Freedom Convoy Update #2
BY Herschel Smith
In Toronto too.
And back in Ottawa.
Ottawa police try to make excuses for trampling an elderly woman. Excuses suck. And this one does too. They wouldn’t have to make excuses if they didn’t do it.
Finally, I’ll observe that there is no insignia or badges or names on the goons on the line. They have de-personed them just as they’ve tried to de-person the protestors. This is what the Bolsheviks did.
On February 19, 2022 at 11:35 pm, Sisu said:
The silence from US politicians and LE unions is DEAFENING.
This is coming to our communities; it does not matter Red or Blue.
There is no where else to “move” and saying “At least I don’t live there …” is cowardice given it is Your country regardless which state is being subverted.
Once you begin to abandon any part of your country, you have lost.
On February 20, 2022 at 12:15 am, Hudson H Luce said:
Your Ottawa video got censored.
On February 20, 2022 at 12:27 am, Herschel Smith said:
Yea I know they don’t want it to be watched on sites you have to go to UTube to watch it. Click on the Utube link on the video.
Stupid, but whatever.
On February 20, 2022 at 8:09 am, Joe Blow said:
Oink oink.
Bang bang.
On February 20, 2022 at 9:26 am, Longbow said:
Officer Friendly will do exactly what his paymaster tells him to do… even if that means murder you. He will do it with joy on his heart. He will go home and sleep well at night.
Remember the Biker “Shootout” at Twin Peaks in Waco a few years ago? Not one Biker was successfully prosecuted for anything. Nine men were shot dead. Several were head shots. All those cops sleep well at night. All those cops are lauded by their comrades. All those cops are worshiped by the “We back the Blue!” crowd.
The Branch Davidians committed mass suicide, right?
If cops are acting predatorily toward the people they “serve”, they nullify lawful authority. Then this will happen more often:
or this:
Another just for giggles…
On February 20, 2022 at 11:14 am, Ron said:
they don’t want you to be able to identify individual police to take action for their unlawful conduct
On February 20, 2022 at 2:31 pm, JoeFour said:
“…there is no insignia or badges or names on the goons on the line.”
The below report may be tin-foil hat stuff or, then again, maybe here’s another so-called “conspiracy theory” come to real life:
On February 20, 2022 at 2:36 pm, MTHead said:
They only use horses when they know the crowd is peaceful. Otherwise a little pepper spray turns horses into very unstable platforms. And can break-up police lines as fast as protesters.
Turdoo is in a catch-22 on this one.
But he appears to be going to the next level. The beginning of the end for globalism.
On February 20, 2022 at 4:52 pm, Joe Blow said:
Interesting info MTHead… Those pocket dispensers could easily be deployed covertly in a crowd like that.
On February 20, 2022 at 6:34 pm, MTHead said:
When you see horses. You know the police won’t be using pepper spray in that area either.
On February 20, 2022 at 9:19 pm, The Annoyer said:
The Pucks like to vacation by us.
It’ll be fun to go roam the …..areas.
Hopin to see some of the Puck Gestapo in there cars.
I wonder if they have them some “Proud Puck Gestapo Member Stickers” they Proudly Display?
Feelin …..annoying.
Hee hee hee.
On February 21, 2022 at 8:48 pm, John Sanford said:
The UN plane at North Bay is there for a very simple reason. The company, Voyageur Aviation, that OWNS IT and contracts it out to the UN is in North Bay, and that’s where they do maintenance on it. This doesn’t mean that they DID NOT bring UN thugs in on the plane. It means that there is a very reasonable, and legitimate and more likely to be accurate reason for it to be there than “bringing in UN thugs”.
On February 21, 2022 at 9:23 pm, JoeFour said:
@ John Sanford “The UN plane at North Bay is there for a very simple reason…”
Many thanks for that information!