Ottawa Police Kidnapping Protesters
BY Herschel Smith
I had initially seen this with no direct reference to a name or a report in the field and was just a bit skeptical, deciding that I wouldn’t post it.
But then this report appeared, and it seems to corroborate the report above from someone to whom it happened.
But I’ll say (somewhat tongue in cheek) that the worst of all of this appears to be that they won’t let the lady in the video below buy coffee.
Beyond the fact that they acted like Nazi thugs (and certainly enjoyed it), this is just too far. If you get between me and my fresh ground black coffee, there’s going to be trouble.
As for the first two reports, if they know they can’t really legitimately arrest protesters and they’re simply dropping them off down the road, that seems to me to be a similar criminal offense to false arrest (and maybe worse).
I believe the formal name for this would be kidnapping.
Anyway, I suspect that “support the blue” thing is rapidly evaporating in Canada with this behavior (just as it is in the U.S. with SWAT raids, asset forfeiture, bad treatment of people who carry firearms, indemnification of police in bad shootings, vocal support for gun control and permitting schemes, and a host of other awful things). I also suspect that for every protester they mistreat or kidnap or trample with horses, they create a thousand new ones. As for the lady who wanted coffee, we should all condemn the cops in complete disgust for that offense.
From the perspective of COIN (counterinsurgency) doctrine, they have learned nothing from the misadventure in Afghanistan.
Then again, neither did our doomed elitists. They can talk about COIN all they want to and write pedantic and silly papers until they’re blue in the face. They never understood it then, and still don’t today. They never knew what they were doing.
Quick example: In Afghanistan they gave Viagra to child molester chieftains so they could continue their abuse, thinking they would make friends, while disgusting our own troops and infuriating the Taliban even more. In the end, no one loved the command structure or brilliant “thinkers” and “strategists.” They were hated everywhere and by everyone.
Western nations are one big gaggle of incompetence and stupidity.
Finally, there is this ridiculous, pretentious finger wagging and sermon-preaching by cops while threatening to bust doors down.
The story is in the comments. Basically, this restaurant owner was about to go out of business because of Covid restrictions. The truckers meant new business, saving his livelihood, while they also helped him clean up. He had given interviews about that, and this is the cops paying him back.
What was that I said about bullying one protester and creating a thousand more?
In the offices of Klaus Schwab: “Call on line 3 … the boy king is in a panic and needs assistance and direction.”
On February 21, 2022 at 3:26 pm, luke2236 said:
People, there is only one way to combat this, and we all know what that is.
(((they))) havent taken our guns in the US – yet. Ammo up cause this is coming soon to a neighbourhood near you, complete with UN thugs.
On February 21, 2022 at 5:27 pm, John Sanford said:
ALL the videos are gone.
On February 21, 2022 at 10:33 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Yea, I’m always well aware of the fact that when I post UTube content, it will possibly disappear.
That’s why I always try to post (embed) Bitchute rather than UTube.
In this case unless I copied it all down (which I didn’t) there’s nothing I can do about it.
A good reader might catch these important videos when they come out and copy them down for reposting later.
I just don’t have the time for it.
On February 22, 2022 at 8:27 pm, Me said:
Look around the site for the vids or links. Ezra Levant published the tweets which were apparently shared with him by a disgusted rcmp member. I’ve seen them and they’re sickening.