers tire, the farmers can take their place.
It looks like much of this is already happening.
This can be done, but it will require determination and evolution of tactics, techniques and procedures.
On February 14, 2022 at 3:45 am, Francis Erger said:
Forget the police. Fighting them is a losing battle. Say “Sorry sir- we will move” and then just come back. Or set up a block away. Be very polite to the police – as much as they suck and are Trudeau’s little goons, we are going to need as many of them as we can get on our side. Shit is about to get insanely real here in the next few weeks. I’m talking it will move from a “cold” conflict to a “hot” one … we could be seeing violence.
My number one concern is this: What are we going to do about the commies?
Big group of them apparently swarmed convoy participants in Ottawa, stole flags et c. Some of the people had children with them and were subject to hateful screaming and being held hostage for hours.
I think, and I could be wrong or have not thought of things – please correct if I’m wrong – the response should be three fold:
First of all, we need to change tactics, as you said.
When you are not in the group, maybe camoflage your vehicle (do not have flags extended until you are in the group!). We need everyone to be able to GET TO the protest.
“Slow rolls”, as they’ve been called, are probably going to have to end. I was in two of them, through Edmonton. Great time, and easy to bring the kids, but they make us into sitting ducks to these violent leftists. Antifa twitter is suggesting paint, paint stripper, smashing windows with rocks and pellet guns, nails on the road, and of course their own blockades to stop us.
We need to explore other tactics like having 6 trucks stop in traffic and hold up traffic for ten minutes or so and hand out leaflets, and then disappear into traffic. Or dump hard to move junk, like old appliances or junked cars, off flatbeds and all over the road at 5:30 am before rush hour and plant a flag nearby to claim the action. Just some suggestions.
Second, If this ever happens again we need the entire convoy supporter group in the city you’re in to rush to the scene, and begin to mass together and slowly move toward them, and provoke, without being the first to throw punches, the commies. Then when they inevitably retaliate with fists, defend yourselves. Do so in such a way that it is “reasonable force”. You can get within an inch of the commie’s face and if they hit you, take em down. Commies are pussies… Always.
Third, we need to start (if we aren’t already – you might be well ahead of me) tracking who these “locals” (read: local antifa / commies / the leftist degenerate pronoun-trash scene) are. Where they live. We can not allow a small group of communists, ‘anarcho-syndicalists’ and affiliated leftist trash to thwart our efforts to regain our God-given rights.
If any “direct actions” as the commies like to call it – home visits, shall we say – are performed, obviously we aren’t to blame, right… (Some random person must have broken into the commie’s house and smashed his shit in. Wasn’t us. what a shame.) That part is obviously NOT a publicity friendly action. Would need to be performed with a trusted circle, and of course publicly denied. Yes, it’s based to beat up commies, but NO BRAGGING! However, even getting the rumours going that such an operation may be in the works, might be enough to make some think twice.
Just some suggestions – take it easy… and don’t anybody read this and get into trouble!
On February 14, 2022 at 5:43 am, Joe Blow said:
See, this is the rub.
They will pick away, separate, divide, and conquer. Yes, we have numbers on our side, but they will continue being statist thugs until something happens that makes that man behind the badge say “fuck you, No!”
We’re going to have to start shooting people if we want to win
Grok that.
There is no other way.
Everything else is just foreplay. They’re not going to run out of enforcers. They’ll just ship them in from another province, state, or country. The minute you shoot one of these ‘leaders’ in the face, they all have second thoughts. They are cowards, and cannot handle personal violence – its always at a distance.
On February 14, 2022 at 10:07 am, Ed357 said:
I like your thinking……Adapt and Overcome……change tactics……
they start arresting people and confiscating equipment that are stopped and in a blockade change to……
a virtual blockade……no trucks in and out of the city……or……
a rolling blockade……minimum speed for a distance or time……
stop for a time (say 10 mins…..the average police response time)……
then roll at minimum speed for a distance or time……rinse and repeat……
Unintended Consequences
On February 14, 2022 at 10:10 am, MSG Grumpy said:
I wonder if these two tactics might help improve this situation…
As you said the PoPo decides to threaten a trucker with arrest, then the Trucker next to him shows the PoPo his flat tire that has to be changed prior to him complying like a good sheep…(He has helpfully removed the valve stem to eliminate the expense of a broken tire and preventing the fix a flat response)
While PoPo are now engaged with the hour+ process of changing the tire…
Extremely helpful people park BEHIND the PoPo cars and come to help.
Now the PoPo’s are stuck, the cars behind them have no drivers to ticket or arrest and if they call the tow trucks they can magically appear just before hook-up stating they were helping change a tire. (By the way ALL tow truck businesses that “help” PoPo should PAY a massive price for stabbing Canadians and Americans in the back.
In the end this tactic will NOT stop the PoPo, unless enough people help out, then the planned actions to clear the block-aid Grind to a halt and few are ticketed or arrested as they are simply assisting the Truckers comply with getting moving.
MSG Grumpy
On February 14, 2022 at 10:51 am, Longbow said:
Tires can be deflated without causing damage to property. Potatoes make good stocking stuffers and automobiles cannot run if they cannot breathe.
Many Anti-fucks carry I.D. with them. Those I.D.’s have home addresses on them. Anti-fucks have been known to “swarm” a victim. That is a smart tactic. It would be a shame if some worthless dirtbag commie Anti-fuckers attacked a group of peaceful patriots and some noses and fingers and ankles got broken.
I once saw a news story about how some dirtbag got secured to a utility pole with 100 MHP tape. That was funny!
Spray paint can be a useful tool. Anti-fucks hate it when their faces change color without the consent.
All modern phones have video recording capability. Documentaries are fun to watch and can be useful in Court.
Do bears prowl urban areas in Canada? It’s always smart to carry bear spray.
Just some thoughts while sitting here in my Mom’s basement eating Cheetos, and watching… never mind.
On February 14, 2022 at 3:54 pm, free said:
The average police response time in canuckistan is over 20 minutes.
On February 14, 2022 at 8:38 pm, The Wretched Dog said:
Stop delivering food & fuel to blue cities. Let them freeze while they eat each other.
Stop doing contract work for government agencies … Let them figure out how to get stuff done without everyday joes doing the grunt work for them.
Stop – to the greatest extent that you possibly can – using/supporting corporate platforms that are helping enslave you. Eventually, we will have to go low-tech.
Practice Irish Democracy.