Ryan Muckenhirn On Tungsten Super Shot
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 11 months ago
And a change in load means that that the 20 gauge (and even 410) is now being used much more for turkey hunting.
And a change in load means that that the 20 gauge (and even 410) is now being used much more for turkey hunting.
On February 23, 2022 at 6:32 am, Fred said:
Can the 410 be saved? Maybe this will help. They are fun little shot guns and great for boys to learn and grow up on.
On February 23, 2022 at 8:59 am, Rocketguy said:
Reduction in gauge may be a necessity. When I was selling ammo several years ago, an avid turkey hunter bought a case of the Federal 12 ga max velocity, heavier than lead, 3.5″ magnums. A few days later he came back with 48 rounds left in the 50 round case. He said he shot a patterning round out of his Mossberg pump (part of the problem – they’re very light) and it hit him harder than any gun he’d ever fired. Cut the inside of his cheek, made his head spin. He tried a second round just to make sure it wasn’t an issue in how he was holding it. He said no human being needed a round like that and it wasn’t possible to kill them deader than dead.
On February 23, 2022 at 9:28 pm, Levi Garrett said:
The general trend in turkey hunting for the past decade or two seems to have been to see how far away you could kill a turkey. This led to the super-tight specialized choke tubes, 3.5 magnum shells, dedicated shotgun optics, and kill shots of 50+ yards. The recent developments in specialized loads (TSS, Bismuth, etc.) shot out of .410s is certainly interesting. You still gotta be where the turkeys are. I can’t justify the cost of these shells anyway. Tungsten has also found a home in the fishing tackle industry for similar reasons. It has been used as a lead substitute in jigheads and sinkers due to its density and non-toxicity. You can use a smaller-profile sinker or jighead than the equivalent weight lead sinker. This matters to certain bass fishermen when punching baits through thick mats of vegetation. The smaller profile offers less real estate to hang up on weeds.